quiet weekend

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February passed by in a sluggish haze, despite it being the shortest month it always seemed to go on forever. The days were getting longer, Cassie liked that, the world didn't seem so bad when the sun was out.

After her drunken encounter with Regulus seeing him was more uncomfortable than ever, every potions lesson Cassie tried her hardest to ignore the boy sitting beside her, to ignore how much she wanted to talk to him, how much she wanted to touch him. She wanted the feel of his soft curls in her small hands, his lips on hers. She ignored all this and instead resigned to stolen glances when she thought he wasn't looking.

Her main source of entertainment came from her harsh quidditch practices lead by Amos, who was in fairness getting much better at leading the team. He had almost led them to victory against Gryffindor but Frank Longbottom had been very quick to catch the snitch.

The first weekend of March held no promise of a fun time, most of Cassie's friends in 5th year and 7th year had begun studying for their exams and it seemed that nobody was really in the mood for fun.

"This is dull," said Lucy glumly. Her and Cassie lay stretched out on a blanket under the cherry tree next to the black lake, the afternoon spring sun glowing down on them.

"So dull." Cassie nodded before taking another draw from the cigarette in her hand.

"I'm so glad there aren't exams in sixth year though. I'd be totally fucked." Said Lucy as she picked apart a leaf that she had found on the ground.

"Same. I really should be working harder this year but I've lost motivation, I'll leave that for future me to worry about though," Cassie sighed quietly. The truth of her words would normally have worried her, she really had lost her motivation for school, but she brushed off her nerves quickly, she'd figure it out at some point.

"Future us will help each other with revision." Lucy said. Cassie nodded in agreement before quietly smoking the last of her cigarette and flicking the end away.

"I miss Alice," Cassie said grumpily picking at the grass.

"Mate don't even get me started. It's so shit that she's got to revise." Lucy groaned.

"Sucks to be her. Couldn't catch me spending my weekends inside revising." Cassie smirked jokingly. She joked about her friends misfortune now but she knew that in a years time she'd be in the same situation.

"Cassandra Lupin!" Cassie heard a voice from a few metres away.

She looked up and greeted the boy approaching her, "Evan," she smiled, surprised, "Anything I can help you with?"

"As a matter of fact there is." Said Evan as he sat down, cross legged next to the girls, he nodded to Lucy as a greeting. "As I'm sure you've noticed, life has been incredibly dull of late. I'm also sober for the time being, taking a break to stifle my terrible addiction to forgetting my own name." He said matter of factly.

"That's good to hear, that'll be good for you. Wish I could say the same myself." Cassie smirked at the boy.

"Oh I know, I've heard all about your drunken adventures." Evan said, winking at her.

"What drunken adventures?" Interjected Lucy.

"Oh you haven't heard? Our Cassandra's been up to all sorts of-"

"-shut up Evan!" Cassie interrupted before he could finish. She was a little surprised that Regulus had thought it important enough to tell Evan. She herself had thought it a little too important to just slip it into conversation with any of her friends and was waiting for the right moment.

"Hey! I wanted to hear about your drunken adventures!" Said Lucy indignantly.

"I'll tell you later I promise." Said Cassie quickly, Lucy settled at this, she knew Cassie would keep her promise. "Now what were you saying I could help you with Evan?" She asked him.

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