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I slowly opened my eyes as my cell phone buzzed on the nightstand beside him. Rolling over, I grabbed my phone to shut off the alarm. It was the end of a terrific month in London. My first trip to Europe hadn't afforded me the opportunity to take in any of the sights, but had still been a thrilling trip.

The bedroom was dimly lit by a thin beam of light that was sneaking between the curtains. As the blurriness of morning escaped my eyes, the room came into focus. Beside me in bed lay the lovely Emma Watson. She was facing away from me, with a thin sheet covering one of her legs and running between her legs, where it was balled up in her arms. The previous night's goodbye was intense and lengthy, leaving both of us hot and sweaty.

Emma's perky butt was barely illuminated by the light creeping in the bedroom, but it was a sight that I made sure to take in one final time. Running my hands along her waist, I leaned over and softly kissed Emma on her back, the kiss caused no effect on her deep slumber.

I knew that Emma had been looking forward to a morning to sleep in for some time, so I chose not to wake her. Over the last month, it was rare to get to wake up and see Emma lying in the bed. With filming finally finished, she would have a couple of weeks to relax before her next project. A final goodbye would have been nice, but I realized that the previous night had given us a goodbye that would be hard to top.

Quietly, I got out of bed and walked over to the clothes I laid out the night before. They were the only clothes that hadn't been packed away in my suitcase. Slipping on jeans and t-shirt, I grabbed my luggage and rolled over to the bedroom door. Before leaving I turned back one final time, "Goodbye, Emma," I whispered.

The last month had been significantly different than any experience I had at this point with The Agency. Emma was a self-described "pleaser". Her happiness was derived from her man's happiness. On that first day, I hadn't really understood what Emma meant by this, but after a month I fully grasped the concept.

For Emma, being a pleaser wasn't necessarily about being a submissive; although she had some submissive tendencies. Being a pleaser meant that she cared as much about my happiness as she did her own. There was a give and take. I worked just as hard to provide happiness for Emma, as she did for me, both sexually and not. It was a unique relationship that not only was rare in my working relationships, but also in my previous personal relationships.

I made my way toward the large staircase and came up to the small library that was located halfway down the hall. Emma said that this was probably her favorite place in the world. For Emma, the library was a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of a celebrity's life. Decorated in dark wood, the bookshelves held all sorts of books from classics to New York Time best sellers. I'm not much of a reader, but even I took some free time to sit down and read some over the previous month.

Two weeks before, we had one of our most memorable nights together in that small library. It was a rainy night, and a small fire crackled and popped in the fireplace. The fire provided a small amount of light and warmth to the room. Besides the desk located near the wall of books, the only piece of furniture was an oversized chaise lounge that sat near the fireplace.

That lounge is where we found ourselves that night, curled up together enjoying the fire as it flamed nearby. It hadn't taken us long to realize that they both enjoyed being close to one another. Whether it was in the library, movie theater or even the bedroom, it was rare to see us far apart.

While relaxing together, we sat and talked. At some point, the conversation came to a close but the communication didn't. I can still remember the look in Emma's beautiful brown eyes as she stared up at me. Words weren't needed to communicate that Emma was hungry for my lips. I slowly leaned in and we began to kiss.

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