(is it bad I cant stop laughing at how bad the drawing looks lmOA like, where did my skills go??? siNCe When diD i Say yALL coulD go On vAcatIOn)
"Error come on!"
Error stumbled, gripping onto the railings for dear life- why had he agreed to this?
"J-ust be pai-ent! I'm gon-na fall if I go- any-fa-ster!"
When Error finally made it to the ice- they had gone to a public ice skating area to spend a few hours there- Ink was, to his credit, actually waiting for him.
"Careful." Ink warned as Error transferred from the (stupid) carpet to the (even stupider) ice, all the while consistently clinging to the much colder railing."Yo-ur worried ab-out me? Sur-rpis-ing." Error near-snarled, way too uneasy to let go of his current life-saver.
Ink huffed. "Dont hog the wall, it'll be fun if you just let go!"
"An-d imm-ediantly fall o-ver? No tha-nks."
"Cmon! Its not that hard." Ink, as if showing he was correct, let go of the wall, joining the small fray of people skating in a somewhat organized circle (there were a few madlads skating the 'wrong' way).Deciding to hold onto Inks words, he tentatively tried to replicate the motions he could see.
It caused him to slip, panicking and holding himself closer to the wall as he tried to get the skates to stop slipping.
He tilted his skates, hoping to get them too stop- instead it backfired, making him completely loose his balance.Frowning and internally regretting his decision in coming here, he attempted to climb back to his feet- that didn't go very well.
"Fu-ck." He breathed, inching forward so he could just grab onto the damned railing- his bottom and knees were soaked now, great.
"Having fun there?" Ink laughed, literally ramming himself into the railing too stop his momentum.
Error cringed as Ink, unsurprisingly, yelped 'ow'- maybe Ink should be classified as a madlad as well, since a fourth of the people here had already earned that title."No-o." He grabbed the hand lent out to him, pulling himself up with Inks help.
Already feeling himself slipping again he, instead of the railing, gripped onto Ink for dear life, who in turn had to frantically grasp the railing to keep them both from collapsing.
"Need some help?" Ink asked the perfectly obvious, after securing them both from a icy fate- that of which Error had already experienced.
"N-o,- ye-s... ma-ybe."Ink chuckled.
"You have to let go of me though."
"No." Error buried his face in Inks chest- he was cold after all.Sighing, Ink was quiet for a second.
"Oh, I know! You can just hold onto my back and let me do the skating!" Ink suggested.
Error somehow doubted this would work very well, but decided to try either way- not like he particularly wanted to learn how to skate at the mercy of his face.
"Fi-ne." Slowly, he latched back onto the railing as he waited for Ink to turn around.
"Okay, grab on." Error did so, ternately wrapping his arms around Inks ribs, hugging his back. "Ready?"
"I-I gu-ess?" Error still had a nagging feeling he was going to fall- probably both him and Ink actually."K, you gotta position your uh- skates so that they dont drag and stuff."
"Got i-t." Error shuffled so his skates wouldn't 'drag and stuff'.
Ink went quiet again, not moving either.
"On second thought this probably wont work. Here, hold my hand instead?"Shrugging, he grabbed Inks hand, squeezing it in his usual habit.
"If I f-all im su-eing you."
"Ill keep that in mind."Ink gave him a glance that said 'ok im gonna go now dont die'.
Gently, at his nod, Ink began moving- looking over his shoulder at Error every now and then.
Error was... okay with this, he just had too monitor his feet so that they went the same direction Inks did- he was just glad Ink wasn't speeding like some of the people here, how do you even control yourself when your going that fast???
"See? Isn't this fun?"
Error tilted his skull, thinking- he glanced around him, to his skates then back too Ink. "I gu-ess."
Ink smiled. "Can I go faster?" Upon seeing Errors frown he was quick to add "-Not too fast! Just a little more."
"Su-re..." Error was a little concerned.
He relaxed when he realized Ink was serious when he meant a little- though he could feel a slight breeze now which might have been slightly worrying, but he let it refresh him.Maybe it was worth coming despite not knowing how to skate, he could enjoy it like this at least.
31 Shiptober Errorink Writing Challenge
AléatoireJust using the one from Ask Glitch And Squid blog because they posted one and I decided yes because errorink and yes. Teheheheheheh errorink :))))) All the drawings are owned by me plus the writing obviously so dont steal or you get copyright slap.