Could I Be?

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I shoved Niall away from me.

"Cat? What's wrong?" Niall barely got the sentence out before I threw up. He came over to me and held my hair.

"I'm sorry Ni." I said before I threw up again.

"It's okay baby." Niall rubbed my back. My eyes got wide. When he said baby something occurred to me, did we use protection?

"It's probably the flu, it's been going around." I puked again.

"Maybe you should go to the doctor," Niall said.

"I will but right now I need to sit down." Niall led me over to the rock that we were just sitting on. "I'm sorry."

"What for?" Niall asked.

"This probably isn't how you wanted today to go." I put my hair up in a bun.

"You said yes to being my girlfriend so I'm very happy." He smiled.

"Listen Niall, um did we use protection that night?" Niall's eyes got wide.

"I don't know, you don't think that you could be pregnant could you?"

"It's a possibility...." I trailed off.

"But how?" He asked.

"Niall, did you really just ask that?"

"Right, stupid question. Sorry." Niall grabbed my hand. "So what now?"

"Well I need to take a test just to make sure." Niall nodded.

"Right where do we get one of those?"

"At any drugstore..." I trailed off. "Look Niall your not the only one who is freaking out, I am too." Niall got up and grabbed my hand. We started walking through the forest. "Did you drive?" I asked. Niall nodded. We got into his car and took off.

We arrived at the drugstore. Niall parked and I walked in. I walked to the test aisle.

"Which one do I get?" I whispered to myself.

"Can I help you?" A lady asked.

"Yes, I am a little confused. Which one do I get? It's my first time taking a test."

"Well this one is the most accurate," she said handing me a pink box with a blue ribbon on it. I read the back.

"Thank you," I said and walked away. I paid for it and walked back out to Niall's car.

"Did you get it?" He asked. I nodded.

"We going to my place?" I asked.

"That would probably be best." Niall started driving to my apartment.

I unlocked the door and walked in. Niall sat down on the couch and I walked to the bathroom. I read the directions really carefully, I didn't want to do anything to mess this up.

"About done babe?" Niall yelled.

"Give me a second!!" I yelled back. When I was done I walked out into the living room with the test in my hand. I set it on the coffee table. "It says to wait 3 minutes." I set the timer on my phone.

The timer finally went off. It felt like the longest 3 minutes of my life. I looked at the test it said.....

A/N Sorry I haven't updated lately but I thought I would give you two updates in a day.

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