let's get drunk

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The Potter mansion was the perfect place to be in the holidays. It was the most homely and loving environment. Christmas dinner was full of jokes from Mr Potter, James and Sirius and excellent conversation. Cassie felt whole and warm, she was surrounded by almost all of her favourite people.

After dinner Cassie headed to one of the spare bedrooms that was hers every time she came to stay. It was here she opened the rest of the presents she had gotten from her friends. She was happy to see a beautiful silver bracelet with a charm on it in the shape of a tiny elegant padlock on it from Mateo, a yellow woollen jumper from Lucy and some Bertie Botts Every Flavour beans from Alice.

She put the bracelet on and tucked the jumper and sweets into her trunk before pulling out a cigarette and hanging out the window to smoke it. She heard footsteps coming up the stairs but she didn't hide that she was smoking because she recognised the footsteps as belonging to Sirius. He knocked on her door.

"Come in," Cassie said softly.

He opened the door and walked over to where she was hanging out the window into the cold winter air. She handed him her cigarette, he took a few draws and then handed it back to her.

"What's this I hear about a boyfriend?" Sirius asked somewhat casually.

Cassie face palmed, "I don't have a boyfriend," she sighed, "My mum over exaggerates everything."

"I see," said Sirius slowly, "But there's a boy?"

Cassie nodded, "There's a boy."

A flash of fire went through Sirius' stormy grey eyes but it was gone as soon as it came and he returned to his normal couldn't care less attitude. "Care to tell me who?"

"Unfortunately no. I don't care to tell you, it's not a big thing and I'm not interested in the disapproval of the four of you."

"So it's someone we'd disapprove of?" Sirius questioned her.

Cassie realised her mistake and tried to quickly cover it up, "I think you'd disapprove of anyone."

"You're a good liar Cassie but I know you too well."

Cassie flinched slightly when Sirius said that. He was right of course, she had never been able to lie to Sirius, he was the master of hiding things which made it easy for him to see when someone else was.

"I'm not going to guess at who it is but I can make a pretty good guess that if you can't tell your best friends - basically your family- about whoever it is, then you probably shouldn't be dating him."

"I'm not dating him. It's not a serious thing, it probably won't last. If it ever becomes serious I'll tell you."



Sirius knew that Cassie meant it when she made a promise, after six years of friendship Cassie hadn't broken a promise yet.

Cassie flicked the butt of the cigarette off the windowsill and closed the window behind her.

"Shall we go downstairs?" Asked Sirius, throwing his arm around Cassie's shoulder. Cassie nodded and the pair headed down to sit with the other boys in the drawing room. Cassie noticed that even when they took their seats with the rest of the group Sirius kept his arm firmly on her shoulder.

"It's good you two finally decided to make an appearance," said James with narrowed eyes, "Now we can get down to business."

"And what business would that be?" Cassie asked with a raised eyebrow. Her and Sirius ignored James' snappy comment.

Remus pointed to a collection of big bottles of alcohol that were gathered together on the floor, "that business."

Sirius let out a whoop of excitement and Cassie kept forward off her seat to examine the bottles on the floor. On inspection she realised that it was all muggle alcohol, that was her favourite.

She saw many different types, Jack Daniels whiskey, Wray and Nephew overproof rum, Russian Standard vodka and lots of smaller bottles of Guinness beer.

"Are we starting with the hard stuff or the beer?" Asked Peter eagerly.

"I say beer first and then when we feel a little tipsy we start shots," suggested Remus. James, Peter and Sirius nodded in agreement and looked to Cassie for her opinion.

When they looked to her she already had the Jack Daniels bottle pressed to her lips and was taking a large swig. When she noticed them looking she put the bottle down and gulped.

"What did you say?" She asked innocently.

The boys burst out laughing at her antics. "Never mind. Let's get drunk." Said Remus excitedly.

The five teenagers spent the rest of their Christmas night in the drawing room, drinking like alcohols but laughing and playing around like children. That night they were too euphoric to let the evening go and sleep in their separate rooms so they asked Binky to bring down duvets and pillows so they could all camp

out in the drawing room and have a sleepover.

Finally, at about half past four in the morning they turned out the lights and curled up in their blankets. Remus and Peter shared a sofa, Cassie and James also shared one and Sirius was curled up on the floor directly next to Cassie's place on the sofa, cushioned by extra blankets and pillows.

They were silent for a while and Cassie was listening to the slow rhythm of Peter's quiet snores. She was just about to drift off herself until she heard a voice in the dark that she recognised as James.

"Is anyone awake?" He whispered.

"I am," she heard Sirius whisper quietly from the floor next to her.

She deliberated whether to respond or just keep quiet and go to sleep for a second. "Me too," she whispered.

"Lily sent me a Christmas present." Whispered James, as if he didn't quite believe what he was saying.

"No way!" Sirius, shout whispered.

"What did she get you?" Cassie asked.

"A book."

Sirius scoffed, "Thats Evans for you,"

"What book?" Asked Cassie.

"Quidditch Through the Ages."

"She has taste," remarked Sirius.

"You know what this means Jamie?" Cassie beamed in the dark.

"No," replied James, sounding utterly baffled.

"It means after seven years of hopeless yearning you're finally getting somewhere."

James didn't respond to this but Cassie could imagine the huge love sick grin that would be on his face.

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