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Christopher's POV:

She ended up passing out on my chest. I didn't care. I still can't believe that she asked me if she could move to California with us. I was beyond shocked and so was Alex. And her parents. But none the less they agreed.

"Mr. Knight." Her dad said breaking me out of my thoughts.


"I just wanted to let you know that the last time she got kidnapped she closed her self off to everyone including us. Thankfully we got there in time before anything happened. But she'll close herself off for a little bit. Until she knows she's safe again." He said looking in the review mirror and then looking back at the road.

"Thank you for letting me know." I said and pulled out my phone.

Me: How fast can you and the boys set up a bedroom near mine and Alex's in the colors Navy blue or purple?

Jayden: umm. since we have the bed and everything already and all we would need is the colors. I'd say a day and half. Why?

Me: Alex and I will be bringing home the girl I told you about.

Jayden: The one that got kidnapped?

Me: yes.

Jayden: please tell me your not going to kidnap her and make her go threw more?

I chuckled lightly to myself.

Me: No. She asked if she could come.

Jayden: Really?! And she knows your the leader of the Italian Mafia?!!!!

Me: yes. Actually I didn't need to tell her that she figured it out on her own which shocked the hell out of me. But don't feel bad bro I was shocked as well.

Jayden: damn bro. Anyway we'll get started on the room. Bye boss.

Me: thank you and bye.

I put my phone back. Soon we were back at her parents house. I picked her up taking her carefully out of the car. I walked into the house with her and went up to her room. And set her down. When I tried to get her to let go she won't budge.

"Stay. Please." She said sleepily. I said ok and slid into the best next to her and she automatically curled up to me. After a little while my eyes started felling heavy and I let sleep consume me.

Alexis's POV:

I woke up and hoped that being saved wasn't a dream. I opened my eyes and I was cuddled up to Chris. I must have asked him to stay. I just don't see why he would. I shrugged it off and got out bed barely. I put work out clothes on and went downstairs. And into the gym. At this moment I feel nothing but discussed with myself. Every kick every punch. Was me turning off every and all emotions....again. Don't get me wrong I like feeling happy but the moment I start feeling happy something happens and all of it goes out the window. So why feel? Why open yourself up to getting hurt? Why does it always happen to me? Why the hell does the world hate me so fucking much? As the questions swarmed in my mind I hit the punching bag harder and harder each time. Until it broke. I drug it to where the others are. I then went upstairs to my room. I grabbed an outfit and went into the bathroom and showered. I scrubbed so hard my skin turned red. I kept scrubbing until I finally felt like his hands weren't on me anymore. After I stepped out and got dressed. I walked out and seen Chris still sleeping. I took a chance and took a picture of it. It was adorable. I put my phone back in my pocket and walked into my closet. I grabbed my suitcases and started packing. I pack half of my clothes because there was no way in hell I'm bringing all of my clothes. After that I took both of the suit cases and put them by my desk. I then packed my computer bag quietly. I heard a groan. And turned around to see Chris finally waking up. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the room frantically. I held in my chuckle. His eyes landed on me and he sighed. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow at him. He shrugged and got up walking towards me. He kissed my forehead.

"I see your all packed." He said with an amused smirk.

"Not really. Still have girl things." I said.

"Anyway I'm going to shower." He said cringing.

"Wait. When are we leaving? Because I have to go grab my jewelry box from Krystal." I said.

"Well technically Alex and I were supposed to leave an hour ago." He said looking at his watch.


"Don't be. And tomorrow morning and if you need someone to go with you I'll be more than willing." He said.

"Thanks but I'll probably just use my car and go get it and come back." I said. He nodded and walked out. Once my door closed I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I sighed and put on my sneakers. And grabbed my keys and walked out. I let my parents know where I was going and headed out. I got there and got out. I walked in the house and went straight back to the bedroom. Ignoring there calls for me. I grabbed my jewelry box and went out.

"Where do your think your going?! Your grounded young lady." Krystal questioned.

"I'm moving." I said emotionlessly.

"You cant-"

"Actually I can! I am 18! I don't need to be here and not do I want to!" I stated cutting her off. I stormed out.

"If you leave don't come back!"

"Don't fucking plan on it." I said getting in the car and driving off. I got home and brought in the box. And set it upstairs by my suit cases and went back downstairs. I sat down on the couch next to Chris. All of us ended us talking and laughing and surprisingly I wasn't faking it. It was real. My laughs and smiles, were all real. My parents decided that they would be flying to California with us and then they would go to the house they have there. I ended the night with a big ass smile on my face and best of wasn't fake. It was the realest smile I've had in a long time. I tried sleeping on my own but failed. I left my room and snuck into Chris's. I carefully laid down and cuddled up to him and I heard his chuckle.

"Night princess." He said.

"Night prince charming." I said. After that I let darkness consume me. And for the first time in a long time I didn't feel bad about my self. I felt pretty damn good about myself.

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