AGT 15 makes me mad fsr

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If you haven't done so already, watch America's Got Talent season 15! It may make you fuelled with rage but maybe not 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♂️

Leshawna: I'M MAD AF!!!!

Gwen: Leshawna busted out the caps

Gwen: Run

Harold: Idk why you're so mad fair lady!

Harold: Broken Roots deserved to be second place!

Leshawna: My girl Cristina Rae deserved that car!!!

Bridgette: But what about Roberta Battaliga(I think that's how you spell it 😅)?

Bridgette: I thought for sure she was gonna win

Noah: Naaaaah yall crazy

Noah: Brandon deserved that win

Heather: Are you only saying that because he's into literature

Noah: No

Heather: I smell cap

Noah: Fine 

Trent: Broken Roots were aight

Gwen: And that's coming from a guy that PLAYS guitar

Justin: Harsh

Noah: #AlexHooperdeservedtomakeitfurther

Heather: ^ #AlexHooperdeservedtomakeitfurther

Leshawna: That dude got REJECTED 

Leshawna: The judges were just giving him the benefit of the doubt

Gwen: Fucking Simon Cowell..

Tyler: What are you all talking bout

Lindsay: I agree with Tyler

Tyler: I'm literally crying right now

Lindsay: Don't cry I know your name now

Lindsay: I don't know what their talking bout either

Beth: ^

Sierra: AGT 15

Alejandro: Everybody has seen it!

Heather: Except THEM apparently 

Lindsay: Where do I find it

Heather: You can watch it on netflix LiNcOn

Lindsay: My name is Lindsay Heap

Beth: As in heaping spoonful of bitchiness!

Heather: 🙄😒

Leshawna: Enough already!


Bridgette: I'm not gonna shout like Leshawna but Roberta deserved that win

Noah: Brandon.Derserved.That.Win.PERIODT!

Cody: Why is everybody fighting over who should have won?


Dj: Mama doesn't like it when you guys swear

Bridgette: I don't like it too but for the sake of your innocence...

Bridgette has removed Dj

Bridgette: I'm sorry

Duncan: Jonathan Goodwill was the most interesting

Courtney: Well the Bello Sisters were persistent and therefore the most worthy of winning!

Duncan: She says as she's cuddling me


Duncan: oh yeah?


Duncan: I put a filter on it but Princess still be looking fine 😌

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Duncan: I put a filter on it but Princess still be looking fine 😌


Geoff: Hey Bridge 😏

Geoff: what bout us


Bridgette: WE ARE SO COUPLE GOALS SMOOCHY-POO🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😍😍😍💕💕💕💕

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Bridgette: WE ARE SO COUPLE GOALS SMOOCHY-POO🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😍😍😍💕💕💕💕

Noah: The hearts are too much

Cody: Now I know what I'm doing every day

Noah: Kill me

Sierra: I WANT to kill you but I CAN'T because you keep on BEGGING for it

Noah: Fine

Heather: I be looking fiiiiine


Gwen: Ew

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Gwen: Ew

Leshawna: ^

Heather: I tHoUgHt We WeRe FrIeNdS

Leshawna: for ONE season

Leshawna: That's was it

418 words this is short for me😅   like should I make an instagram? (Unoriginal by the way)

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