Aurora is the fifth member of FreakShow. Chase, Claire, Haley, Aurora, and Hamzah.
But she feels something for one of them. Something more than just friendship.
She loves Hamzah.
I pulled away, smiling and detaching myself from Hamzahs arms. I saw him pout and giggle, as I was grabbing my clothes. I went into the bathroom to get ready. I decided to dress casual because honestly I don't think there were that many fancy restaurants around here.
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I put my hair up messily and put on some lipgloss and mascara. After that, I put in some small golden hoops and was ready to go. I grabbed my white mini purse and left. Hamzah was - once again- just wearing his jeans and was pulling a shirt over his head when I walked in. I hugged him from the back as he was standing. I felt him chuckle and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Hurry up!" I heard Claire yell from outside the door. I giggled and let go of Hamzah, opening the door and walking out. Hamzah followed. Claire was wearing a vest with a mini skirt, and Haley was wearing the new shirt she got with some jeans. Chase was wearing sandals that showed off his bright pink toenails. I laughed out loud as I saw, trying to stifle my giggles behind my hand.
"Nice nails," I said to him. The rest of the group looked down and then laughed with me. Chase looked fake - offended but I could tell he was trying not to laugh. After we were all ready to go, we walked down to Chases car. Chase and Hamzah sat in the front, while Haley and Me sat in the two spaced out middle seats, and Claire sat in the back.
"Where are we going?" Haley asked. I shrugged.
"I thought you guys were gonna figure that out," Hamzah said. Everyone else shrugged. I groaned and pulled out my phone, googling restaurants near us. I found some random restaurant with 4.4 stars right downtown.
"Found something," I said, crawling to the front. Chase handed me his phone and I found it on the maps. I handed it back to him when I was done.
"Alright, everyone have everything?" Chase asked.
"Yes," We chorused. He nodded and pulled out of the parking lot. While in the car, we filmed lots of tiktoks. Comments flew in faster than ever. We all laughed while we drove on our way. Finally, we got downtown. Parking was hard so we just went to some random parking lot, pretty far from the restaurant. We got out, walking down the busy street and to the place. I held Hamzahs hand while we walked, swinging our intertwined hands back and forth. Hamzah smiled at me as the cold air bit my nose, turning my face a rosy pink. We finally got to the restaurant and walked into the toasty room. There weren't many people there, only about five tables were occupied. A waiter showed us to a table in the corner. We all sat down.
"I'm starving," I said, rubbing my hands together because of the cold. Everyone nodded. The waiter came back over and handed us our menus. We thanked him and he left, leaving us to look over them.
"What do you guys want to do tommorow?" Claire asked.
"Hm..." I said, tapping my fingers against the table. The group chatted on and shared ideas of what to do. I wrapped my arms around my torso to keep warm, as I was pretty cold. Hamzah noticed my shivering and tapped my shoulder.
"Take this," He said, handing me his sweatshirt. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Aren't you cold?" I asked. He shook his head.
"Nope. Take it, please." He said, with puppy eyes. I giggled quietly and put the hoodie over my head, feeling the goosebumps on my arms slowly fade away. The hoodie smelled like Hamzah, and was oversized on me. I smiled as I buried my arms in it. Hamzah smiled at me and held my hand under the table, again drawing shapes with his thumb onto my palm.
"No no we can't do that," Claire said.
"Well then what should we do?" Haley asked. Chase pulled out his phone. I was sitting next to him so I leaned over to see what he was doing. He was googling places to go. The first thing to pop up was a zoo and aquarium.
"Let's go to the zoo!" He said. Claire nodded enthusiastically and I laughed. The zoo sounded fun, and it seemed like a solid plan. We made the plans to wake up at 7, get there at eight, and then leave by lunch or later or something. I was excited, although the day we had to leave was already creeping upon us.
I sighed and leaned into Hamzahs shoulder as the waitress took away the last of our plates. We'd eaten dinner and it started to get dark, street lamps illuminating the streets. We finally got our check and split it. I stood up, stretching my arms. We all grabbed our things and left, getting into the car.
"I don't really want to go back to the hotel just yet," Haley said.
"Same," I said. Claire, Hamzah, and Chase nodded. We got back onto a road, not quite knowing where to go. We were in the middle of the city, the sky dark and our music playing through the speakers. I felt oddly at peace. The windows were opened, and we had to talk loudly to hear each-other over the combined volume of the music and wind.
"LETS GET ICE CREAM," Claire shouted.
"OKAY," Chase shouted back. I crawled up front again, taking his phone and helping re-route it to the nearest ice cream store. It was a Saturday night, so several people were walking the streets. I climbed back into my seat, letting out a deep sigh. A smile made its way onto my face as Claire and Chase sang along with the radio. I laughed but joined them. Soon we were all singing, the car filled with noise. I saw some people on the street stare, but honestly I didn't really care. I felt warm, like my insides were melted and now I was just pure happiness. Hamzahs sweatshirt wrapped around my figure like a pair of arms, and his smell made me feel safe, as if he was holding me. I felt the best I had felt in years.
We pulled into the parking lot of the ice cream shop, the tiny stores sign hanging out front with cute drawings of little ice creams with smiley faces. We got out of the car, me grabbing Hamzahs hand as we did. Everyone walked inside. It was empty, only an employee at the register. I looked at the flavors.
"Chocolate," I said. "Definitely chocolate." Hamzah laughed and decided he was going to get cookie dough. I smiled as we all ordered our ice creams, climbing back into the car. We ate in silence as Chase drove down a couple streets to a small park. There was a great view of a small lake, with benches surrounding it. We sat down with our desserts, facing the lake. We chatted for a while, just sitting on the grass. The lights of the city reflected in the water, making everything shiny and bright. The only other light was a small streetlamp above us. I sighed as I held Hamzahs hand again, leaning onto his shoulder. I felt him turn and kiss my head before turning back. I let out a deep sigh and closed my eyes, only listening to the hum of conversation around me and the quiet noises of outside. I heard them filming a couple tiktoks and moved my head to participate. I ended up laughing with them so hard my stomach hurt.
After a while, we had finished our ice cream and it was getting pretty dark. We climbed back into the car, our conversation slowly drowning into a comfortable silence. I rested on my seat as we drove back to the hotel, the quiet radio playing and filling the empty gap of noise. The car stopped and I heard everyone start moving. I got up and climbed out of the car. I found Hamzahs hand through my long sleeves as he walked next to me. Finally, after what felt like ages, we got back to our room. We bid goodnight to Claire, Haley, and Chase and went back to our own. I sighed and threw off my clothes, only barely being able to throw on a tank top and fuzzy pajama bottoms before I collapsed into bed. I saw Hamzah switch off the lights and climb in next to me. He moved me so I would be under the covers, and tucked the blankets up. I smiled with my eyes still closed, and scooted over to him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my head on his stomach. His heartbeat was like a lullaby as I felt him kiss my head and I fell asleep.