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Alexis's POV:

It has been a week since I have officially joined the gang so far I just do the tracking and shit. Its kinda frustrating, I mean I wanna be able to go out in the field with them. But tonight will prove them wrong. Tonight is my trial run. Basically I have to act like a slut and distract someone while they get information. But at the moment I am getting lectured on what I should and shouldn't do. I'm not going to lie I've gone over our plan so many times I've got ever single aspect memorized. So there for I have zoned out. But the past week Chris and I have gotten really close.

"Is everyone clear on the plan?" Chris said.

"Yes boss." We all responded. He nodded.

"Dismissed. Go get ready for the mission." Chris said. We all nodded and left. I went up to my room and searched for the outfit that I used when I used to go to the bar. Once I found it I grabbed my matching leather jacket because God knows this man I'm supposed to be distracting cannot see my mafia tattoo. Once I laid the out fit on the bed I then showered and got ready.

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This is my outfit and my shoes

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This is my outfit and my shoes. Once I was done getting ready I grabbed my handbag and put a little hand gun in it. I then went downstairs where everyone was hanging out until we had to leave. When I walked into the living room and all eyes were on me.

"Wow." Jayden said.

"You look beautiful babygirl." Chris said.

" Damn girl." Alex said.

" Is that the outfit you wore when you met Kyle?" Jace asked. I froze in my place.

"Shut up dumbass." Leo said and hit the back of Jace's head.

"No it's fine. And it is." I said. Chris got up and walked over to me. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. He kissed my forehead. And we decided to leave. While in the van we were all given ear pieces. When we arrived at the club I went in.

"Your target is at the bar. " Alex said. So I walked to the bar and sat down next to the target.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked.

"Whiskey neat." I said. He nodded and walked off.

"Rough day?" The target asked me.

"You have no idea." I said. The bartender came back with my drink. I said thank you and he left again.

"So what's a sexy lady like your self doing here alone?" The target asked.

" Needed to get a drink or more." I replied gulping down my drink in one shot.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I caught my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend." I said and ordered another.

"Really Lex?" Chris said. I had to hold back a laugh.

"Well then he doesn't know what he's missing." He said.


"Why don't we go up to my office and have a drink?" He said.

"Sure. I'd love to." I replied. He lead me upstairs and to his office he poured us a drink. While he wasn't paying attention I slipped the serum into his drink.

"So what's your name." He asked drinking the drink in one go.

"Amelia Heart." I said.

"Philip Light." He said. I could tell the serum was taking affect. "What'd you do to my d-drink?"

"I don't know what you mean." I said innocently. He passed out. I took this time to complete my mission. And by that I mean I killed him.

"It's done." I said.

"Ok. Get out of there and we'll take care of the rest." Jayden said.


I walked out of his office and back downstairs into the club. Once down there I left. I went into the van. Everyone congratulated me on the success. After they finished we head back. Once there I changed out of my clothes and into sweat pants and a t-shirt. I went downstairs. I sat down on the couch and scrolled threw social media. A little while later the guys came down. Chris sat beside me and we started watching movies. After a little bit we ordered pizza and Leo and Jace went out to get it. After 20mins they were back. We ate and watched more movies.

"So Lex, what's your favorite movie?" Jayden asked.

"The Babysitter." I said.

"You mean you like that horror movie?" Jayden looked shocked.

"Yes. I do. Is that a problem?" I said raising my eyebrow.

"No. Not at all. Most girls don't like horror movies." Jayden explained.

"In case you haven't noticed I'm not most girls." I said to him.

"True that." Jayden said chuckling.

"So have you always been this carefree?" Alex asked.

"No. The only reason I'm this carefree at the moment and have been is because someone other than my two best friends is starting to break down my walls." I said. They all nodded. Chris pulled me closer.

"Why don't we play Never have I ever?" Jayden suggested.

"Ok." The rest of us said at the same time. He got up and got shot glasses and alcohol. We all sat got around the coffee table with the alcohol in the middle and our shot glasses in front of us.

"Ok. Me first. Never have I ever got so waisted that I couldn't stand." Leo said. Everyone took a shot except me. They all looked at me.

"I have an extremely high alcohol tolerance." I explained. They nodded and we continued. About halfway through the game almost everyone was waisted and I was only a little bit waisted.

"Never have I ever wanted to die so bad that I tried." Alex said slurring on his words. Me, Jace and Leo took a shot. Everyone was looking at us.

"I'm going to bed." I said and got up and went upstairs. I went into my room and showered and went to bed.

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