Secrets revealed

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Warning! Actions of rape and abuse! Read at own risk!

Alexis's POV:

It's been a week since everything happened. Chris has been sucking up. Not that I'm complaining. Jace is coping better. Whenever Chris isn't working he's with me. And today he is going with me to pick up Jack and Izzy. Chris, the guys and I have been working on the rooms for them. Chris wanted to surprise me and he did...somewhat. I walked in while he was working on the nursery. After that it took alot of begging to get him to let me help them. Sighing I step out of the shower and wrap the towel around myself. I dried off and got dressed. I put on some high waisted blue jeans, a tank top, flannel and converse. I can't wait to see the look on all of there faces. Jace and Leo are the only one beside my parents that have seen me dress not like a badass. But hey who cares. I grab my stuff and go downstairs. Everyone was at the table. I walked in and no one noticed me. I quickly and quietly sat down. Everyone one was talking to eachother. I decided to scare them.

"What y'all talking about?" I asked and everyone jumped and I busted out laughing. Adam looked impressed. Jace and Leo looked scared shitless. Jayden was laughing with me. Alex was sweating profanities under his breath. Chris was just looking at me which was creepy.

"Run darling." Chris said with a smirk. I took no time in getting up and running out the back door into the yard. I soon felt someone picking me up around the waist. I started laughing uncontrollably. He set me down and turned me around. I still had the biggest smile on my face. He looked amused,but was also smiling down at me. Fuck! I have never felt so god damn short. I am 5'8 while he's like 6'4/5 like god damn.

"Did you enjoy your morning fright?" I asked looking up at him.

"I think it was impressive how quiet you are." He said leaning down. But before he could kiss me I took off running towards the house. "HEY! GET BACK HERE!" He shouted. I kept running. I ran into the house and into the dinning room.

"Hide me Leo!" I said. He stood up hide me.

"Where is she?" I heard him say.

"Don't know man." Jace said.

"Leo." Chris said.

"Yes?" He said innocently.

"Move." Chris said. I took this chance to take of. Suddenly I was caught.

"Chris I caught your girl." Alex said.

"Fuck you Alex! Put me down!" I yelled. Chris smirked.

"I think you should be locked in your room for being a bad girl." He said.

"Hey man that's not a good idea." Leo said. Chris nodded and Alex took up stairs. "Chris I'm telling you don't lock her in there!" Leo yelled.

"CHRIS! IM NOT KIDDING IF YOU LOCK ME IN THERE I WILL NOT TALK TO YOU!" I yelled as Alex threw me in the room I heard the lock. I sighed and threw myself on the bed.

I heard the door unlock and Kyle came in. I started trying to get out of the chains.

"No! Please don't do this!" I cried.

"Oh I'm going to!" He yelled slapping me. Hard. He started to take off his clothing and I cried harder. He got on the bed and slammed himself into me. I screamed.

"Alexis wake up!"

Every thrust hurt. Every hit hurt worse. I feel so useless.

"You feel so tight baby." He said thrusting harder.

"Stop! Please!" I yelled.

"ALEXIS AMBER ROSE WHAT THE HELL UP!" Jace yelled. My eyes shot open. I couldn't breathe.

"What the hell was that?!" Chris asked.

"No kidding!" Jayden added.

"I warned you not to lock her in the room." Leo said.

"I didn't know this would happen!" Chris exclaimed.

"ALL OF YOU SHIT THE FUCK UP!" Alex said. Jace started walking towards me.

"D-don't t-touch me." I said backing off the bed. Tears were streaming down my face. I hate this I'm so stupid. " L-leo." I said. He understood what I meant he same over to me. He picked me up and took me into the bathroom he put me in the shower with my clothes on and turned on the cold water.

"Your ok." He said. I nodded. "I'm going to call your parents and ask them to keep them for a couple days. Your gonna need it." He mumbled the last part under his breath. Chris walked in. "I'm gonna go call them." He said. I didn't respond. I could now feel the cold water so that was a good thing.

"I'm so so sorry. I didn't know that would happen." He spoke out side of the shower. I turned the water off. And walked past him. I knew I could trust him and I felt safe with him I just wanted to get out of my wet clothes. I went in my closet and shit the door.

"No stupid shit Lexi!" Jace shouted. I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me. I put on sweats and Chris's t-shirt. I walked out and went to the door. I walked out and went downstairs. I grabbed a bottle of water and painkiller. My head hurt like a bitch. I walked back up and everyone was still there and Leo was back. I sat down on my bed and took the painkillers.

"I called your parents and they were ok with it. I also called Blake. He'll be over in a bit." Leo said. I nodded.

"Whose Blake?" Chris asked turning red.

"He's like a father to her. He basically raised her. But I'm not saying anything else unless Lexi says it's ok." Jace says looking at me. I nodded and got up and went to the place I felt safest. Chris's arms. I went up to him and wrapped my arms around him. He picked me up and I wasn't expecting it so I squealed. He chuckled. Everyone took at seat.

"Ok so Blake is the like a father to her as I said. He raised her. When he found out about how her adoptive dad treated her. He was livid. He ended up taking he away from there and training her until she lost McKenzie then they both decided to look for her parents. So don't worry man you've got nothing worry about. And saying that even though she was fucking terrified to even let me touch her at first. Feel lucky that she is even clinging to you. Last time this happened she wouldn't let anyone besides us touch her for at least three months. And if you did then she'd a. Freak out. Or b. Kick your ass so bad your hospitalized." Jace said. Everyone nodded and they just stayed there. Just to be with me. They were my family. I curled further into Chris if that even possible and fell into a dreamless sleep in the safe arms of my everything.

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