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Alexis's POV:

The next morning I woke up remembering what happened last night. I highly doubt anyone is going to remember saying they were all drunk off there asses. With that thought in my mind I got up and showered and got dressed. I put on some shorts with a t-shirt. I walked downstairs and grabbed an apple and water and went into my office. I started working and after I was done I just stayed in my office. I just ended up watching Netflix on my laptop. After the movie was done I was hungry so I shut down my laptop and walked out. I walked into the kitchen and Chris was there. I went to the fridge and grabbed some fruit.

"Did you actually do it?" Chris said.

"Do what?" I asked playing dumb. Talking a bit of my fruit.

"Did you actually try to kill yourself?" He asked. I sighed.

"Yes. I did." I said hanging my head low.

"Why did you?" He asked. I know he cares so I'm going to tell him the truth.

"Because when I got kidnapped the first time. I was coming home from Leo's apartment because every Friday night, he and I had a movie night. I was walking out of the apartment complex and someone grabbed me and covered my mouth with something. When I tried to fight I need up breathing in the chloroform. And everything went black. Anyway. Long story short I felt disgusted in myself. And then I called Jace and he didn't pick up. So I assumed he was sleeping. The next week neither of them were at school. Then Leo came back and said Jace moved. He didn't even tell me. But anyway. I ended up trying to. My mom came in and stopped me. She sat with me and everything." I said. I sighed and got up. I started walking away but he pulled me back.

"I'm glad you didn't. Your amazing." He said looking me in the eyes. I nodded. He pulled me to the couch and we cuddled. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to someone lifting me up. I soon felt being laid on my bed and I heard the door close.

When I woke up it was early in the morning. I don't know how I slept so long. I showered and went downstairs. I feel better now that I've told Chris about that part in my life. But I can't help but think that he'll leave me too. Just like Leo and Jace and Tessa did. But at this point if I lose him I think I'd turn into a cold-hearted bitch again. And I don't think anyone wants that. Now that I'm thinking about it I haven't heard from Tessa in a while. She's probably busy with her job and her daughter. Tessa and I had met when she was going out with Jace but they broke up but we stayed friends. I hope she's doing good. I sat down at the dinning room table and surprisingly everyone was up. I sat down and started eating while they were conversing with each other. I then noticed that Chris wasn't here.

"Where's Chris?" I asked. Alex looked guilty.

"Uh I don't know." Alex said. I looked at everyone else and they shrugged. I got up and started to leave. "Where are you going?" Alex asked quickly.

"My study." I said. He sighed and believed me. Fucker. Ha. I'm not going to my study I'm going in Chris's. Dumbass. I got halfway there and heard moaning. I opened his study door. And seen him with some blonde bimbo.

"What .the. fuck." I said dryly feeling tear coming up.

"Alexis I can explain." Chris said.

"Don't. bother." I said and walked out. I went into the kitchen and grabbed my food and out it next to the sink. I walked out.

"Lex-" Chris started.

"Don't fucking bother boss." I said. I went back to my office and shut the door. I sat down and started doing extra work. A little while later there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said coldly. In walked Leo . " What do you need Cullen's?"

"What happened?!" Leo exclaimed.

"Doesn't matter what's done is done." I said coldly again.

"What'd Chris do?!" He said.

"It's doesn't fucking matter!" I said.

" It does if it's affecting you!" He said back. I stood up and walked out of my office. Everyone was in the living room. I walked passed. "Alexis Amber Rose! Talk to me!" Leo said. I whipped around and faced him.

"How about you go fuck yourself! I said it doesn't fucking matter and if you really want to fucking know so badly go ask Alex or Chris!" I yelled. I turned around and went upstairs. And for the first time in weeks I feel nothing except pain. I'm so sick of this.

Three weeks has went by and I don't talk to anyone except for if we're on a mission. And when I do I call them by there last names. And I called Chris boss. I still feel pain but not as much. I have been drinking alot more. And for once in my life I wished I didn't have a high alcohol tolerance. I want to be able to forget. Forget the pain. Leo and Jace are the only ones I talked to out side of work related stuff. I am currently just getting finished with my work in my office and it's late. It's like 1 in the morning. I walked out of my office after turning everything off. I heard talking from inside his office so I put my ear to the door.

"Come on baby. She's not going to find out."

"I don't care. I hurt her once and now I think I've lost her forever because of you." He said. True dat. I stopped listening and went upstairs. At least he knows he hurt me. Right? I don't know. I showered and went to bed.

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