❣︎𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 38❣︎

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Needless to say, the rest of lunch was awkward. Both of us were still hungry, so we got our food and ate mostly in silence. When we finally finished and got up, I hurried to the door and pushed it open, glad to be out of the stuffy booth with Hamzah. He walked out behind me. I put my hands into my pockets and walked to the car. He got in next to me and started the engine. We sat in silence on our way back.


We got back to his apartment and I wasted no time packing up my things and putting them into my car.

"Well-uh. See you. Maybe," I said. Hamzah smiled and gave me a small, "Bye." I gave a quick awkward hug before closing the door behind me, leaving Hamzah for who knows how long. Its weird how something could change the way two people are in a matter of seconds. I still had feelings for Hamzah, but I couldn't admit it to myself. Time was the only medicine. I would learn. I hopped in my car and took a deep breath. The awful feeling of regret and guilt filled my stomach, like a dark black hole had made its way inside of me. I buried my face in my hands and couldn't help the tears that spilled. I missed him already, but it's impossible to tell him. I took a deep breath and used my sleeve to wipe my tears. I sniffled and closed my eyes. It would be okay. Deciding to not dwell on it, I started the engine.



I fell onto the couch, burying my face. How could I do that? How could I let her go so easily? I grabbed my phone from the table and went to Michelle's messages. I should've shown Aurora the proof. Why was I such a coward? I angrily hit the block button, something I realized I should've done a while ago. I went to tiktok to get my mind off of things. Auroras face stared back at me. I recognized the backdrop. My heart fell as I realized she made it while we were still together, last night when she was on the couch. I quickly scrolled the avoid the heartache and settled down.


Surprisingly, there wasn't much traffic coming home and I made it in a couple hours. Bye now it was only about 3, so I still had a long time before night. I walked into the empty house, the lonely coldness wrapped around me. My keys jangled loudly in the silent house as I set them down on the counter and tugged off my shoes. I sighed and carried my bag to my room, quickly unpacking it. After I was finished, my stomach rumbled. I washed my face and changed into comfortable pajamas. I got up to toast a pop tart, and then grabbed a blanket and settled into the living room couch to watch another movie. I picked a Lemonade Mouth for the nostalgia and sighed deeply as I set down the remote and the title credits began to play. My mind wandered as I chewed the strawberry pastry. I began to have second thoughts about breaking up with Hamzah. I mean, why would he lie? My side of the situation started sounding more ridiculous by the second. He wouldn't lie. Maybe he was just going to confront her. Another tear ran down my cheek that I was quick to wipe off. Maybe I was wrong about this whole thing. But then again, Hamzah seemed to have no trouble with saying goodbye. I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to Susan.

Me: movie & snacks at my place rn?

It only took a minute for her to respond.

Susan: hell yeah
Susan: be right there 🙏

I smiled and paused the movie. Tapping my phone, I went to tiktok and started watching. I went through my chats and Chase had spammed me with furry videos. Again. He had sent another message at the bottom, "dont be furryphobic 🤡🤡"

I laughed and scrolled through. Claire had sent me a random one and I had a couple from Haley. I had a bunch from other friends but I was too lazy to check them. I scrolled through tiktok until my doorbell rung.

"Come in!" I shouted. Susan, dressed in rudolph pjs, came in. She held a small bag.

"What's in the bag?" I asked.

"Snacks" She said, walking over and hopping onto the couch next to me. I giggled and unpaused the TV. She snuggled into the blanket next to me. It only took a moment for her to notice my puffy eyes and sad face.

"What's wrong?" She asked softly. I turned to face her.

"Nothing," I said. She gave me a face and I sighed.

"Alright. Me and Hamzah- we," I sighed. "Broke up."

"Oh my god. Come here," She said. I felt so exhausted and sad from the day I felt my tears roll down my cheeks as I went to her side.

"It's okay," She said. My vision was blurry with tears and I had a small headache. I just felt so tired, I didn't know what to do.

"I think it's," I hiccuped, "My fault."

"Don't say that," She said.

"But it is. I'm the one who told him we should have a break. I'm the one who accused him of cheating, and now I don't even think he did! It's my fault," I ranted, covering my face with my hands. She pulled me into a hug as I sobbed, giving up on holding it back. I was so sad, and missed Hamzah already.

"Do you want to call him?" She asked quietly. I shook my head.

"I'm not ready," I said. I sighed as I rested my head on her lap, something that made me remember Hamzah and feel another rush of guilt. I turned my attention back to the movie. Susan's bag still sat on the table, so I grabbed it and pulled something out. It was a box of M&Ms. I smiled and opened it, settling down from my episode and feeling my eyes become heavy. I fell asleep with the half eaten box of M&Ms sitting on my lap, feeling the calmest I had felt that day.

A/N: heyy guys. i think i'm gonna end this book soon cause there's like 38 chapters lolz. anyway leave feedback+ vote!!!!! ok thanks for reading bye ❤️❤️

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