ahhhaahhaha i hate the drawing tbh-)
Error frowned, looking at Ink skeptically.
His partner was grinning like a madman, quite obviously waiting for a response.
Error blew out a breathe of annoyance.
"Fin-e, we can swa-p clothes for you-r stupid hallow-een par-ty."
"Yay!- Its not stupid!"
Error snickered, stripping himself of his jacket.
He flung it at Ink, satisfied when it smacked him in the face.
Ink frowned at him.
Error began walking away, intending to get his mornings full of chocolate.
"Hey! I meant all your clothes!"
Error stopped, groaning, he turned back to the bedroom that he had just left a few minutes ago.
Why couldn't mornings be relaxing for one day?
"Ill throw my clothes in after so you can dress up!"
Error slammed the door shut, wanting to make it well known he was annoyed.
Why couldn't the damned Halloween party be, ya know, not a hour or two away from the time he usually got up???
Error slowly stripped himself, relishing the room temperature air bathing his bones (it was refreshingly cold for him as he always wore long, covering clothes).
True to words he was delivered Inks clothes within a few minutes, he chucked his clothes out of the door.
Clothes for clothes, a nice trade, except Error hated wearing anything other than his clothes.
Sighing, then emitting another long, agonizing groan in the hopes of annoying Ink before slipping on Inks white shirt.
"Stop groaning you sound like a dying cow."
Error choked on a laugh, realizing he did indeed sound like a dying cow.
"I can hear you laughing!"
"I-m not lau-ghing!"
He huffed, fitting on the rest of Inks clothes like a puzzle piece.
"You done yet?"
He already thought he looked weird as hell, but it only got worse when the moment Ink stepped in the room he broke down laughing.
"Fu-ck you! It was yo-ur idea! Sto-p laug-hing at m-e!"
Ink, to his credit, stopped laughing, probably sensing his partner was actually upset.
"Okay- okay, sorry."
Error didn't respond, still angry for many reasons: Not having breakfast yet, being hangry in general, Ink torturing him... the list goes on.
"I'm really sorry- hey! Look how stupid I look in this!"
Ink spun around, trying to show how stupid he did look in Errors clothes- because he really did.
Ink frowned, still finding Error being grumpy.
He was hit by a genius idea.
He poked Error, catching his full attention.
Smirking, Ink matched Errors expression of just upsetti spaghettiness.
"Im Error and im grumpy, grrr!"
Error was very easily amused by this, but decided to hide it by pushing Ink out of the way- might I mention by literally high fiving his face before shoving him- and heading to the kitchen.
Ink laughed, following him.
Ink knew it worked.
"So how do you feel?"
"I-t feels terri-ble, your cloth-es are wei-rd."
"Aww, I like your clothes, they're all soft and... soft! I especially like your sweater."
"Oka-y then..."
"Why do you sound skeptical of how amazing your sweater is!"
"Becau-se I ma-de it..?"
"You did?"
Error hummed in confirmation.
"...Can you make me one?"
Error paused, calculating.
He had nothing better to do, other than snuggle with Ink and suffer at this damned party.
Ink quietly celebrated from behind him.
"Did you make the other clothes?"
"N-o, ju-st the sweat-er."
"Oh, okay. I really, really like your sweater."
Ink big goofy grin was somehow amusing to him, though he was starting to have other concerns from how much he was saying he liked his stupid, old sweater.
"I-f you sta-rt sniffing my clo-thes im ditch-ing you."
Ink inwardly cried, secretly wanting to do just that.
Error glanced at him, hearing his dissapointment despite visually hiding it.
"Actua--ly... I-ll allo-w it as lon-g as you don-t get wei-rd."
Ink brightened up instantly, Error was honestly concerned.
Ink coughed.
"I uh, thank you, but I definitely didn't want too do that in the first place, heh- weirdo..."
Totally believable lie, Ink.
Is it normal to want to smell your lovers clothes???
Should he seriously be allowing this???
"Can I hug you?"
"Wh-y do you ne-ed to ask..?"
"Too make sure I dont surprise you."
"Wo-w, too bad you cou-ldn't do that the bajilli-on differ-ent time's you've literal-ly tackled m-e on sight."
Ink scoffed, stuttering to make up an excuse.
"Well- Its not my fault your so huggable!"
Error rolled his eyes.
"Hu-g me afte-er I get my d-amn foo-d."
"Wow okay grumpy."
"Bit-ch, you-r the one ke-eping me from my choc-olate!"
Ink ran down the stairs ahead of him, resulting in another eye roll.
"How long unt-il your du-mmb-mb par-ty?"
"Oh its tomorrow!"
"Wh-! Ex-cuse me-!?"
He had to do this dress up shit for nothing when he could have stayed in his warm sweater?!
"Relax Glitchy! Im joking, its in like 30 minutes."
He growled, Ink really made him want to stab someone sometimes- not that he didn't want to do that in the first place.
Error, now making sure to sneak Ink glares when he made it down to the kitchen, finally got his well deserved chocolate.
"Are you seriously going to eat chocolate for breakfast again..?"
"Y-es, su-e me."
"...Maybe I will..."
ye uh
have more shit chapters-
honestly day 5 is the one im the most proud of right now
31 Shiptober Errorink Writing Challenge
AléatoireJust using the one from Ask Glitch And Squid blog because they posted one and I decided yes because errorink and yes. Teheheheheheh errorink :))))) All the drawings are owned by me plus the writing obviously so dont steal or you get copyright slap.