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Christmas Eve in the Lupin cottage was a quiet one, Remus and Lyall were in the living room wrapping presents and Cassie and her Mum were in the kitchen making soup.

"So my dear, what's been happening in your life? You know I like to be caught up on the gossip." Said Hope whilst chopping onions for their soup.

"Same old same old. Hanging out with Matty, working hard and playing quidditch."

"Lovely, I can never understand quidditch really, I think that's the one thing from your world that I've never quite wrapped my head around. And Mateo? How is he?"

"He's doing well. I think he's a little nervous about his family what with everything that's going on right now but he's apart from that he's great."

"He's a lovely boy I hope you'll bring him here again soon." Said Hope. Cassie's mum had loved Mateo ever since he visited for the first time when they were twelve. "I can't help but wonder if there's anything romantic between you two?" Asked Cassie's mum.

"Oh no. Me and Matty are just friends. He's like another brother to me." Cassie said quickly, not wanting her mum to get the wrong idea.

"Well if not Matty there must be someone? Or have you been off the dating scene since your last girlfriend?" Hope pressed.

"Well... I am off the dating scene." Said Cassie hesitantly, "But... there's a boy."

Hope peaked at this, "A boy! How exciting! Tell me more dear,"

"Well it's nothing serious. But he's very sweet, he treats me well, I'm not sure if it will go anywhere though. But Remus doesn't know you mustn't tell him."

"Your secret is safe with me. What his name?"

"His name is Regulus, Regulus Black."

"Black you say? Like Sirius?" Asked Hope, interested.

"He's Sirius' brother, he's in my year." Cassie explained.

"I see, well that's lovely my dear. I hope it goes well." Hope smiled at her daughter before stirring their soup that was now bubbling and strolling into the living room. Cassie followed her mother into the living room and perched on a comfortable armchair next to the roaring fire.

"I know something you don't know!" Said Hope teasingly to her son.

Remus' head snapped up and he eyed his mother suspiciously. "Are you going to tell me?"

"Cassie has a boyfriend!" Exclaimed Hope before covering her mouth with her hand as though she couldn't believe what she'd just said.

Remus' head snapped to his sister, "Who?" He asked incredulously, "How did I not know? Why don't you tell me these things? Do I need to hurt him?" He asked so many questions at once.

Cassie felt a blush creeping up her cheeks. "I don't have a boyfriend Mum is lying." She said with a straight face.

Remus narrowed his eyes clearly not believing her, "Mum, who is it?"

"I can't say, that would be a betrayal of trust," Hope said, Cassie relaxed at this.

"Well love I think you're a little past trust," Lyall grinned at his wife, "You'll tell me won't you?"

"Yes, I'll tell you later," whispered Hope to her husband.

"Mum!" Cassie exclaimed.

"You weren't supposed to hear that dear," said Hope gently.

Cassie rolled her eyes at her mum and got up to go to her room. Whilst she lay in her room listening to The Beetles she was half expecting Remus to burst in and interrogate her about what their mum had said but Remus didn't mention it at all that night, Cassie was sure she hadn't heard the end of it.

metanoia ~ regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now