black & black

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"Fucking twatface," mumbled Cassandra Lupin, to nobody but herself, as she rolled herself out of bed much later than she was supposed to. Checking the time on here clock she realised that she only had five minutes to get to class.

"Fuck," She said again. If her brother was there he would've reprimanded her for her language.

Cassie pulled on her uniform, pulled her hair up into a messy ponytail with wild hairs sticking out every which way but they somehow framed her face almost nicely. She grabbed her bag, stuffed her wand into the pocket of her robes and hurried out of her dorm, almost tripping over her cat on the way, she went through the common room and rushed through the castle to her potions class. She flung the door open and her eyes darted to the clock inside, she was only ten minutes late.

"Look who finally decided to join us," stated Slughorn, unimpressed, Cassie had never been one of his favourites. "I'm sure that you have a list of ridiculous excuses as to why, as always,"

"Sorry Sir, I was helping a first year find their class," Cassie lied smoothly. A warm smile on her face.

She heard a cough coming from the back of the class that sound oddly like 'bullshit''. She turned to look and saw Mateo smirking as he sat next to a Slytherin girl called Narcissa Black. As much as Cassandra liked Narcissa, Mateo's seat showed her that Slughorn had them in a seating plan.

"Very well Miss Lupin, don't make a habit of it." The Professor warned.

"Of course sir it won't happen again," she said innocently. It definitely will happen again. Was what she meant.

"Please take your seat next to Mr Black," he gestured to the opposite side of the room from where Mateo and Narcissa were sat. Obviously Slughorn had learnt better than to let her and Mateo anywhere near eachother from last years antics.

Cassandra walked over to the empty seat, a warm smile on her face prepared for Regulus Black. But the boy didn't even look up, he was staring intently at the desk infront of him, avoiding her gaze. He looked to be focused on something so Cassandra decided not to interrupt his train of thought.

Slughorn droned on for about ten minutes about the potion they were going to be making in their double period and before long he set them on their task.

"Hey. You're Regulus right?" Cassandra questioned as she turned to face the handsome boy next to her. He ignored her question.

Cassie was taken aback, "Well, I'm Cassandra. But you can call me Cassie, that's what my friends call me."

"I know who you are," he said simply.

"Oh yeah, you probably would've heard about me from Sirius right? Sorry I forgot he was your brother," Cassie said, honestly, she had not forgotten, but she knew their relationship was strained so she pretended for the younger brother's benefit. She began pulling down ingredients they needed from the shelf next to her. She pulled down double the amount and handed half to the boy next to her so he didn't have to bother getting his.

"Yes, he's spoke of you before." Said Regulus shortly, opening up his book and turning away from her, signalling that their conversation was over.

Cassie rummaged through her bag searching for her potions book and mentally cursed herself when she realised she had left it in her dorm in her hurry to get to class. She wondered whether she should ask Regulus to share his or she should just try and wing it.

She decided that winging it would bring nothing other than her potion exploding on the both of them and for him to hate her more than he already seemed to.

"Em, Regulus?" She started, he didn't look up from the task he was focused on. "Do you think maybe I could share your book today? I accidentally left mine in my dorm."

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