at peace

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Hogwarts had been Cassandra Lupin's home since the moment she stepped through the doors. This meant that when the Hogwarts express departed from Kings Cross Station on the September 1st 1976 she didn't feel any sense of great sadness or grief, only excitement for the year ahead of her.

Her carriage that she shared with her best friend Mateo Péres was bustling with life and conversation , as it always was, people popped in and out for the whole journey to say hello to the pair.

The duo had met in their first year on the train and had shared a compartment every train ride since. Mateo and Cassandra had both been placed in Hufflepuff. Their friendship didn't really fit into normal roles, Mateo was up for anything, a total party animal but also the biggest softie out of the two of them and was always looking after his best friend and Cassie was the kindest person most people who met her had ever come across, her only trait that outdid her kindness was her loyalty, cross someone she was loyal to and you'd regret it but she was also always getting herself into trouble, nothing her Lupin charm couldn't get her out of though.

Due to their interesting dynamic and the chaotic energy that surrounded them, the duo were popular among most of the students at Hogwarts, they had friends in every house and varying years.

"How are you feeling about sixth year then?" Asked Cassie. Stroking her ginger cat Zucca, who was stretched out her lap.

Mateo looked up from his book, "I'm not going to bullshit you, I'm nervous. The world's getting scary out there." Mateo was Muggleborn, he felt the weight of the darkening world around him especially heavy as he was in more danger than his half blood best friend.

Cassie placed her hand on top of his and offered him a warm smile, "You're as safe as you could possibly be at Hogwarts Matty. Nothing is going to happen whilst you're there. And as for my own thoughts on sixth year, I can't fucking wait. This year is going to be our best one yet just you wait and see." The blonde grinned, looking at her friend.

"Right on," smiled Mateo softly, she always found a way to cheer him up.

The rest of the train ride was filled with chat on less serious topics, they laughed and joked the whole train ride and there wasn't a moment of silence between them until sat down at Hufflepuff table in the great hall.

They sat through Dumbledore's speech in silence and when the feast began they chatted away with their housemates that they hadn't seen all summer. Cassie turned round toward the Gryffindor table and tapped her brother on his shoulder.

"I never knew you were such a feminist Remus," the Hufflepuff grinned. Eyeing up the novel in his hands.

"I'll have you know that Little Women is a literary classic, and yes, I am such a feminist," smirked Remus Lupin.

Remus turning around to speak to his sister gained the attention of the three boys sitting with him. They all turned to face her.

"Well well well, if it isn't my favourite Lupin," smirked the ever-cocky, Sirius Black. Remus scoffed next to him. "No need to take offence Moony, it's only because she's way hotter than you," smirked Sirius. Peter Pettigrew nodded his head in agreement.

"Oi!" Interjected James Potter, "That's my little sister you're talking about,"

"Shut up James, she's my sister," added Remus, "But yeah, Sirius watch your mouth,"

"You're too kind Sirius, ignore them. The compliments are great for my ego," Cassie grinned cheekily.

"Exactly! Thank you Cassie. See Moony, she likes it!" Exclaimed Sirius.

"Well I don't. We all know your reputation Padfoot." Moaned Remus.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bore off Moony." Drolled Sirius. Cassie turned around shaking her head and smiling whilst the quartet behind her started bickering.

The rest of the feast was filled with excited babbling from all around the hall as the students chatted on, catching up on each other's summers and looking forward to the year ahead.

When the feast ended and everyone got up to leave Cassandra felt eyes on her. She scanned the room and her green eyes met the stare of icy blue eyes coming from the Slytherin table. His eyes bore into hers and she felt seen under his gaze. Confused as she was Cassie offered Regulus Black a warm smile. She saw no reason not to. When he noticed her smile his eyes flitted away and he turned his head back to his group of Slytherins. Hm, weird. She thought.

Cassandra and Mateo made their way down to the Hufflepuff common room, situated in the basement. They curled up on their favourite couch, next to the fireplace with Cassie's cat Zucca.

"I missed you this summer Cassie," said Mateo, braiding his friends hair as she lay with her head in his lap.

"And I, you," she smiled, "But not to worry about that, we're home Matty,"

"We are indeed,"

"I meant what I said on the train, this year is going to be our best yet,"

"Definitely. And you'd best believe Hufflepuff is winning the quidditch cup this year. With me as a chaser and you as a keeper, we're taking no prisoners," grinned Mateo.

"The other houses don't even know what's coming to them,"

The two best friends stayed like that in the common room, talking for hours until the became tired and departed to their dorms. Cassandra Lupin slept like a log that night, and in her heart she felt at peace.

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