the great piggy back race of '77

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"You've got some weird thing for that Lupin girl," stated Rosier, eyeing his childhood best friend suspiciously.

"I don't. She's my potions partner nothing more," Regulus Black insisted with a cold stare.

"You're lying Black, I've known you sixteen years don't think you can fool me," insisted Evan.

"You can amuse yourself with these childish fantasies all you like Evan it makes no difference to me," said Regulus emotionlessly.

"So you wouldn't mind if I pursue her then?" Evan said with a smirk that only Slytherins could master.

"Don't you think that's a bit cruel to play with someone's emotions to prove a point?" Regulus suggested, trying to sound careless.

"It's not to prove a point, I happen to think she seems very interesting, not to bad on the eyes as well,"

"If that's the case then don't hold back on my account," Said Regulus shortly, trying to hide his irritation. At this, Evan abruptly stoop up from the Slytherin table, strolled over to the Hufflepuff table and sat himself right down next to Cassandra Lupin.

She turned to face him and smiled warmly as she would for anyone, Slytherins were no exceptions from her kindness. "Hello Evan," she beamed.

"Good Morning Cassandra," he said to her enthusiastically.

"Is there anything I can do for you or did you just stop by for a chat?" She asked, knowing he wanted something from this conversation, Evan Rosier wasn't the type to just stop by the Hufflepuff table for a chat.

"I was actually here to ask if you're going to Hogsmede tonight. I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?"

"She is going," Interrupted Mateo Péres. "With me," He wasn't as warm as his blonde friend, he seemed to mistrust the Slytherins, which was understandable as he was Muggleborn.

"No need to be hostile Matty," Cassandra said to her friend casually, "But yeah, I'm going with Matty, it's tradition. Sorry."

"Never mind then," said Evan casually. Regulus Black watched this from afar, smirking when his friend got rejected. Evan got up to leave.

"Wait Evan!" Cassie stopped him, "I really am sorry. Are you going to the Halloween party next weekend?"

Evan turned around to face her again, his usual smirk back on his face, "I am indeed,"

"Well I'll save you a dance there then. To make up for it," Cassie smiled before turning back to her friend.

Evan strolled back to the Slytherin table, a triumphant grin on his face.

Oh no, Regulus thought, this can't be good.

"Well?" Regulus asked when his friend sat down, he tried to look passive.

"No Hogsmede date for me," Evan said, but he looked far to happy for Regulus to let go of the breath he was holding in. "But she'll save me a dance at the Halloween party next week."

Regulus tried his hardest not to react at that but Evan noticed the flash of what looked like sadness cross Regulus' eyes. When Evan saw this he knew that he wasn't going to do anything with the Hufflepuff girl, as much as she was hot and fun he could see that Regulus cared for the girl and he wouldn't do that to his friend.


At about ten o'clock that night Cassandra Lupin was already too drunk, Mateo Pères was far too drunk and as both of the duo weren't in their right minds neither was left to be the responsible one. Cassandra had used her charm on one of the barmen in the hogs head and he had been getting them drinks for around four hours already.

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