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I watched him as he opened the bag carefully. He was even trying to remove the tape without ruining it. I smiled at this, knowing he must want to keep the packaging I wrapped his gift with.

"Oh wow." He pulled out the dark brown leather jacket I got for him. Nick grinned wide when he put the gift bag away and even stood up to try it on. I let out a sigh of relief when the jacket fit him well. "Thank you."

"I noticed you guys love to layer stuff on and I thought I'd give you something to wear too. I don't have to but..."

"Are you kidding? I'll definitely wear this. Thank you." His usual stoic face was filled with delight. "Thank you. This is amazing."

He took it off and went to put it in his closet. I watched him carefully as he clumsily tried to fold the jacket before putting it inside. Nick turned back to me and joined me on the bed.

"Thank you. And I'm glad you're here. I thought you'd never show." He said softly and I saw a very faint color rise on his cheeks. "But're here."

"I'm here." I giggled softly, "I have news to tell you."

Nick faced me and looked interested so I told him what happened that morning. His face went from interested to excited.

"Yeah? Wow. That's amazing!" Nick wrapped his arms around me, embracing me in his excitement. I was surprised but I didn't argue. If he was extremely excited for me, who am I to say no to this? We were in this position for a few seconds before he realized what he was doing. He let me go and he smiled awkwardly, "Sorry. I was just..."

"Excited." I filled his unfinished sentence.

"Yeah. I... I am excited for you, Y/N." I was a bit touched by this. He seems so genuine about this.

"Thank you." I replied.

There was silence between us after that. The room filled with songs from the garden outside. I lifted my eyes and looked at the boy next to me. He looked relaxed, his face calm, and he doesn't seem to mind the silence at all.

I guess he likes being quiet.

Magazines did talk about the way he was never really a talkative guy. Joe was the people person and Nick was the quiet one. He was a guy of very few words, almost appearing awkward whenever they get interviewed.

I sat there beside Nick, waiting for him to say something.

"I uhh..."

When he started speaking, I looked directly at him. "Yeah?"

"I...uh..." Nick stumbled with his words, making that faint pink coloring of his cheeks appear more. "I'm glad you're here."

"You said that already." I smiled at him.

"Well, I am." Nick seemed to have finally regained his composure. It is so weird to see his personality shift from the awkward boy to the calm and collected guy. "I think you're a good person, Y/N. I really do. And I know Joe is a good judge of character so if he likes you, there must be something amazing about you."

It was my turn to feel flustered.

"I hope that when you reach your dreams, I'll be there to see it." He added. "I think you're capable of good things."

"Thank you, Nick."

Before he could say anything else, Kevin popped by the door, "We'll bring out the cake soon. Come downstairs, you two." He doesn't seem to be surprised to find me in his brother's room.

"Yeah, thanks Kev."

Kevin left. Nick and I followed him downstairs. Once we joined the guests, Mrs. Jonas brought out Nick's birthday cake. Everyone sang Nick a happy birthday before he blew the candles. After that, Joe pushed Nick's face on the cake which Frankie captured on camera.

"Damn it Joe. You keep on ruining my clothes with food." The third Jonas brother grumbled.

Joe laughed, "Well, what can I say? Anything else I can add to that outfit will make it less boring."

"Oh Joe. Is this why you asked me to make two?" Mrs. Jonas tsked before looking at her third son, "Go and change Nick. I'll just cut the other cake."

The guests went back to the party and Joe pulled me to the kitchen. "Hey mom, this is Y/N."

"Oh! The boys told me all about you." Mrs. Jonas gave me a sweet smile before turning to the cake - the not ruined one - on the counter. She started cutting it before glancing at me, "Would you like a piece, Y/N?"

"Yes please. That looks good." I nodded. I watched her put the slices on plates which Joe helped her give out to guests.

"So...tell me...what do you think about our Nicky?" She asked casually and Joe, who just entered, started laughing again.

"Mom. Please." I heard Nick's voice. He appeared beside me, looking both amused and clean. "She's my friend. I don't want her to be weirded out by my family."

Joe leaned on the counter, "Oh please, she fits right it." He sent me a wink and turned to Nick, "Nice jacket. Is it new?"

I whipped my head towards Nick to fully take in his appearance. He was wearing the jacket I got him.

"It was a gift." Nick commented before he glancing at me. "Definitely one of my favorite gifts of the bunch."

Joe protested, "Hey, I got you a good one."

"You got me shoes, Joe."
"Yeah, they were your size and everything!"
"They were my shoes! You got them from my closet!"

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