Meeting an old 'friend'

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Alexis's POV:

"Well I'll let you get settled in and then tomorrow you can meet the guys." Chris said after we pulled apart. I nodded in response. He walked out the door. I sighed and started unpacking. After I was done with my clothes I moved to the bathroom. After the I set up and computer at the desk and decided to call her only friend Leo. It's my nickname for him. His actual name is Leonardo. I'm the only one who gets to call him that because he's always so serious. But maybe I could see him again seeing as though a few months before this he had moved to California. Anyway....back to what I was doing. I clicked call. On the second ring he picked up.

"Hello." He sound sleepy and I kinda felt guilty.

"Hey Leo. Sorry if I woke you up."

"What are you kidding I always want to here my best friends voice." He said.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Good. How about you?"

"Eh. Aside from getting kidnapped again. I'm fine. And don't worry my parents already found me." I heard his sigh in relief.

"Anyway I would love to stay on the phone but I've got work in the morning I love you."

"Alright. I love you too Leo." After that I hung up and desires to shower and then get some sleep. After I showered I laid in bed. You might be wondering how Leo deals with my attitude? Well I don't really know either Soo.. I'm about as clueless on the as you are. When I first started high school I was the same cold hearted bitch. I met Leo and his brother Jace. But even though I did everything my power to push them away, they stayed. After awhile I trusted them and they were the only two people aside from my parents that were able to break down my wall. When I was in junior year I was in a bad place with my depression and everything. The only person that stuck by my side threw that was Leo. I called Jace one day and he didn't answer later I find out he left without saying a word. I was so hurt that I need up burning almost everything that was a reminder of him. And after that I didn't trust anyone new. At least until now. I sigh and closed my eyes and let sleep consume me.

When I woke up it was around 10am. So I decided to get up and shower. After I showered I got dressed in black high waisted jeans a white top with my combat boots. I pulled on my leather jacket to pull the outfit together. There was a knock on the door and Chris came in.

"You ready to meet the guys?" He asked.

"Yep." I said popping the 'p'. He nodded and lead me downstairs. We got into the kitchen.

"Guys this is-" Chris started but was cut of.

"Alexis?" I knew that voice. I looked to see Jace. Yes the once 'best friend' Jace.

"Anyway don't interrupt me again Cullen's." Chris said. I kept a straight face.

"Y-yes sir." Jace said.

"As I was saying guys. This is Alexis. Alexis this is Jayden, Jace, Adam, and Leonard should be here in a minute. And of course you already know Alex." Chris said. But I couldn't help but wonder if it was my Leo.

"So how do you know Lexi Jace?" Alex asked.

"I'm not sure how to explain that. But long story short. When you called me and told me the I'd have to live with you. I had to leave." Jace said pointing at Chris. We heard the door open and close and in came that asswhole Leo. I'm beyond pissed. He came in and sat next to Jace.

"Leonardo I would like you to met the girl I was telling you about. Alexis." He looked over to me and got up and came to me.

"Don't fucking touch me! You knew this whole god damn time and you never said a word. You knew how it hurt me but yet you didn't say anything! Not even when I called you! I've called you over 300 times in the past 3 months because I thought you were my best friend. But clearly I was mistaken because you really have just been lying to me the whole time!"I shouted. Chris put his arm around me trying calm me down. I shrugged his arm off. "I'm sorry. I don't want you to be the thing I punch." I said walking up stairs to my room. I opened the door and grabbed my keys and wallet.  I walked back out and shut my door. I walked downstairs into the kitchen where everyone still was.

"It was nice meeting the rest of you." I said with an emotionless face. They nodded and I walked out. Before I could get to the door someone pinned me to the wall. I was about to lose my shit but I seen it was Chris.

"Don't leave." Chris stated.

"Why?" I said lowly. I started feeling butterflies. WTF?! I don't feel butterflies.

"Because it is dangerous." He said. Alright that killed the mood. I pushed him off.

"I'll be fine. I'll be back when I cool off." I said. But secretly I was going to go to my parents house.

"How long?"

"What?" I asked.

"How long will that take?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said and walked out and into my bike. I drove to my parents house. Thankfully I had clothes here already from when we visited here once. When I got there I explained what happened and I told my mom about the butterflies and she told me it was ok. After we all talked and ate dinner I went upstairs and laid down and went to sleep. I felt alot better I wasn't mad anymore. I just felt sad that Leo didn't tell me. And sad the Jace left when I was at my lowest. With those thoughts in mind I drifted into the darkness called sleep.

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