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you voice is still clear as day

every wavelength staining each cell of my body
with the memory of your laugh
and your soothing words

they say after seven years, every cell in your body has been completely replaced
i don't know if that's true
but i like to hang on to that small promise

a promise that i'll one day be someone new
someone who isn't so bitter
or resentful
or hurt

a promise that one day all the tissues of my body
will have forgotten your voice's vibrations
so it no longer hurts to sing

a promise i want so much,
the promise to move on and forget,
and yet
dread so much

because at the end of it all,
your words were velvet to the touch
and they alleviated the burning of my fears and insecurities
like nothing ever has

your laugh was contagious
and healing
and i want to laugh like that once again
i want my body to forget your vibrations and yet,

i know in the end i'll want nothing but to keep these memories of you
so even if my skin cells shed countless layers
and my blood runs through my body brand new,

행복했던 기억 모두 가슴에 간직할게요

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