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"Oh, shut up" I grumbled throwing my alarm clock out of my window.

Someone please remind me why we go to school again? Like why can't I just spend the whole day sleeping?

My phone beeped. Then again. And again.

Who on Earth in their right minds would call someone at 5 in the morning?

Don't bother answering. Throwing my pillow and blanket above my head in hope for silence something unbelievably true happened. The beeping got louder. I swear there is just a very thin chance of my phone sharing the same fate with my alarm clock, not that I mind I could fix or replace it. But my contemplations where caught off as my phone beeped louder, so I decided to give in.


"Goood Moooorningggg" Ail sang with her high pitched voice giving me a heart attack. Her voice was loud, louder than my phone's ringtone or how my alarm clock ever shouted wake up. So know all I could think off was several proper-emphasis on proper- ways to throw this phone out of my window and at the same time throw Ail along, right after I get my ears checked.

"What" I groaned. Believe me I am a morning person but not just as positive as Ail could ever be and you do not want to see me when I am not a morning person.

"You have a meeting with Principal Wilkins" She informed like that was a very normal thing to say when you wake someone by 5 in the morning.

Imagine you where woken up by a very rude shouting alarm clock, disturbed by your own ring tone, had a near heart attack and then greeted by being told your school Principal had a meeting with you.

So far I haven't gotten into any fights, or mistakenly injured a student, or given people empty cruel threats.so what possibly could be the cause of the call.

"What!!" that information was enough to get the sleep out of my eyes for sure

"I know right! Can you believe that the school president election would be coming soon? You better come early we have posters to paste and flyers to share" She squealed like it was a fun activity.

"Why am I doing this again?" I scratched my temples looking for a reasonable answer.

I have none

"I have no idea, bye!"


"Vote for Aileen Green for school president, class president, whatever" I advertised dryly.

"You're scaring them away, smile or something "Aileen nudged me with her elbow.

We had posted all the posters around the school and now we're issuing flyers in the hall. I have to say posting the posters was way too easy at least easier than this. For a very weird reason Ail had given nearly all of her flyers while I had given only one away (a random junior student that I gave a smile that meant if you don't take this flyer thing you are so dead).

"That's it I'm taking a break, plus we both know what happened when I smiled to that junior" I reminded her.

"Vote for Marissa" I heard a voice say

"Marissa?" I and Ail rhetorically asked in sync.

Since I knew Marissa she was never close to the definition of a leader, as harsh as it sounded, it was true. There was no way on Earth she'd devote her time to make a difference in someone's life (SHE CAN'T HANDLE HER OWN LIFE) except she paid the junior to... I don't know do something.

"You, school president" I asked in shock looking at the girl before me

"Yes. Me. School president" she smiled looking at her competitor "Vote for Marissa, she'll probably be way better than any other contestant, it's a promise" She winked

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