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I'm sure that it is hard to imagine needing a break from a job where all you do is have sex with sexy celebrities. I wouldn't have believed it myself until I experienced it. In nearly a half a year on the job, I had worked for two women and had very little time off. Before The Agency found me, I would date a woman for a month or so and get to have sex a few times a week. When I was single, I would normally only get to have sex on the weekends when I'd meet a fun lady in a bar.

As lame as it sounds, I was not physically prepared for the toll daily sex would have on my body. The Agency, obviously knew though, as they provided me with a month break to try and recuperate. The break provided me with the time I needed to rest, relax and catch up with my friends.

At the end of the first week of my break, my friends took me out to our favorite bar for a night on the town. While I had needed the break from sex, I was used to the daily release that was no longer being fulfilled. That night, I was looking for a good romp in the sack.

The bar was hopping that night, with plenty of beautiful women to choose from. I sat back for a while and talked with my friends as they began to hit on women as they passed by our high table. Two of my friends left with some girls, and our group began to dwindle as midnight passed. I could no longer sit back and wait, I needed to find my girl for the night.

The bar was loaded with women, but I had enough experience to know which girls to target. Avoid the girls that are in large packs of friends, as they are harder to get to leave with you. Women by themselves are the easiest to pick up, but can tend to be a little crazy. The goal is to find a woman who is there with just one or two friends. This helps keep the interaction light, but is a small enough number to pull the girl away from the group when the time is right.

I had been eyeing one table in particular that night. The table had three women who appeared to be just past college age. One was a redhead who was very thin with a few freckles on her face. She wore a green sundress which flattered her petite body. Another girl was a blonde who was a little bit heavy set. She wore a teal dress that was less form fitting, but still showed off an ample amount of cleavage, which accentuated her large breasts. The final girl was my target. She was a short brunette with long hair and a figure that was somewhere between her two friends, not heavy but not thin. She was wearing a tight red top and a short black skirt. Her top showed just the smallest peak at her cleavage, but was enough to make me want to see more.

I went to the bar and got refills of each of their drinks and brought them to the table. This was my customary move, as it was a friendly gesture to win over the friends, but also made my intentions clear.

"Hello, ladies," I said as I handed them each a drink, "I couldn't help but notice that your drinks were getting low. These drinks are on me and I hope that you all have a wonderful night."

"Oh, that is so sweet! Why don't you stay for a minute and chat with us?" the redhead said gesturing to the empty seat between herself and the brunette.

We began to small talk about the weather and what each of them did for a living. I pretended to be interested in what each of them did for a living, but made sure to show extra excitement about the brunette's job as a physical therapist. I made sure to give her a few playful rubs on the back as we talked. I could tell she was warming up to me as she flashed me her cute white smile more and more often. She placed her hand on my leg and I froze.

This was normally the point in which I politely excused myself from the table to leave for the evening, but asked the girl I was interested in if she would like to join me for a walk home. Now I wasn't always successful with the tactic, but it either led to sex or a polite turndown by the lady that I asked. It was a foolproof plan. Yet, in this moment, I couldn't muster the courage to ask the brunette to leave with me. The setup had been perfect and all I needed to do was ask, but the words wouldn't come out. I politely excused myself from the table and said that I needed to head home. The brunette's smile faded to a confused stare as I turned and walked from the table.

I was a few blocks down the road and was kicking myself mentally for not having the courage to finish the deal. Everything had gone according to plan, but for the first time I froze at the most important moment. I couldn't understand what happened.

I lay in bed and stared at the ceiling trying to process what had gone wrong. Twenty minutes passed before it finally hit me. Over the last 5 months, I had sex daily and it was always understood that it was going to be available. The chase was gone. The client had me whenever she wanted and we both knew it. I never had to ask, and in that moment in the bar, I froze because I realized the answer might be no.

I reached into my nightstand and pulled out the phone I had received in Jamaica. As I looked through the pictures of Jennifer Lawrence and myself, I was taken back to the sexy fun we had. I masturbated quickly and finally became relaxed enough to fall asleep.

I avoided the bar scene as much as I could the rest of that month. On one occasion, my friends convinced me to go and the same brunette was at the bar. She refused to make eye contact with me the entire night, obviously hurt I had not pursued her any farther than I had.

Three weeks in and I had not had sex with anyone other than myself. Masturbation had become my friend, as I could no longer find the motivation to try to pick up another woman. Friday nights turned from sitting at the bar with a beer in my hand, to sitting at home with my dick in my hand.

With one week left on my break, I decided I needed to get away from Los Angeles. I was stir crazy sitting at home alone all day, and needed some time in a different location. I didn't want to go alone, but all of my friends had work and couldn't take time off. As I flipped through my contacts, I realized that I had no one I could ask to go with me. Outside of my friends, the only person I had spoken with in my month off was Eliza. She had called to ask about the travesty that was the Kerry Washington assignment.

I stared at my screen as Eliza's contact info was pulled up. I couldn't ask my agent to go on vacation with me, could I? Would she even say yes? I knew I didn't want to go on this trip alone, but was I so desperate that I would call my boss? The answer is yes, I was that desperate.

"Hey Joe, what's going on?" Eliza said as she answered the phone.

"I'm about to go crazy sitting at home and decided that I am going to take my last week and go on an actual vacation. All of my friends are too busy with work and I really can't stand being alone any longer. Would you be interested in joining me? You are the only person I could think of that might be willing to come."

"I don't know if that would be wise. We have a business relationship that is different than most, but it is still a business relationship."

I thought about hanging up the phone, but I was desperate to have someone join me on this trip. I had to press the issue one more time.

"Come on, Eliza. You can't pretend like this is a normal business situation. We have had sex as part of my interview and as part of my training! I'm not asking you to marry me. I just need someone to be my friend for the next week. You owe me after sticking me in Houston like you did."

The other end of the line fell silent. I checked my phone to make sure the call hadn't dropped, which it hadn't.

"Okay," Eliza finally said, "I need you to give me an hour or two to get things squared away on my end. Go ahead and make the reservations and I'll pay you back for whatever the cost is. I'll be at your apartment before dinner."

I got off the phone surprised, but excited she had actually agreed. I booked a seaside rental house up the coast and began to pack.

Eliza arrived earlier than I had expected, packed and ready to go. We loaded into my car and set down the road. It was nice to finally have a companion, instead of having to try to force myself to be the companion. Eliza and I had gotten along well from day one, as we had a lot in common. We discussed some of our favorite shows as we drove down the highway, and I couldn't help but smile as I was finally enjoying my time with a woman.

The sun had begun to set when we arrived at the rental house. The house was far nicer than anything I had ever rented for a vacation, but with my new job I felt like I could afford to splurge. The house was smaller, only two bedrooms, but what it lacked in size it made up for in amenities. A full bar, private pool and hot tub, beach access, home theater and fully stocked kitchen.

Eliza and I poured a drink and sat on the back patio and watched the sunset over the Pacific. It was relaxing to be able to just sit back, drink and talk. Eliza and I had talked about quite a bit on the ride down, but we had yet to discuss why she decided to come with me.

"Eliza," I said taking a sip of my drink, "I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but why did you decide to come with me? I know you didn't seem crazy about the idea when I first asked, but you changed your mind pretty quickly."

Eliza stared out at the ocean for a moment, seemingly trying to craft her answer. The red and purple from the sunset reflected off her tan skin as she gazed out.

"I don't know if I have told you this, but I used to be in your shoes. When I graduated high school, I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. I was smart, but my family didn't have the type of money to send me to college. I started working as a waitress at a club in LA and was noticed by an agent from The Agency. Coming from a home where we didn't have money, being offered a salary of $100,000 a year seemed like more money than I could ever hope for.

"That was ten years ago, and I was one of the first associates for our company. The money was too good for me to back away from, but I really struggled through the first year or two. I had only had sex with two men before I joined The Agency, and those were my high school boyfriends. I struggled with anxiety about how I performed in bed, was my body good enough, how do I lie to my parents about what I do for a living and how to function in society away from my assignments.

"This job seems like the dream job when it is offered, but it is definitely a difficult line of work. When you called today, I could hear in your voice the same stress that I had starting out. I know that you are probably struggling with different things than I did, but I figured that we could take this week to relax and work through some of the issues you might be facing. I never had someone that I could talk to about these issues, but that doesn't mean you have to do it alone."

A serious look had drifted across Eliza's face as she spoke to me. She never directly looked me, but glanced back and forth, spending most of her time looking at the ocean. The sun had drifted under the horizon, so it was difficult to see much of Eliza's face.

"I really appreciate that," I said in a happier tone, trying to lighten the mood, "I have really been struggling with job, especially the last month that I have been off. Let's go inside, refill our drinks and talk about it some."

We headed inside and made ourselves comfortable on the couch. I began to tell Eliza about my assignment with Taylor and the bond that I formed on it. I told her about my assignment with Jennifer and how I began to experience some wearing out in the job (I left out my sexual encounter with Dove). I explained how the evening with Kerry had rattled my confidence. I told her the story about going out to the bar with my friends and not being able to close the deal with the cute brunette and how I had been left to fulfill my own sexual needs. While I explained all of these things, Eliza just sat and listened. At no point did she give an opinion or ask a question, she just looked at me and nodded along as I went into every detail about the last half year.

When I concluded my story, I sat back and took a deep breath, relieved to have gotten all of that off my chest. It was the first time I had gotten to speak to anyone about my job. The secrecy had prevented me from being able to vent about my day or talk out any issues I was facing.

Eliza leaned forward, once she realized I had concluded my thoughts, "I want you to know that many of the issues that you went through, I have gone through as well. As far as your relationship with Taylor, you need to realize that you will never be anything more than her sex toy. She may seem to have feelings for you, but at the end of the day, she will always turn back to her fellow celebrities.

"Your experience with Jennifer is normal. We didn't provide you with much of a break between jobs, so I am not surprised that you got sexually drained. In the future, I will make sure to give you some time off between assignments so you can reenergize.

"When The Agency was starting out, we were limited on our associates, especially with the high demand of male clients we had. We didn't have our compatibility screening until 3 or 4 years ago, before that it was just who was available or who was requested. I had a number of occasions where I was turned away at the door or stopped during the middle of sex, because the guy didn't like something about my body or the way I performed. Some guys wanted a bigger girl, a girl with red hair, a girl with small boobs, a girl who was into something super kinky or a girl who had a sexier voice. It was demoralizing to be turned away or rejected because of something I couldn't control. You just have to remind yourself when that happens that you, like it did with Kerry, that you are very good at what you do. You have to realize that there are women who would pay good money to be with you and if someone doesn't want to, they are missing out.

"Transitioning back to the real world is difficult, and I still tend to struggle with it. When I spent nearly ten years on different assignments, I never had to deal with being flirted with or dating. I always had the guy that I was going to sleep with and that was all that I needed. When you come back to reality, it can be difficult to go back to working for that attention. Having a one night stand on your time off is fine, but you don't need to worry about dating right now. Dating and this job don't mix. I too spent a lot of time fulfilling my own sexual needs when I was on breaks from work, and in fact still do. My advice is to enjoy the opportunities that you do get for sex outside of work, but don't count on it to satisfy your urges.

"Try to avoid letting all of these things get pent up in your mind. I found it useful to keep a journal when I was working as an associate. It gave me an outlet for my feelings about my different assignments."

Eliza's comments helped put me even more at ease. Her advice seemed logical and I thought it would be a good idea to keep a journal of my exploits to use as an outlet. It was good to hear from someone else that had been through the same job and to hear that my issues were normal.

"Thanks!" I smiled back to Eliza, "You have no idea how much that has helped me. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders."

We sat back and finished our drinks, occasionally glancing over and smiling at each other. Eliza stood up and walked to the door of the patio and looked out.

"I think that pool is calling my name," Eliza said.

The pool was lit and glowed blue on the large patio. I had noticed the pool when we came in, but had been too stressed at the time to want to go for a swim. Yet, the thought of a swim seemed nice now that I had calmed down from our talk.

"Why don't I join you?" I said as I stood from the couch, "Let me just go change into my swim trunks and I'll be good to go."

Eliza laughed, "You are more than welcome to change into swim trunks if you want, but I don't think I will waste time putting on a bikini. We are the only house around and have a private pool. I don't have anyone I need to be hiding my body from."

Eliza grabbed a beach towel off the coffee table and went out the patio door. I stood frozen for a moment in the living room. Eliza did have a point that we had seen each other naked, so swimming naked wasn't that big of a deal. However, it seemed out of character given the friend like conversation we had just had about work. Our relationship was definitely different. I decided it would be almost insulting if I put on swim trunks after her comments, so I grabbed a towel of my own and headed out to the patio.

When I got out onto the patio, Eliza was already standing out near the pool. Her beautiful figure could be made out as the blue from the pool shown around her. She was removing her socks and shoes when I got up to the poolside.

"Glad you elected for no trunks," she said smiling at my arrival.

I removed my t-shirt and could feel the warm ocean breeze blowing against my skin. Eliza removed her purple V-neck shirt to reveal a white bra. I was still astounded at how much better Heidi's bra fit on Eliza then a normal bra. The white bra, which now glowed with a hint of blue from the pool light, cupped Eliza's tan breasts perfectly. Eliza unhooked the back and set her bra on the pool chair with her towel and shirt. Her short white shorts slipped off before I had a chance to take in a look at her topless figure. I quickly removed my shorts, as to not be the hold up.

We both stood naked on the pool deck. Eliza was giving my body the once over, as my dick was already beginning to show off an erection. I stared back at Eliza's gorgeous tanned body and was reminded of the fun we had at my training day.

Eliza darted toward the deep end and dove into the pool. A mass of bubbles formed where she had entered, but quickly popped as she reemerged from the bottom. Her beautiful brunette hair sleeked back as she popped out of the water and her tan figured blurred through the rippling water.

I dove in near her and felt the warm pool water hug around me. When I emerged, Eliza was treading water beside me.

"Water feels great, doesn't it?" she said.

I nodded and slipped back under the water, opening my eyes to see Eliza's body treading in the water. Her round breasts floated up and down in the water with each of her kicks. Her body looked incredibly sleek floating in the pool. I could see why she made such a good associate, her body was fantastic, and seemed only more fantastic each time I saw it.

I floated back up to the surface and paddled over to the side of the pool, pulling myself onto the deck. I sat on the deck with my legs still in the water as I watched Eliza swim around. Eliza swam my direction and emerged in front of me.

"Spread your legs," she said as she wiped the water from her eyes.

"Do what?!" I said surprised at the request.

"You heard me. Spread your legs. You said you hadn't been able to be with a woman recently, well I aim to serve. This will be about you."

I nervously spread my legs, while my dick quickly began to rise after her request. She grabbed my cock with her wet hand and pulled her body up against the side of the pool. She looked up at my and smiled. The next moment, she had her lips wrapped around my head. Eliza's work with my member was smooth. She didn't rush, but still was very fluid in her movement. Her tongue moved across my head and shaft with ease and it sent pulses of pleasure through my body.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head back as the ocean breeze felt cool against my wet skin, while Eliza's mouth warmed my cock. I moaned as each pulse of pleasure shot through my body.

"Gosh, I want you so bad," I moaned.

Eliza's lips slipped off my dick and she moved to the side, pulling herself out of the pool. Water poured off her body and onto the deck beside me. I saw drops slide down the curvature of her thick ass.

I stood and moved to the pool chair and sat down, being propped up slightly by the backrest. Eliza wasted no time mounting me. She glided her wet pussy against my shaft as I entered her. Eliza worked her hips at a rapid pace as she sat on my lap. I reached forward and held on to her soft breasts, massaging them as she glid and bounced. Eliza closed her eyes and leaned back, enjoying the work that she was putting in. We both moaned as she quickened her pace.

I could feel the cum ready to burst out of me. Her pussy clinched around my cock and that was all I could take. I groaned us I began to blast my cum inside her. Simultaneously, Eliza let out a powerful moan as she stopped moving her hips, obviously taken control by her orgasm.

We both panted trying to catch our breath as our orgasms subsided. Eliza lay forward against my shoulder, her wet hair pressed against me. I could feel her heart racing as her chest laid against mine. Her wet breasts rubbed against me as she attempted to catch her breath.

As our breathing returned to normal, the panting of our breaths was replaced by the crashing of waves in the distance. Eliza didn't move. She just kept lying on my shoulder. I had needed that sex, but it almost seemed like Eliza had needed it as well. I was in no rush to get up. It had been a while (my last night with Taylor) since I had just lain with a woman on top of me. There was a certain intimacy that I had been missing, but this was filling it. I rubbed Eliza's back with my hand as her warm body kept me warm.

Twenty minutes passed, but it seemed like much longer. Finally Eliza leaned off me and slid off my now limp dick. She walked over to the other pool chair and grabbed her towel, wrapping herself in it. She walked back up to the house and went inside, without saying a word.

I followed her lead a few moments later and made my way up to the master bedroom. Eliza had placed her bags in the guest bedroom when we had first arrived, and her bedroom door was already closed when I walked down the hallway.

I entered the bathroom and rinsed off the pool water from my body and then dried off. My body was worn out from the sex. I flopped into bed, still naked and tossed my towel on the floor. I threw the blanket over my body and settled into the sheets.

I was about to doze off, when I heard a light tapping on my door. My bedroom door cracked open.

"Joe, I really don't want to sleep alone tonight. Can I stay with you?" Eliza whispered, hoping I was awake to hear.

"Of course," I replied.

Eliza's shadow entered the room and quickly made its way into my bed. She was still naked as well, as I could feel her warm skin press against mine as she cuddled up beside me.

That night had meant a lot to me for a variety of reasons. The first was that I had finally gotten the chance to let some stress out about my job. I was now more confident and more at ease with my task and how to handle it.

The sex had been long overdue, as I hadn't been with a woman since getting stopped mid-thrust by Kerry Washington back in Houston. Eliza was obviously phenomenal sexually, but just being able to release with a woman was enough for me.

I also seemed to have built a better relationship with Eliza. She was someone I already considered a friend, but our relationship grew stronger through our conversation that night. It was nice to have someone who I could share these dark secrets with.

Eliza seemed to have needed this time away, much like I did. It was obvious by the way she acted after we had sex, that she had some sort of emotional wounds too. The way she cuddled me in bed, made me feel like she needed me to be there for her.

I knew there was more to her story than she had told me tonight, as Jake the Snake had already told me some of it. However, she had shared that she still had issues too. Hopefully, just being together for each other would help heal us both.

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