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Harry and Louis left. I walked into my room while Niall was cleaning up the living room. I looked at the nightstand and saw Matt's watch sitting there. Then I remembered Matt and I had sex about a week ago. So that means this baby could also be Matt's. I went over to my desk and grabbed my laptop, sat on my bed and went onto Google. I typed in 'How to tell who is the father of a baby'. It said to see when you were ovulating last. You ovulate 14 days before your period, if your period is every 28 days. I grabbed the calendar off my desk and counted.

"Crap!" I was ovulating when I did it with both Niall and Matt. I grabbed my phone and called my OBGYN. I made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. Why didn't I use protection with Matt? I am 20 years old you think I would know to always use protection. I closed my laptop.

"Hey babe, you okay?" Niall asked walking into my room. I nodded.

"I just made an appointment to go to my OB."


"Um Monday at 2," I said setting my laptop on my nightstand.

"I will be in the studio, can you reschedule? I'd really like to be there."

"Ni, it will just be a check up nothing special." I layed down. Niall layed down next to me and put his hand on my stomach.

"Hello in there baby Horan, it's your Daddy. I just want you to know that I love your Mommy so much. There is nothing that I wouldn't do for either of you." Niall looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"I love you," I ran my hand through Niall's hair.

"I love you too."

"I'm gonna go shower." I got up and walked to the bathroom.

"Hey is it okay if I get on your computer?" Niall asked.

"Yeah go ahead!" I said through the door.

"Um Cat? What's this?" That's when I remembered about what I googled. I ran out of the bathroom.

"Niall let me explain," I said sitting down.

"Please do," Niall said.

"Okay, um well I had sex with Matt the same day as you and we didn't use protection. I didn't know if it could be his so I googled how to tell and it told me. So I made an appointment."

"So you slept with Matt and me?" I nodded because I couldn't find my words. "So what if it's his?" I could tell Niall was hurt.

"I was hoping that you would love it as your own."

"I don't know if I can do this, I'm sorry."

And with that Niall walked out of my life.

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