Chapter 13 - The Trust and the Love

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Chapter  13 – The Trust and the Love


Tia’s POV

“Is this about the baby??” I asked.


Ok, I guess he doesn’t know about the baby..... What he doesn’t know cannot hurt him. So I will pretend to not love him or something like that.

“WHAT???” he repeated thinking that I didn’t hear him.

“What do you mean by what? Did you come here to see whether I’m dead or not? So that you can go back to your family, cry on their shoulders and then be pitied?”

“No, I came to take you back there and anyways I knew you weren’t dead. If you were, I would have felt it.Tia, please come back with me. I need you.”

“Why? Why do you need me? You just thought I was a desperate girl who was dying for your attention from the beginning and you only took me as a duty; as unwanted baggage”

“No, well, yes but that was at the beginning because I didn’t want to get married and I didn’t want any responsibility. I’m not the type you might have dreamed about through your lifetime when you thought about your Prince Charming I felt like I’m stealing your dreams and I didn’t want to do that. But now whether you like it or not, you are going to go with me and stay with me till I die.”

“HUH! You think you are going to be able to drag me out of this place without a fight? You might even get arrested and then when you come back I won’t be here for you!”

He looked murderous. He walked towards me and my heart began to thump faster and faster.......I couldn’t look anywhere but at his dark, dark eyes. He grabbed my hand and started walking towards the door. I tried to break free but he wouldn’t let me go and I struggled and struggled but it didn’t work. I was angry with myself for not having enough strength to fight him.

The anger within me turned into tears. No! I thought I’m not going to cry in front of him and show that I’m weak....... but I was too weak, even to stop my tears which ran down my face. I cried silently while he dragged me towards the door and opened it.

 That’s when he turned to face me and saw tears running down my face. He went still and the anger in his eyes went away and was replaced by something I couldn’t quiet describe. “What’s wrong?? I didn’t mean to hurt you again, I’m sorry” his fingers which had a tight grip on my hand were released. And his fingers touched my chin and he lifted my face to meet his eyes. “I’m sorry” he said again. “Why do you want me to come with you so badly? Why?”

“well I need you there ok?” he said looking away.”Why?” I asked again because it was not enough for me to be dragged there and continue living with a man who does not love me. And I wanted to be sure whether he knew about the baby or not.

“Why do you keep asking me ‘why?’, you silly woman! Do I really have to tell you the bloody reason?”


“Are you so dense that you can’t figure it out already?”


“That I LOVE YOU!!!”

Ah? Wah? I don’t know whether I heard it right. I was rerunning what he said inside my mind when he said “You know, usually in real life when someone says their feelings to the one who needs to know them they should either say whether they return the sentiment or not.”


“Were you listening to everything I was telling you few minutes ago? Or do I have to repeat it again?”


“I said usually when in real life......” “No” I cut in, “the one before you said that.”

 “You want me to repeat that again?”He looked away. When I didn’t say anything he held my shoulders and looked at me. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I was drowning in it when he shook me back into real life and said “don’t go wool gathering on me again and listen carefully because I’m only going to tell you this once. Ok?” I opened my mouth but no words came out of it. So I just nodded.

“I love you; I love you more than I love my life. I just took more time than you to figure it out. When I read your note and found that you won’t be there with me to spend the rest of my life, I felt like there was no use of me living anymore. I want you in my life so badly that I feel like that my heart can barely contain that feeling. I love you. ” he looked at me as if he was waiting for a reply..... What am I to say after he said all the feelings except return them in the most obvious way? I couldn’t contain the happiness inside me anymore and I laughed.

“What, you think this is funny?? I’m telling you my real feelings and you laugh at my face. How nice of you!”  I smiled and went on my tiptoes to reach his face. When I held his face and made him look at my eyes. “I love you too.” And before he could reply me and kissed him. And he didn’t even try to stop me..... he lifted me and tried to whirl me around when I stopped him. He looked confused. Oh how cute he looks when he’s confused. I love him so much. “I’m pregnant” I muttered slowly.

“What? Really?? Oh Tia......I’m so happy! I love you so much!!!” and he started kissing me all over again.....

This time he didn’t stop at kissing.......and I didn’t either!

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