Weird Feelings

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Alexis's POV:

The next morning when I woke up I did my morning routine and then went downstairs to work out. After I was done I went back up to my room and showered and got ready for the day even though I wasn't going anywhere. I grabbed my phone and laptop and went downstairs.

"Good morning." I heard from behind me I turned around and it was Alexander from last night. In a weird way I felt I could trust him and that is weird for me but in stead of pushing the feeling away I welcomed it with open arms for some reason.

"Morning." I said with a stone face.  I turned back to my online. My phone buzzed and I looked at my phone.

Unknown: hey princess! Miss me?

My heart stopped the only person that ever called me that was my ex.

Me: who are you?!

Unknown: I think you know very well who I am princess.

Me: what do you want?! Leave me alone!

Unknown: why would I do that princess and I want YOU!

That was all it took I shut my laptop and got up and looked for my dad. He was in the kitchen. My dad and mom looked up and so did Christopher.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Of course what is it? You look terrified."

"He's back." I said.

"Who?" Christopher asked.

"Sweetie I'm sure it's nothing. But why do you say this." My mom spoke.

"All day yesterday I felt like I was being followed. And it didn't stop until I came here and then I got a text." I said. I handed my dad the phone. His face turned serious and killer like.

"Again I will ask for the last time who?" Christopher stated getting upset. Again I felt that trust thing happen again.

"His name is Kyle." My mom said. My dad got up and as he was walking out Alexander was walking in. He looked really confused.

"Who texted you?" Alexander asked me.

"His name is Kyle and he's not a good person in any way shape or form." I said.

"Oh my God!" My mom exclaimed.

"What?!" Christopher and Alexander said at the same time.

"You just talked to someone that you don't know." She said as her face was shocked.

"If we're going to make a big deal out of this I'm just gonna go to school." I stated. And soon regretting.

"Wait! Why aren't you at school?!" She asked.

"Shit!" I mumbled. "I just didn't feel like going because I had a really bad feeling something was going to happen." I said and shrugged it off. She said ok.  After five minutes my dad came back in and gave me my phone back and we all sat down and ate.

"So yesterday night did you break the bag?" My dad asked chuckling. I looked away.

"Maybe." I said. My parents bursted into laughter.

"What do you guys mean 'broke the bag'? Christopher asked.

"She has this habit where when she uses a punching bag she breaks it." My dad said once they stopped laughing. Alex and Chris both looked at me in shock. I shrugged and got up and put my stuff in the sink. I went into the living room. And sat down watching Netflix. About an hour later my parents left and asked Chris and Alex to protect me. Wait. Did I just give them nicknames?! What the hell is wrong with me?

"So what's your name?" Alex asked me.

"I'm Alexis. And your Christopher Knight leader of the Italian Mafia. And your Alexander Black second in command." I said still looking at the tv. I could see them stare at me in shock in my peripheral vision.

"Your smart." Chris stated. I nodded. Chris came and sat beside me. I continued watching tv. Eventually I got bored and tired. I laid my head on his shoulder and felt him tense up. My head shot back up.

"Sorry." With that I got up and went into my bedroom. After an hour Alex came in and we talked about everything and anything getting to know each other. And I found out that they are childhood best friends. After he left Chris walked in and leaned against the door frame.

"Sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I said looking up at him he chuckled and sighed.

"You didn't make me uncomfortable mia cara. People don't normally want to be close to me. Im feared remember." He said and I laughed. He looked at me weird.

"What?" I asked him.

"Your smiles beautiful mi amore." He said.

" You are aware I understand Italian right?" I said he looked shocked but quickly regained composure.

"Remind me not to under estimate you." He smirked and winked. I nodded and he left. After a couple hour my parents came home and Kyle was now dead. After all of that I let sleep consume me.

Christopher's POV:

There is something about Alexis that makes me want her. She has such a gorgeous smile. And her laugh is like music to my ears. Ugggg. I can't have a weakness. But then again she is fucking strong as hell. I don't think she noticed me watching her break that punching bag. I decided I would talk to her father about her coming back to California with me. With that in mind I went downstairs and knocked on his office door. Even though I'm the boss I still respect his privacy.

"Come in" he said. I walked in and he looked up. " What can I do for you Mr. Knight." He asked.

"I was wondering about taking your daughter back to California with me."

"That's not my decision to make. It's hers. But saying as though she is talking to Mr. Black. And yourself I wouldn't worry about it. But I don't recommend forcing her." He said. I nodded and walked out. I walked back upstairs. I knocked on Alex's door he came to the door.

"Hey man. What's up?" He asked as we sat down on the couch in the room.

"I wanna take Alexis back to California." I stated.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"There's something about her. And I want her and I will have her but her dad recommend we don't force her. She so beautiful and kind even though she has a tough act." I said sighing.

"Bro your whipped and you don't even know her like I do." He said I glared.

"What the fuck do you mean like I do?" I asked getting pissed.

"Chill. And we sat down in her bedroom and we talked about alot. Nothing to personal but the basics." He said.

"Ok. Anyway night man." I said and got up and went back to the room I was staying in. And I crashed.

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