Chapter 1

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The winter morning temperature will freezes my breath as I breath in and out. I wait for the six- thirty bus to pick me up for school. There is another bus at seven- twenty but I am a morning girl and have a English assignment due in two weeks and would like a head start.

The bus finally shows it's rectangular figure from behind the trees. I step on to the bus. Almost Empty as always I take the seat behind the double seat. I take my first jumper off. I turn on my phone and check my calendar. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment at eight o'clock in the morning. Other wise nothing all week. Sweet!! Then I open the weather app five degrees and not getting better. "Dew Dogs!!!" I hear a familiar voice it's Josh he is with the twin Luke and Bella. "Sup" I reply "really that is all we get sup" Bella said. She swung on the pole landing on the seat next to me. "Give the poor girl a break" Josh said as him and Luke throw their bag on the seat two seat in front of me and sat on the one in front. "What do we have today" Bella asked. Me and Bella go to an all girl school called St Mary's and the boys go to the one across the busy road called St Joseph's. Me and Bella are in all the same classes but don't hang out at school. "Double Maths, science, Geography and to end the day double PDH PE." I said. "Well that sucks" she replied "So why are you catching the depressed bus" Josh asked "English Assignment" I replied "mum wanted me to do my room what about you Josh" Luke said "You text me to come idiot" Josh said.

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