Ninja Turtle?

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Alexis's POV:

I woke up the next morning and groaned. I tried to get up but was failing at it because of Chris's arm. After about five minutes of me trying to get out of his death lock. I finally did. I went into my closet and out an outfit and went to shower. Once I was done in the shower I walked back out and decided to go downstairs. I exited my bedroom. I went downstairs and everyone was downstairs except for Alex and Chris. So instead I decided to go thank the guys for putting the room together. I walked into the living room.

"Thank you." I said with seemed to catch everyone off guard including Jace and Leo because the jumped. I raised my eyebrow at that action.

"What are you a motherfucking ninja turtle?" Jayden exclaimed.

"Could be but I guess we'll never know." I said sitting beside Adam. "Anyway thank you guys for doing the room it's perfect." I continued.

"No problem." Jayden,Adam and Jace said at the same time. Damn.

"So tell about yourself." Adam said. The rest of them nodded and all while Jace and Leo looked down guilty.

"Well there's not much to know." I said." But I'm 18. I can be a cold hearted bitch when I wanna be. I like boxing."

"You any good?" Jayden asked.

"In boxing?" I asked playing it cool.

"Yeah. Are you any good?" Jayden said.

"I'm good ig. Why you up for getting your ass kicked?" I said. He snorted.

"Like you could kick my ass. Your like half my size." Jayden said.

"Ok bet. Go put work out clothes on and we'll met in the ring in 20." I said getting up and Jace and Leo followed me. I went upstairs to my room and I grabbed workout clothes and came out. They were waiting. I shut the door quietly. And we started for the gym.  When I got in there everyone was in there. I stepped into the ring. They told us that it's whoever gets pinned first for 5 seconds. We heard the door open and it was Chris and Alex. Chris raised his brow at me. I turned my attention back to my opponent.

"Go." Leo said.

Christopher's POV:

Alex woke me up to say that everyone was in the gym and Jayden was in the ring waiting for someone. We walked in and everyone turned towards us and I seen Alexis. I raised my brow at her. I'm kinda worried not going to lie because I don't want her getting hurt.

"Go." Leonardo said.

In the next second he threw a punch and she dodged it and punched him in the gut. For then next 15 mins he's only punched her once and he looked about ready to burst because he's our best fighter. Finally he got in another hit. Lexi punched his stomach and then tripped him and pinned him down.

"And time." Leonardo said. Alexis got up and walked to me.

Alexis's POV:

I got out of the ring and walked over to Chris.

"So, how'd I do?" I asked him. Both him and everyone else even jace looked shocked.

"Wow." Is all he said.  Leo came over and high fived me.

"So. Does this mean I can join?" I asked Chris.

"No." He said.

"Why not? You know I can fight because I clearly just best the shit out of your best fighter. So why not?!" I said getting a little mad.

"Because it's dangerous. And the mafia world was not meant for somebody with so much innocence as you!" He spat back. Leo and Jace snorted and started laughing.

"What the hell is so funny?!" Alex and the rest of them asked. I turned around and gave them a glare and they stopped laughing.

"This bitch is anything but fucking innocent." Jace stated.

"Look I said it's to dangerous for you. I can't risk you getting hurt you mean to much to me!" Chris said.

"Bullshit! Nothing is to dangerous if you have the right training! But you know what it's your choice. I'm done." I said bitterly looking him in his eyes and I walked out of the gym and went to my room. Once I got to my room I locked the door and showered and got dressed. I decided to read a little to calm myself down. After while there was a knock on the door. I sighed and got up and seen it was Alex. I kept my face stone cold.

"Chris wants to see you in his study." He said. I nodded and followed him. I knocked on the door and heard come in. I opened the door and then closed it.

"Sit." He said. And I did so. " You and I will go get the tattoo along with any other tattoos you may want." He said.

"Ok. And not that I'm not happy but what changed your mind?" I said.

"Jace and Leonardo. They really seem sorry for keeping that secret and they must have really wanted you forgiveness because they came in here and told me that you of all people can do it and then they said something about ninja turtles? But anyway my point is, is that you can join and saying you've already beat one of our best fighters the first part is done. Second part is making sure you know how to throw knifes and shoot guns. But according to Jace, Leonardo and your parents your excellent in that area. And the last but not least getting the tattoo. So after you get the tattoo tomorrow you'll officially be in the gang." He said and concluded his speech.

"Ok." I said. I went around the desk and hugged him. He kissed my forehead and told me to go to sleep. And that I did. I was excited. And tomorrow I'd tell Jay and Leo that I forgive them.

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