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The weeks went on in Jamaica and Jennifer Lawrence and I had our fun. Some days she would on set for 14 hours, other days she didn't have to go at all. It took some getting used to, but was actually nice for me. On her 14 hour day, Jennifer really didn't feel like doing anything but coming home and relaxing. We would sit on the couch and relax together and watch movies or TV. I would massage her shoulders or rub her back to help her relax from her stressful day.

Jennifer had a lot of friends. Many of the actors and actresses in the movie were people that she hung out with back home. Most days she would spend a decent amount of time at one of the other villas visiting with her fellow actors and actresses, so I had a lot of time to myself. Between sending her dirty messages, I would enjoy the luxuries that the villa had to offer.

A month into our arrangement, Jennifer had never brought anyone over to our villa. She always returned from the set alone and would only go out to see her friends. Our time together was very limited. The average day consisted of maybe an hour or two hanging out and one or two twenty minute sex sessions. I was getting bored with the rest of the free time I had on my hands and was thankful that I only had a few weeks left. It was not that I hadn't enjoyed Jennifer; I was just ready for something that required more work.

I was hanging out in the pool one Tuesday trying to keep myself entertained when my phone dinged notifying me that I had a new message. I saw to the edge and grabbed my phone to see what Jennifer had responded to the pictures I had sent her earlier. To my surprise, the text had nothing to do with what I had sent.

"My friend Dove is coming over after we shoot. We will wrap in about 20 minutes. Please be in character when we arrive", the text read.

I laid my phone down on the pool deck in disgust. Now I wouldn't even get to mess around and be bored, but now I was going to have to play butler for the rest of the night. I trudged off to my room and got in the shower to wash the chlorine from the pool off my body. Wrapping myself in a towel, I entered the big walk in closet looking for the butler suit that Heidi had made for the assignment. Buried deep in the closet I found a black bag hanging.

"This must be it," I murmured as I pulled it down.

I laid the bag on my bed and unzipped it to find what looked like a full on tux.

"Of course, nothing helps you work in the heat better than a nice cool wool suit!" I sarcastically quipped.

The suit fit well, but was already too warm in the blasting air conditioning. I could only hope that this Dove person would only stay for a few minutes and leave, so that I could change back into my swim trunks. My black dress shoes squeaked down the hardwood steps. When I arrived at the bottom of the staircase I could hear voices coming from down the hall. I turned the corner into the living room and saw Jennifer sitting on the couch talking to someone across from her. It was tough to see who her friend was as she was turned facing Jennifer and away from myself.

"Ms. Lawrence," I said as I caught a quick pause in their conversation, "sorry to interrupt but I was wondering if you or your friend would care for a beverage or any food? I know that you must be famished from your day."

I had moved closer to the couch and was now able to see her friend's face. She had fair skin with beautiful blonde hair that came down to just past her breast. The girl had some hypnotizing light green eyes and full lips. She was very cute and had a nice physique. Even though she looked familiar, I couldn't place where I had seen her before.

"How about some wine and fresh fruit to snack on?" Jennifer said to her friend.

"Sounds great," Dove replied.

I walked over to the kitchen and began to pull some fruit from the fridge and pantry. The kitchen was open to the living room, so I could continue to hear the conversation that Jennifer and Dove were having.

"I understand, it is very difficult to getting out of a stereotype roll once you are in it," Jennifer continued, "but I think this move will work wonders for getting your career in the direction that you want it."

"I hope it does. It is just so difficult to get out of the Disney channel roles once you take them. They were nice when I was a teenager, but now I want to move toward more serious adult roles and really explore what my potential can be."

I slipped my phone out my pocket and googled "Dove Disney Channel" and up popped the result of Dove Cameron. It finally occurred to me that I had seen her on television when I had babysat my cousin a few years back. At the time, I remembered thinking that she was cute, but really hadn't thought of her since.

After a few minutes, I had cut up enough pineapple, apples, strawberries and kiwi to host a small party. I poured two glasses of Pinot gris and walked back into the living room carrying a large tray with the drinks and food. I walked around the couch and set the tray down on the coffee table. Dove gave me a quick glance and smile before continuing to listen to Jennifer talk about her path to stardom. Since their conversation appeared to be important, I decided to try and leave the room without being noticed.

"Joseph!" I heard as I was steps away from the hallway. It had been years since anyone had called me Joseph. The last person to call me that was my grandmother and she had only used my full name when I was in trouble. I turned and walked back into the living room and Jennifer was looking back at me.

"Yes, mam," I replied.

"Can you please grab some towels for us? Dove and I will be taking our snack by the pool. If you could please carry our food and towels to the poolside while we get changed into our swim suits."

I had literally just sat the food down in front of them and they were ready to move. Putting on a fake smile, I trudged over to the couch and grabbed the food and carried it to the patio as Dove and Jennifer disappeared back into the bedroom. The towels were on the other side of the house in a large closet. I went and grabbed four towels and made my way back outside where Jennifer and Dove were sitting with their feet in the pool sipping on their wine.

Jennifer was wearing a solid black string bikini. Her skin had tanned nicely in the month since we had been in Jamaica. Her big framed sunglasses reflected the light off the pool as her legs slowly kicked in the water, splashing the occasional drop of water on her thick tanned thighs.

Dove was wearing a much more colorful bikini, which benefitted her light skin tone. It was a lime green and orange bikini that fit the shape of her body nicely. The top cupped her breasts and pushed them up ever so slightly. It was the first time I had really gotten the opportunity to notice her chest. Her breasts were smaller than Jennifer's but definitely still pleasant to look at. She was a more petite young lady but still had enough meat in the desirable areas to warrant a lingering stare when she was in her bikini.

I placed the towels down and wandered back inside. The stupid butler suit had me so hot that I was already beginning to feel dehydrated from sweating in the heat. I pulled out my phone and texted Jennifer to text me if she needed me.

Forty-five minutes passed without any word from Jennifer. I assumed the two were continuing their conversation, so I headed back up to my room to get out of my suit for a little bit. Stripping off the jacket and loosening the tie around my neck, I cranked the overhead fan above my bed to the highest setting and sat back enjoying the cool breeze. I had been in a pretty foul mood most of the day and it probably wasn't warranted. This was in fact my job, and I had to know that not every day would be rainbows and wild sex. I took the moment to try and correct my attitude and put on a good face for my client and her friend.

It was around this time I received a few texts from Jennifer. At first, I was concerned that Jennifer may have been mad that I was not out serving them, but was pleasantly surprised to see that she was responding to the pictures I had sent her earlier in the day.

"Mmmm, those pictures were sexy!" the first text message read, "I hope that all of this butler work will lead to some different kind of service once Dove leaves ."

It felt good for the pictures I sent to be noticed. I began to text back:

Joe: I'm glad you liked them. My cock was missing you this morning. It has been a couple of days since we have gotten to play together.

Jennifer: Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I've been really busy and have said not felt in the mood, but I'm so ready for you now! I miss the touch of your hands on my body.

Then two pictures messages arrived. The first picture was a selfie of Jennifer laying topless tanning in her beach chair. My cock began to grow a little knowing that she was sitting outside topless. The next picture was of Dove lying face down in the beach chair with her bikini lying on the ground beside her with her bare butt pointed up at the sun. It appeared that Jennifer had taken this photo without Dove realizing it, which made the picture that much sexier. My cock was now pressed against my tight suit pants as it tried to stand fully erect. I was tired of sitting idly by and waiting for something to happen between Jennifer and myself.

I grabbed a large plastic container from the closet and carried it to the kitchen, filling it with ice. The fridge was full of girly bottled mixed drinks, which I took a slammed into the container of ice. I walked out the patio door and began to walk toward the ladies as they lay poolside. As the door closed behind me, Dove appeared to take notice, as she reached for a towel to cover her tight white butt. Jennifer made no attempts to cover herself as I approached.

"Ms. Lawerence, I bought you and Ms. Cameron some cold beverages so you don't get too hot out here."

"Thank you, Joseph!" Jennifer smiled as she turned her body more toward me showing off her large chest.

"Ms. Lawrence, have you applied sunscreen recently? I wouldn't want you to get burned, especially with all of the filming you will be doing this week."

"I actually haven't and I probably should," Jennifer said reaching for a small bottle underneath her chair.

"Madam, I can take care of that for you," I said taking the bottle from Jennifer's hand.

It was obvious my request had confused Dove as she looked over bewildered as I began to squirt a glob of lotion onto my hands. Jennifer leaned back in the chair ready for me to rub the lotion onto her body. I started around Jennifer's shoulders and began to work my way down her arms and chest. I started with a slow steady pace as I applied the lotion generously on her bronzed skin. I wished I could rub the lotion onto her breasts for hours, but with Dove starring at the whole process in disbelief I couldn't afford to linger. The lotion quickly soaked into her dry skin as I progressed down her legs and feet. My job was complete and I stopped for a half second to admire her body.

"Did I miss anything, Ms. Lawrence?"

"No, you did an excellent job Joseph!"

"Ms. Cameron, would you care for any sunscreen as well?"

I peered back at Jennifer to see if she reacted at all, but she merely turned and looked at Dove awaiting her response. Dove sat looking still very confused by what just transpired.

"No, uhh...I think I'm good," Dove said as she looked back at Jennifer.

"Oh Dove, don't be shy! Joseph is the ultimate professional. Let him put some sunscreen on you before you turn into a lobster. Your back is already turning red!" Jennifer retorted. I was a little surprised at her insistence that I put lotion on her, but I was not complaining as I found her friend's body sexy.

Dove took a second and then reluctantly agreed. I walked over to her chair and squirted another large glob of lotion in my hand and proceeded to rub it on her shoulders and back. Dove hadn't taken the towel off of her ass since I came outside and I knew that she was shy about showing off her body to a stranger. As I worked down her lower back, I contemplated whether or not to remove the towel. I got to her waist line and my impulses took over. Removing the towel I was greeted by her tight cute bottom, which was slightly red from seeing sunlight. I rubbed the lotion into the butt cheeks at a similar pace as I did to the rest of her body. I replaced the towel and continued down her legs and feet.

"Will that be all, ladies?"

"Yes, thank you Joseph!" Jennifer replied as she opened a drink for herself and for Dove.

I set the lotion bottle back under the chair and headed back into the house. I could feel little beads of precum forming in my pants as I thought back over what had just happened. It was nice to get to rub on Jennifer, but the real excitement came from touching her friend. Her delicate skin felt so soft against my fingers and her booty was so cute and firm.

My phone dinged multiple times:

Jennifer: Thanks for the drinks!

Jennifer: Oh by the way, that was so hot having you rub lotion on us.

Jennifer: When you walked away Dove couldn't stop talking about how good it felt and how dirty she felt for having a stranger touch her naked body like that.

Jennifer: Turned me on to see you touch her like that

I smiled, relieved that all parties involved had enjoyed the interaction. Hopefully, it would turn on Jennifer enough to get some sex tonight after Dove left.

The two girls stayed outside until the sun began to set. Finally, close to 9:00 the girls walked inside giggling. They had spent nearly three hours outside and were both a little red from so much exposure. Dove was much redder than Jennifer, due to her lack of tan, but neither looked particularly scorched. I walked out to the pool with a trash bag to clean up the empty drinks and bring the extra ones inside. When I arrived at the pool chairs I was greeted by a slew of empty bottles littered around each chair. The plastic container was empty, with the exception of a few cubes of un-melted ice floating in the water. The girls had to be pretty tipsy, because I had put in enough drinks for a 5 or 6 people to have a good time on.

After straightening the outside up, I returned into the house to find Dove and Jennifer sitting on the couch in their swimsuits pouring another drink. This appeared to be some sort of concoction with vodka and soda. I left the living room and went back up to my bedroom so that they could enjoy themselves some more.

An hour or so later, I returned to make sure that everything was okay. When I entered the living room I found Jennifer passed out on the couch while Dove sat and sipped on the last bit of a drink.

"Great," I thought, "now Jennifer won't have sex with me tonight because she is too drunk. I knew I should have tried to cut her off."

I walked over to the couch and picked Jennifer off the couch and walked her to her bedroom. When I returned from placing her on the bed, Dove looked at me and said, "Do you think there is somewhere I could stay here tonight? I don't think I should drive back to my villa."

Strangely, this large villa only had two bedrooms, mine and Jennifer's. As much as it would put me out, I knew I needed to let Dove stay in my room.

"You can stay in my bedroom upstairs. I'll stay down here on the couch. Come with me and I'll show you where it is at."

We walked up to my suite and I opened the door to show her where she would be staying for the evening.

"I need to grab my clothes and things for the evening, but I'll be out of your way in a moment," I said as I went around the room grabbing everything I would need for the night.

I went back into the closet and was searching for my sleep clothes and the bag to put the suit back in. As I combed through the closet, I heard a rustling of hangers hitting behind me. I turned to find Dove standing naked in front of the door to the closet.

"Joseph," she said shyly as she stared at me showing off her terrific body.

I couldn't help but stare. She stood only around 5'2", but didn't seem all that small. Her skin was slightly reddish brown from all the sun she had taken that afternoon. Her breasts were incredibly perky and showed that she was just freshly out of her teens, but full enough to show that she had matured into adulthood. Her legs stood somewhat crossed, almost as if she was trying to hide her pussy from me. The smooth patch of skin above her slit was barely visible but still had me hot and bothered. Her blonde hair flowed down her body with a small group of strands wrapping around her shoulders, curling in just underneath her breast. She had a very fit looking, proportionate body.

"I know that this is going to sound wrong, but I was so turned on by having you touch me earlier today. I was hoping that maybe you could touch me again, and maybe do more than that."

Crap, I was in a predicament. I could have sex with her, which would be nice, but possibly risk having Jennifer find out and getting upset. Plus, this girl was totally wasted, and it seemed like it would be highly inappropriate to take advantage of the situation. However, it was hard to pass up; she looked so sexy standing in front of me, practically begging me to ravish her body. I was confused and horny. It had been months since someone had tried to have sex with me, purely out of desires. Being paid to have sex had removed my opportunity to be seduced, and I missed it. To Dove, I was just the butler.

My desires overpowered my mind and I grabbed her up and carried her to my bed. I quickly removed my pants and shirt as we kissed on the bed. Her full lips felt so nice up against mine. My cock was hard as I yanked down my boxer briefs. I pulled Dove to the edge of her bed as I stood in front of her. Her pussy seemed so delicate and innocent, which made me want to stick my dick in even more. I grabbed her legs and adjusted my body so that our hips were level while she lay on the edge of the bed and I stood beside it. The head of my cock slowly pressed between her smooth pussy lips. It began to disappear inside her as I had to push my way through her tight resistant twat.

"I feel so full," Dove said as my dick slowly moved inside her.

The amount of resistance that my dick felt going in, made me realize I was going to need to start things slow. My thrusts began gentle and slow. As I began to feel less resistance, I quickened my pace and used my hands to pull her hips harder against mine. Dove's blonde hair laid spread out across the comforter of the bed like a blonde raindrop that had splashed on the pavement. Her eyes were closed but she was smirking as she occasionally squirmed with pleasure. Her pussy was tighter than anyone I had been with since my girlfriends in high school. It was so satisfying to feel snug inside her.

Dove's breathing began to pick up as her upper body squirmed more and more from my thrusts. She rubbed her breasts with her hands and arched her back.

"Oh my gosh, yes!" Dove cried out as she starred down at my dick moving in and out of her. I could feel her already tight pussy clinch even tighter around my cock as she let out a mighty scream. I pulled out and let her enjoy the moment. She giggled and tossed around on the bed, trying to catch her breath.

As her panting slowed, she looked up at me and said, "I want you to cum on my back and rub it in like that sunscreen you put on me earlier."

She flipped onto her stomach and flashed up her perky little white bubble butt. I climbed on to the bed and straddled her with my legs as she lay flat on her belly. I penetrated her from behind, this time with more ease since she had loosened up a little and began to work my hips. With every thrust, my pelvis pressed against her soft little butt. I starred at it as it moved around in time with my thrusts. The tightness of her pussy gave me so much friction and I could feel myself nearing the edge. I pulled out my throbbing wet dick and began to feverishly stroke it. Suddenly, white joy shot out of my tip and landed up near her left shoulder blade. The cum kept spraying, leaving a trail from her shoulder blade to the small of her back.

"It feels so warm, rub it in for me," she said seductively.

I rubbed my cum into her skin the best I could. My cum was pretty thick and didn't want to absorb into her soft skin. I massaged it into her back for a minute and then went to retrieve a towel from the bathroom to wipe off the rest.

When I returned to the bedroom, Dove had fallen asleep. A combination of the sex and the alcohol must have worn her out. I cleaned off her back and then laid her down into the bed and covered her with a blanket. I got dressed and left the room to go lay on the couch downstairs. When I arrived downstairs, I could hear some rustling of sheets coming from Jennifer's room as I passed the bedroom door.

I opened the door and whispered, "Jennifer, are you okay?"

Jennifer sat up slightly in bed, "Joe?"

"Yeah, it's me. Are you feeling okay?"

"No, I feel horrible. We really shouldn't have drank so much tonight."

"Just try to sleep it off. I let Dove take my room upstairs because she was too tipsy to drive home herself. I'll be out on the couch if you need anything from me, okay."

Jennifer mumbled out an okay as she rolled over.

I made myself comfortable on the couch and began to think about what I had just done. I was hopeful that Dove wouldn't remember or at least not mention our exploits together. I really had no idea what the rules were with fraternizing with someone, other than the client. Sure, I had slept with Karlie Kloss when I was with Taylor Swift, but it was overwhelmingly clear that it was a threesome that she approved of in that situation.

The next morning I awoke to find Jennifer sitting in the chair next to me drinking a cup of coffee.

"How do you feel?" I asked as I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes.

"Hung over," Jennifer grumbled as she took another big sip of coffee.

I got off the couch and began to prepare breakfast for myself. The sound of feet walking down the hardwood steps echoed down the hallway, Dove must have been up. She walked into the living room wearing the bikini and cover up that she had been wearing the night before.

"We drank too much," Dove said rubbing Jennifer on the shoulder, "that coffee smells good though."

"I've got a full pot in the kitchen," Jennifer replied.

Dove walked into the kitchen and looked at me as I was preparing some toast. She smiled at me, but it was in a more timid manner.

She came close to me and whispered, "Hey, thank you for letting me use your room last night. I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't mention to Jennifer or anyone else what we did last night. It was a lot of fun for me, but I can't afford to get a reputation as someone who has sex with random guys. Last night was really out of character for me, and I'd like to just pretend it didn't happen."

I nodded my head to ensure her I would keep my silence. It was ironic to me that she didn't want to get the reputation of being a slut, when I was pretty much being paid to be one. I was, however, relieved to know that this wouldn't get back to Jennifer.

Dove sat and chatted with Jennifer as she finished her coffee before heading back to her villa to get ready for the day. When Dove left, Jennifer came up to me and began to talk to me about the full extent of the night they had.

"After you went upstairs and Dove got a few drinks in her, she kept talking about how hot she thought my butler was and was mad that she didn't have a hot one like you. I know that I was turned on by you rubbing that sunscreen on her, but I was getting kind of pissed at her for talking about how sexy you are. At one point, she said that she wished could have sex with you. We both laughed, but I was about ready to hit her if she tried. I'm sure it was just the booze talking though."

I tried to change the subject to avoid any possible conversation on the matter. Fortunately our secret remained just that, a secret. Jennifer never found out about what really happened that wild night. However, it did cause me to recharge my sexual appetite some, as the last few weeks of sex with Jennifer was some of the best we had. My tip was only $100,000 from the month and a half, not as good as the tip Taylor Swift gave me, but hers was probably exceptional. I took it graciously and was excited to leave the island with a nice payday and a whole lot of sexy pictures to remember my time.

I was halfway to the airport when my cell phone rang. The caller-id read "Eliza Monroe".

"Hello, Joe! It is Eliza. I know that you are probably ready to go home, but we are making a slight adjustment to your itinerary. One of our associates is sick and needs someone to fill in for a few days, until they recuperate. We will be flying you to Houston, but will still allow you the same amount of time off that you were scheduled for. You will learn more about your assignment when you arrive in Texas."

I wasn't thrilled to have to work more on such short notice, but I figured it was the nature of the job. I was probably the one person who was available. There was no telling who I would be meeting when I arrived in Houston, but I was anxious to find out.

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