That first night for Wei Ying in a bed, his first night being back in the Cloud Recesses was difficult and he slept for as long as he could before the dreams woke him up sweating and trembling. He gasped for air as he jumped from the bed and hurried to the corner for a few minutes before he was able to settle down and remember how he ended up in this place.
This was my choice.
I am not a prisoner.
I need to do this.
Make them see me.
Make them suffer.
Wei Ying slid down the wall as he remembered the only real reason he decided to agree to be a teacher in the Cloud Recesses.
Even though, for some strange reason, they wanted him to reside here and teach their juniors, the only reason he agreed was to place himself before them, and make them dwell on their previous actions.
For them to live with their decision to throw him away ... staring them right in their faces every day.
The so called perfect GusuLan Sect had willingly thrown a person away even with there so called perfect reputation of manners and morals.
Yes, he was here to make them think on their actions every time they saw him .....
But now being here, he didn't know if he could ever bring himself to sit in a meal with them.
To willingly stand there and chat with them.
To stand out in the open and allow them to see him living in their midst.
For all his high and mighty thoughts of making them suffer for their ability to throw a person away without a second thought, he hated the thought of letting any of them see him outside of classes.
Could he actually place himself in such an uncomfortable position just so they would suffer for even a single heartbeat?
Sitting on the floor, he shook his head to clear this cowardly thought, then after collecting himself; he washed and dressed before sitting on the bare floor for mediation.
When the first bell sounded, he knew it was finally five a.m. and the people of the Cloud Recesses would be up and about their day.
When the second bell sounded, he heard his meal arrive, so just waited for the person to leave then retrieved the rice and ate what he could.
When the third bell sounded he left his room and made his way directly to the arena where his lessons were to take place. The dirt covered oval shaped arena would seem to most to be too large for such a small amount of people who gathered there but with the amount of space practice drills takes, it was the right size. The wooden and white silk screen that encircled the whole arena was new and it gave them utter privacy. No one could see in and his students would not be side tracked by the others outside.
Wei Ying arrived to find about two dozen juniors standing around talking in soft voices until they saw him and suddenly they all lined up and waited but before he could even say a single word he heard running towards him. A single junior arrived panting and stood in line dressed in the students white and his sect insignia in gold over both shoulders.
Wei Ying walked over and stopped directly in front of him. 'Go over there, one hundred push ups.' He used his sword to point to the side of the arena.
'One hundred and ten.' He looked at the boy dead in the eyes. 'Is there even one more word you want to say? .... I can and will give an extra ten for every word uttered.' He watched the boy run over and drop to the ground and started to count out his push ups even with tears that had threatened to fall. 'If late, first offence will receive this punishment ... if you dare to be late again without a damned good reason ... you will no longer be in this class ... do you understand me.' He forced his voice not to show pain even though every word seemed like glass was gathered in his throat because he had not spoken a word in over two years ... other than the cries of fear from his dreams. At the moment he needed to pause every so often when speaking so his voice didn't crack or make him cough.
'Yes Master Wei.'
So Wei Ying began the first lesson and he knew the first thing he needed to do was correct their posture and stances when fighting. 'No matter what Sect you are from ... you are all taught that your stance and posture ... must look good to those who are watching you ... right?'
'Yes Master Wei.'
'Well, I am going to break you out of that rubbish ... When you worry too much about how you look to those around you ... you give your enemy the advantage ... Drop all pretence that their opinion of your abilities matters in the least ... You must only think of the enemy.'
'Yes Master Wei.' They spent every moment that day, other than meals, learning to fight without caring how they look to others.
And they learnt to not nitpick others when they didn't look perfect while fighting.
Part way through the day he called everyone to a halt when he noted yet another problem. 'Tell me ... what is the use of having a straight back during your battle?'
'...' not one student was game enough to say a word.
'If you insist on keeping your back perfectly straight during the battle ... all you do is look good when you die ... If you wish to live through the worst battle of your lives ... you need your body to keep its fluidity .... Bend and move as if you are a blade of grass ... Not ram rod stiff and perfectly ridged that you are unable to preform certain movements ... without completely re-establishing your foot work .......... That single moment is the moment your opponent will use to kill you ... without care of how perfectly straight your back is.' He looked at all the students even as he forced the pain in his throat to not make him cough. 'Tell me ...' he walked up to Jin Ling. 'Is a tree, more or less powerful than a blade of grass during a gale force wind?'
'More Master Wei.' He said proudly.
'Just as I would expect ... from someone trained by Sect Leader Jiang Cheng.' He said in disgust before turning his back and walking to the front again. 'This answer is wrong .... The tree trunk and most of its limbs are its weakest points because it does not give at all .... The strength you think that tree has during calm day ... is it's biggest weakness ... you have all see the trees that have been broken in half after a storm ... what about the grass that lays at its base ... You will never see the grass broken by that same wind.'
'Yes Master Wei.'
'Preform all the movements from the top ... with fluidity of grass, not rigidity of tree.' Wei WuXian watched as they all again took to preforming the movements he had given them and this time they took his words to heart and every one of them found the ease of the movements from one to the next. There was no need to double step between many of the movements.
Finally the end of lessons came with the ringing of the bell.
'Do not be late tomorrow.'
'Yes Master Wei.' They all bowed deeply to him.
Honestly, he didn't care for it so he just turned to leave, however as he began to walk away one of the students called out.
'Master Wei may I talk to you?'
'Is this about lessons?' he didn't bother to turn and look at who ever it was.
'Can it wait until tomorrow?'
'No Master Wei.'
He turned and just stood there waiting.
'Tomorrow morning, before lessons start, my father is arriving with news he refuses to enlighten me on until he arrives ... and as ...'
'Spit it out.'
'My sister has been very ill over the last three months and I fear the news will be about her ... I ... may be ... late ... and ... and...'
After standing there looking at the young man for a few minutes he spoke. 'When the meeting is over, bring him to me.' Wei Ying turned and walked away.
Wei Ying's destroyed heart (Complete) Edited
FanfictionI changed what happened at the temple .... so yes ... bad guy wins and Wei Ying looses .... everything. Wei Ying is thrown away not just by everyone he has ever known ... but the love of his life Lan Zhan. They all believe the lies told about We...