Fear of the unknown

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Sarah looked at both Clark's and wondered if they were thinking the same thing, but the more she concentrated the more her head hurt.
"You look better than you did this morning."
"Still have a headache, and listening to you both makes it hurt more."
"We haven't said anything."
"Sarah are you reading our minds?"
"I couldn't if I wanted to, I can't concentrate for that kind of control."
"Really? That should have cleared up after you slept."
"What would have?"
"If I have overused my powers I am able to feel better after sleeping but I am unsure what your friend gave me."
"I'm sorry." Young Clark said to her, Sarah reached up and touched his arm.
"There is nothing you did. I don't trust anyone with the name Luthor, he cost me Clark once. I'm unsure how yours is but ours was way different."
"I'm still sorry, he never should have done that."
"No shouldn't have son, I've told you before those Luther's couldn't be trusted."
"Yeah I know that I just hoped he would be different."
"It seems Luthor in either world are not to be trusted. Becareful with him young Clark, those that smile at you and claim to be your friend are your friend."
"Good advice, I just hoped he had changed. But you are safe so it will be alright."
Sarah looked at him and could feel his sadness. But she was unsure if it was the possibility of the loss of a man he considered his friend or someone else.
"When did she stop talking to you?" She asked him. He looked at her oddly for a moment and then realized who she was talking about.
"About a year. She left for Paris and changed."
"Her loss." Sarah told him. But she knows how hard it is to let go of a first love. It took her Clark some time to get over Lois, but for him she was there to mend his broken heart. Could young Clark find someone to help mend his.
"Sarah get some rest, I will help Clark get his chores done and maybe give him a hand on his homework. Being we are the same person maybe it will do our young friend some help understanding who and where he came from."
"I'd like that, thank you." Clark said with a smile."
"Alright I will agree it seems that both of you are determined to make me rest."
"We all are, its a Kent family trait. Now get some rest, we will come check on you in time for supper."
"Yes sir." She answered looking at Johnathan with a smile. Clark leaned down and kissed her.
"I'll be back I promise." He told her and then followed the others from the room she had been sleeping in.

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