Ink sighed, bored.
Currently, he was amusing himself by scrolling through Tumblr again- though slightly concerned if he would need bleach by the end of the day or not.Error was there with him, they were both in bed together, not knowing what else to do.
Ink kept giving Error a sideways glance every time he scrolled past a particularly concerning post that included him, being wary of the other incase he decided to suddenly throw the phone across the room.If the phone broke what would he do then?
"Wh-y do-es ever-yone th-ink im a c-at?"
Ink read the post he was on quickly, as it seemed Error read much faster than him- a skill he questioned numerous times but never got a answer for.
The post was basically about how lots of Creators thought Error acted like a cat, which Ink wouldn't deny at any time of the year.
"Because you act like one."
"I d-o not!"
"Tell me that snuggling me and then trying to murder me if I accidently move wrong isn't acting like a cat."
"...Fu-ck you, th-ats how."
"Im not in the mood Error, maybe later."
Error started actively choking.
Ink, now making his infamous mix between grinning and smirking, continued scrolling.He was actually getting an idea out of these cat-Error posts.
Error would probably hate him for the next week if he tried it but, hey, he supposed that was a fair price to pay.
Ink ignored the sinking feeling in his chest- despite having no soul- at the thought of Error despising him, if even for only a week."Hey, Error?"
"Can I, I dunno... paint some cat ears on you?"
Error gave him a look, just a simple look that deadass spelled 'You have a death wish, bitch?'.
Ink grinned.
Ink stood up on the bed, dropping the phone, and pulled out one of his mini paintbrushes."W-??? I-I sai-d no-!"
"I heard yes!"
Ink then held Error down, who was now struggling and glitching profusely- Ink felt guilty at that, if he crashed because of him wanting to give him cat ears he'd feel really shitty about it.
Matching the color of his jacket hoodie (which he coincidently had on) he painted two fuzzy cat ears in two swift strokes.
He let go, sitting back in his original position as he watched the other.
Error just laid there, stiff and glitching.
"Uh, did you crash..?"
"M-m... uh-g, no-o."
"...You okay?"
"Why not?"
"Bec-ause I wan-t to stab yo-u bu-t if I do th-at im a b-ad boyfr-iend so I ca-nt."
Error sat up, glaring at Ink before reaching up to feel his new fluffy add-ons.
"I h-ate you."
"I know."
He could see Error glance at him as Ink painted his own little cat ears on, rainbow colored as he didn't exactly have a favorite color and wore no hoodie.
He could always snap and have the painted additions disperse at any time, no worries about them lasting forever.Error growled from beside him, muttering something, provoking Ink to turn and look at him in a mix of confused curiosity.
"What did you say?"
"I do-nt... actu-ally hate you-u, dumb-a-ss."
Ink smiled, deciding to suddenly wrap his arms around the other.
He inwardly regretted it but seeing as Error didn't startle he figured he was good despite Ink not asking if he could hug him first- a thing he often tried to remember doing.
"I know that Error, I was just... thinking!"
He felt Error wrap his own arms around him, accepting the hug.
"Uh-huh, su-re, any-way- are th-ese... remov-able?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You-r taking th-em off in twen-ty minu-tes or else."
Ink huffed, though relented to the threat of a request, if Error was going to actually be okay with this for 20 minutes then he could accept that.
"Fine, that's good enough for me."
ye have some short shit becuase my inpsiration had a big fat stroke :D
31 Shiptober Errorink Writing Challenge
РазноеJust using the one from Ask Glitch And Squid blog because they posted one and I decided yes because errorink and yes. Teheheheheheh errorink :))))) All the drawings are owned by me plus the writing obviously so dont steal or you get copyright slap.