5. school ugh

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Peter pov.

The next day at school.

I sit in my science class thinking about Charles. Spiderman has a freakin friend! I wish i could meet him as me. Peter Parker. I wonder if he would care that im..im trans.

"Class we have a new student! This is Charles Wilson. Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" The teacher says gaining my attention. My eyes shoot up as i realise its Charles! Charles from the rooftop who gave me a burger. I hold back a huge grin as he stand infront of the class.

"Not Particularly" he says sarcastically while looking at the floor.

"Well-II ummm...sit beside Peter" i raise my hand and give him a shy smile. He just walks over staring at the ground clearly nervous.

"I-I'm Peter" i say once he sat down still not uttering a word. He stayed silent.

About halfway through class Charles still hadent said a thing, to anyone. A few popular girls have been flirting with them but he keeps his head down.

"Look, i know being new is hard. You can hang out with me and my friend at lunch since you probarly don't know an-" he cut he off with a small smile almost imposibke to see.

"I have a friend"

"O-Oh, cool. Who?" I ask confused. He told me he didn't have any friends on the roof tops. Dose he mean spiderman?

"I-I cant tell you" he whispers. Hes trying to keep spidermans identity a secret. Awwww! Thats so sweet.

"Okay, the offer still stands tho. We sit in the back table"

"I-I'm sorry. Im not used to this many people. Usally its just me and...my friend or Wade never huge classrooms filled with people. I'm really bad with people" he explains clearly feeling guilty.

"Its okay. I get it. Its just me and my friend Ned so, no big crowds...hey, who-who's Wade? Is he your friend too?" Im extremely intrigued by the mysterious boy i talk to behind the mask.

"I umm...i-I live with him. Hes my F-foster dad" be whispers, i only hear it because of my spidey senses.

"I live with my forter dad too. I used to live with my Aunt May but my dad and me got really close so he decided to adopt me if May could keep in contact with me."

"PARKER! MR. WILSON! ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION!" the teacher screams making the whole class turn to us. I feel Charles hand grab mine under the table and shake violently.

"No, sorry. Wont happen again" i say making them look away

"Thank you Peter."

"No worries, wanna be f-friends?" I ask shyly. It was so much easier being spiderman.

"Oh! I'll have to ask Spi-Spenser! Yes, his name is Spencer. I'll get back to you"

"Heres my number" i give him a piece of paper as class ends and we walk our separate ways.


"I don't know if he'll be here or not ned! Just wait" i tell my best friend as we sit at our usual table at lunch waiting to see if Charles will sit with us.

"Is he cool?" Ned asks with a smile.

"Yeah. Hes the boy i spoke to as SpiderMan. He said i was his friend in class and would have to ask me if...i could be his friend" i know its confusing.

"Thats sweet. Is that him?" Ned points to a random boy walking past but i just put his hand down. "What about him?oh! OOOOH! or him"

"Shut up ned" i groan and put my head on the table.

"P-Peter?" A soft voice trembles making me lift my head up and see Charles looking at me with a scared smile.

"Charles! You came!!!!" I squeal but cover it with a cough to play it cool. "Charles, meet Ned. Ned, meet Charles"

"Hey, Peter wouldnt shut up about you" Ned blurts out making me punch his arm.

"W-We only met T-Today" he stutters out. I give a small smile and point to the seat infront of us.

"Wanna sit down?" I ask in a soft voice to ease his nerves-i think i worked...or hoped.

"Oh, o-okay."

"Wheres your lunch?" Ned asks stuffing his face with a few fries. Only now have i realised he hasnt got any lunch.

"Wade packed my l-lunch" he opens his bag and pulls out the same container as last night and places it on the table.

He picket up a small note attached and read it with the first genuine smile I've seen all day.

"Cool. Whos wade? He your friend too?" Ned is so full of questions today.

"No. I live with him, and i only have one friend" he corrects politly.

"Were your friends tho. So now you have 3" ned says once again. We already went through this.

"Yes but he has to ask his friend first. Right Charles?" He nods at me with a small smile before picking up a few carrot sticks and eating them quietly.

"Hey, did liz get a new jacket?"ned says. I look to my crush but instead of getting butterflies i feel normal.

"we've seen that jacket before she just curled her hair" i say not really caring for some reason.

"w-who's Liz?"


Peter Parker. gay? (trans Peter Parker xMale!oc )Where stories live. Discover now