❣︎𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 41❣︎

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We got home late and crashed in my bed, overwhelmed with exhaustion. As I slept, my mind swirled with thoughts, making me feel sick.


I fell out of my bed, my body hitting the floor with a loud thump. I groaned and covered my face with my hands. A short nap had turned into hours, and now was starting to get dark. I had hurried home as soon as school had ended. After breaking up with Hamzah, it was as if a dark cloud covered me. I weakly pushed myself up, and jumped onto my bed, falling onto my pillow. I picked up my phone from beside me. No new messages. I sighed and closed my eyes. I couldn't get over him, no matter how hard I tried. I was embarrassed, and ashamed for not trusting him. I wouldn't be like this right now if I had. My phone buzzed from beside me. I eagerly picked it up. My eyes widened and my heart started to quicken as I saw who it was from.


Hamzah: Can we call?

I felt the blood rush to my face. Call about what? Despite my nerves, I texted him back almost immediately.

Me: Sure.

I took a deep breath as his caller ID came on the screen. It had been a while since I had seen it. One last breath and- I accepted it.

"Hello?" I asked. I heard noise on the other end.

"Yeah, hey. Hi Aurora." He said. He sounded tired. Sad, even. My heart was beating wildly.

"So um, whats up?" I asked. I sounded stupid, my mind being so preoccupied with possibilities that I couldn't' think right.

"Listen. I'm really sorry. I know its been days and, you said you were okay with breaking up, but- I love you. I can't stop. I don't think I can."

I took in a sharp breath. I was lost for words.

"Hamzah, I-"

"No. Its stupid, I know. Just forget I said anything." He said.

"Wait no Hamzah I-" but the call had ended before I could say anything. I looked at my phone, confused and upset. He still loved me? He'd said it himself, and it sounded honest. I felt sick as I hadn't been able to tell him it back. What if he took it as a no, and never talks to me again? I threw my phone down onto my bed in frustration. Stomping into the living room, I grabbed my keys and slammed the door behind me. If he didn't stay to hear me, then I would make him. I jumped in my car and started my ride to his house.

A/N: guys aaron mentioned me on his live im so embarassed tbh the comments were like "WHO WOULD WRITE THISSS" GIRL IDK I WROTE IT I WAS BORED I HAD NOTHING BETTER TO DO I DIDNT KNOW IT WOULD BLOW UPPPP anyways thanks for the reads and im so so sorry for not updating. If anyone wants to take over the book for me message me and ill give u the story so u can continue it and be more quick with the updates than me. Again sorry for not updating and thanks for the reads and im still freaking out from the stream. Also short chapter SORRY ill try to update more often in winter break

☀︎︎𝐻𝑎𝑚𝑧𝑎ℎ - 𝑆𝑜𝑓𝑡𝑙𝑦 ☀︎︎Where stories live. Discover now