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the concept of virginity has always been a weird one for me 

what's the big deal? sex isn't as ground breaking as they make it out to be 

at least that's what i thought 
sprawled on sweat dampened sheets
my heartbeat mimicking your breathing
the lulling rise and fall of your chest

it's what i thought 
as i felt your fingertips touch my skin,
sperm making its way down my spine
hah, i thought, what a sight to see

i looked at myself in the mirror 
perched on your lap as you 
washed away our "sins" 
and i didn't look any different 

the brief memories of 
girls depicted in media 
looking at their reflection, 
looking for a difference,

it was all so stupid to me 
some foreplay, penetration
won't alter your features
it's not visible, your sin

we shy away from the topic 
of women losing their virginity 
but we celebrate a man's 
both successes are mundane 

because carnal needs are just that 
as humans, we 
think we're so high and mighty 
and are quick to judge a sinner

but you see, 
there's more sinner than human
in our bodies,
my friend 

the perverse nature of the human mind
cannot be dismissed
as people we should be aware 
our mind is a criminal little thing

our ambitions and malice
surpass the dirty scene
in the back of a pickup truck—
nothing but another physical need 

even now, as you tend to my sore skin
and the welts that almost became lacerations
and kiss the burn away, 
i know your mind isn't here

your sin wasn't 
the ravaging of my body
it was knowing you were my first
and revelling in the opportunity to soil me

and yet, my dear,
that's such a tame thought
compared to the ones of the people
right outside your door

calculating a perfect time to break into a home
pummeling in the face of the women
they swore they loved
hungrily staring at the nine year old play

there is always something so
inhuman about the hushed gossip 
and the baseless threats
and the people acting upon them

after four orgasms,
i'm not claiming to be free of sin
but i recognise this scene 
is nothing but flesh against flesh 

however in your eyes
there is a glint that mirrors 
the same baseless ambitions 
of the humans beyond your door

i've lost my virginity tonight 
but i've lost it many times before 
because virginity is 
nothing but a word that enables sinners

i lost it during a game of 
7 minutes in heaven 
in which 15 year old me
really wasn't sober 

i lost it as i walked home
from fifth grade 
and felt the men's leering eyes
chase me to my doorway

i lost it when my friend 
came to campus in shambles 
hair wet from trying to
wash away the hurt and shame

and each time,
i could see 
the glint of satisfaction 
in the sinners' eyes

the bliss that comes in knowing they see me as just another one of them

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