16: Lan Zhan's nightmare.

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A few days later, Lan Zhan woke for a short time and over heard his uncle and brother talking about Wei Ying and what he had said in the meeting.

'Are you sure you want to dredge it all up again uncle?'

'I need to say it ... you, as leader of this sect, need to know the truth.'

'I will listen but please believe, I will never blame you.'

'Don't say that until you have heard it all .... Including what I helped to do to the Wei Sect.'


'What Wei Ying said about my baby brother is true. What he said about the rules is true. My dear brother died in an accident when he and his best friend took a few bottles of liquor to the pool and while drunk, he drowned. I snapped ... I punished that poor boy with vengeance and only for revenge at taking WangChen from me. Your father gave you both part of his name in his honour. I ordered that the boy was to never return ... and I never heard another word about him ... I didn't know he died, I never once thought of going to look for him. But six years after your uncle died I married a young woman from the Wei Sect. She was so full of happiness and joy, as subdued as we had become, the Wei Sect was our opposite in some respects but in others, their were thought of just like us. She always found the good in every situation and could calm anyone down with a few words ... and I began to see the sun again. Before she was to go into that period where a woman does not travel before she gives birth ... she went to her parents and sisters. I was going to be incredibly busy and insisted that she have family around her when she gave birth to our first child .... Five weeks later a message arrived saying she and our unborn child had been killed by cultivators ... I destroyed the letter before I read any more. I gathered the other sects who I knew would stand by me as they all liked my wife ... and we tore them down, the Wei Sect was destroyed and the few remnants dispersed with threats to never again form a sect or they would all be destroyed ... no better than Wen RuoHan.'

'Uncle ... you did not wipe out the whole sect ... you disbanded ...'

'We killed so many ... we did not just disband a sect ... I destroyed them.'

'Uncle please.'

'When his mother arrived here ... I saw only the people I hated trying to crawl back into the sunlight where my wife was not able to. I picked on her the whole time she was here. When I heard she had married and had a son, I knew he would be just like his mother .... A danger to what I hold dear. When I heard she and her husband had died ... I will admit I ... felt bad .... But at the same time I was happy ... I didn't hear if the son lived ... I didn't really care .................... until he arrived here at the Cloud Recesses and I realised it was Wei WuXian, her son was alive and just like her. I targeted him, trying to make him run away. Trying to scare him away. I wanted him gone because all I could ever see was his mother and ............ my wife. I can not forgive those who took her from me but ........ it turns out .......... It was not the Wei Sect at all ..... I acted before I found out the truth .... And later with Wei Ying, I acted yet again without finding out the truth and threw him away ............................. When Wei Ying started to tell you of all of this without any heart or ..... without any emotion at all .... I realised I had no right to stop him talking and revealing my crimes.'

'Uncle ... I have never even read anything on the Wei Sect ...'

'And you never would have. All Sect Leaders agreed to have every mention of them removed from all scrolls, books ... anything written about them was destroyed ... even their family line documents were destroyed.'

Those words ran around in Lan Zhan's mind.

An unknown uncle, rules altered, an unknown aunt, an unborn cousin ... a destroyed Wei Sect? He lay there with tears falling to the sides of his face and his heart trembling at the thought his Wei Ying would be so cold and forceful with this kind of information.

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