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Warning: Actions of rape and violence! You have been warned read at your own risk!!!!!!

Alexis's POV:

I groaned as came back to my senses. Once I did I tried to move but one of my arms were chained to the bed. I opened my eyes and was in a very unfamiliar place. The door opened revealing the same man that took me.

"Good your awake. Boss will be happy to see you."

"How long?" I asked. He started at me with confusion."how long was i out dumbass?" I asked again with an attitude.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just call me a dumbass. And you've been out for about 36 hours. Hence the iv in your arm. " I nodded and laid my head back down. I didn't really care that I was kidnapped. Now I know why your thinking how the hell can you not care. Well I've been kidnapped once before and my parents always found me. " Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go get the boss." The man said. I didn't care. I just wanted to go home and see my parents and even though I just met them a couple days ago I wanted to see Christopher and Alexander. I felt something on my boob. I slowly used my free hand to see that it was my phone. I had fallen asleep with it there forgetting it. I pulled it out and called my mom.

"Hello. Baby is that you?"

"Yes I don't have much time mute yourself and track the phone. Help me please." I said she said ok and she muted. I turned down the brightness all the way and out it back where no one could tell because clearly they didn't see it the first time. After that I sighed and relaxed a little knowing they could track me down now. A little later the door opened revealing the one unfamiliar man from earlier and another new unfamiliar man. I out my head back down acting like I didn't have any energy.

"So beautiful . Excuse me. I am Daniel. Kyle's older brother." My heart stopped. He walked over to me and took the iv out and chained my other hand. I tried fighting it but it didn't work he was really strong.

"Feisty. I like it. Drew out! I'm going to have some fun." The other guy nodded and walked out.

"What do you want?" I said venom lacing my every word.

"Well you. I'm going to fuck you and then kill you." He said and chuckled darkly. He got up and striped.

"Please. Please leave me alone." I said trying not to show fear. But in reality I was terrified. He chuckled lowly.

"Where is the fun in that?" He said and got on top of me ripping my clothes off. I struggled but nothing helped. All I could do was scream and cry but it seemed to motivate him just like it did his sick ass brother. After he was down he flipped me on my back and whipped my with his belt and I screamed everytime. With each hit it hurts worse. Soon my body feels numb and he leaves and locks the door. Not like I can even leave dumbass you literally beat the shit out of me and I'm chained to the bed. I wanted to scream that so badly. I let sleep consume me because the pain was to much.

Bang, bang, bang!

"Alexis. Wake up. We've got to get out of here." Alex said. My eyes shot open.   He took off his shirt and gave it to me. I said thanks I out it on and went to stand but I couldn't the pain was to much for me. He lifted me bridal style careful of my back. I could feel the anger off of him. Gunshots everywhere. He put me in the car and everyone came running out and got in and we left. Chris was sitting beside me.

"I'm sorry for kicking you in the balls that night." I said to Chris.

"It's ok mia cara. Just tell me why you screamed that night?"

"I woke up and seen someone in my room. I screamed and he lunged at me so I kicked him really hard in his chest. And I ran into the bathroom looking for my gun. I couldn't find it and then you came and I thought that it was just a delusion or something. And when you went to try and comfort me I kicked you because I freaked out. And I ran down the stairs and on the last step something hit my head and all I could see was darkness." I said and took a breath.

"It's ok your safe now." I could tell both of the guys were angry. I leaned my head onto his arm. He put his arm around me protectively and I realized I wanted to go to California with them. Because in the few day I've known them I feel safe.

"Chris?" I asked.

"Yeah mi tesoro?" He said looking down at me.

"Can I move to California with you?" I asked Chris looking up at him. He looked shocked as hell to say the least.

"If it's ok with your parents and your sure this is what you want then I'd be more than happy to have you there.", He said and smiled. I smiled back.

"Thank you. And it is." I said and went back to sleep on his shoulder. The last thing I remember hearing is my parents saying they were ok with me going.

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