Hanging out

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Alexis's POV:

The next morning I woke up and called the school to switch to online schooling instead.  For some reason I didn't want to leave. Partly because of my parents and in a weird way because of Alex. I didn't like him. Like that at least. But in a weird way it was always because there's something about Chris that makes me..... comfortable around him and in some weird sense......safe.  I sigh and got up and put my work out clothes on. I grabbed my phone and speaker and went to the work out room. When I got there Chris was down there. Not even going to lie he is fine as hell. But he didn't need to know that. So I went to the bench and sat down and wrapped my knuckles. After doing that I went to the second punching bag and started punching and kicking. I took out all of my frustration on the bag. After a while I felt eyes on me but ignored it and continued releasing my anger on the bag. After a little bit it broke after my last kick. I went and sat down on the bench and drank water.

"Damn mi amor" Chris said chuckling. "When your parents said you break the bag I didn't think they meant that literally." He said. I blushed a little bit from the nickname. Wait! Why am I reacting? I brushed it off. And stood up and left. And went back to my room and showered and got ready for the day. I grabbed my laptop and sat down at my desk and started on the school work.

~An hour later~

I finished my school work. I sighed and got up and went downstairs. I went into the kitchen and seen nothing that looked editable. I walked up stairs and grabbed my purse and keys. And walked back down.

"Where you going cara mia?" Chris asked looking up from his laptop.

"Going to go get something to eat. And more than likely back to my house. Knowing Krystal she's fucking freaking out about where I am." I said with a stone expression.

"Well since you don't seem to excited to go back why don't we go grab a bite to eat and then hang out?" Chris asked. He looked nervous which was really funny.

"Ok sure." I said and he sighed with... relief? He got up and grabbed his jacket. We both walked out to his car. He opened the door before I could. "thank you." He nodded and I got in. And he shut the door and went to the driver side and got in. He pulled out of the driveway. After we decided to get Starbucks we went in and ordered. We both went back to the car and went to a park to eat.

"So. Why dont you live with your parents?" Chris asked after. Awhile of silence.

"To dangerous. And trust me it wasn't my choice." I said taking a bite of my sandwich. " So what business did you have here?" I asked curious.

"Your dad is the head of my shipments and I needed to know how things were going." He said. I hummed in response. I continued eating. After we were done we threw away our trash and sat back down. "So tell me about yourself." He said.

"My favorite colors are Navy blue and purple.  I'm 18. I drive a motorcycle. I hate roses. My parents had to put me up for secret adoption when I was born. Some things happened in between then and now and I ran away to find my real parents. Once I found them I told them and they wanted to make sure they trained me before I could live with them. Hence the reason I can break the punching bag. What about you?" I asked after I finished.

"My favorite color is black. I'm 19. Im the leader of the Italian Mafia as you know. I took my father's place after he died. Alexander is my childhood best friend. And that's basically it." He said. "If you hate roses, what's your favorite flower?"

"Sunflower." I said. "what's yours?"

"Poppy's." He said.

~Multiple hours later~

We were still at the park. He had taken of his jacket and given it to me. I felt myself opening myself up to him. I didn't know if I liked it or not but it definitely feels nice to talk to somebody. We didn't go into really personal details but we got to know each other. Even though he's is supposed to be a cold hearted asswhole. He's not. He has a sweet side.

"We should probably get you home." He said standing up. I stood up with him and we headed back. Once we were pulling up outside the house I realized I didn't tell my parents where I had been. It was now like 7pm and I left at like 11:30am. Oops. I got out of the car. When we got inside my parent and Alex were in the living room.

"Where were you?" My dad said. Looking worried until he looked at who was beside me and he let out a breathe of relief. I turned away and went upstairs. I took off his jacket and realized I hadn't given it back yet. I'll give it back after my shower. I got in the shower and instantly relaxed. After I got out I dried off and put my PJs on. After that my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and groaned.

"Hello." I said emotionless.

"Where have you been? It has been two days!" Krystal said.

"I'm with my parents." I stated.

"When are you coming back?"

"I don't know yet. Why?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"I say come home now. Or your grounded."

"I'm not coming back that's not my home. Get this threw your thick ass skull your not my mother!" I said and hung up. I sighed and decided to go give his jacket back. When I got to his door. I heard talking in italian.

"Voglio che venga con noi ma non voglio costringerla." Chris said.( I want her to come with us but I don't want to force her.)

"Forse vorrà venire. Voglio dire, so che ti piace, ma devi ricordare che quando si sente minacciata, chiude." Alex said. (Maybe she will want to come. i mean i know you like her but you have to remember once she feels threatened she closes off. ). He remembered when I said that. Aww.

I heard Chris sigh. "Yeah your right. But I can't help it she is so god damn beautiful. And smart and she's not afraid of anything. She's amazing." He said in english. I sighed and knocked. He opened the door.

"Here's your jacket." I said.

"Did you here that conversation?" Alex asked. I nodded.

"Relax. I might just take you up on that offer." I said as I walked away leaving them dumbfounded. I walked into my room and went to sleep.

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