she's a keeper

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The next morning potions class was quieter than it had ever been. Some of class were staring down at their work like it was the cause of the terrible feeling in their stomachs, some clutching their heads in their hands and all looking horribly tired and ill. Despite being witches and wizards they still had killer hangovers.

None however looked grumpier than Regulus Black. He was staring down at the parchment in front of him, he actually seemed to be trying to do it as if just completing the work would fix all of his problems.

The first to notice that his mood seemed to be about more than just a headache was the ever-observant Cassandra Lupin.

"What's got your wand in a knot?" She whispered to the handsome boy sitting next to her.

"Nothing," he said gruffly, looking even more put out.

She rolled her eyes at this, Cassandra Lupin was not a morning person, even less so when she had a hangover. "Look Reg, I'm too tired and fragile to play guessing games at what's up with you so why don't you just spit it out."

Regulus' eyebrows shot up at this, he had never known her to have such a temper. Something about the way she said it made him tell her what was on his mind. "You're gay!" She shout whispered, accusingly.

Had it not been early and the morning and the day after she had been drinking heavily she would've burst out laughing. All she could manage was a teasing grin.

"No I'm not," she said shortly.

"What so you just go around snogging girls for fun? I saw you and McKinnon!"

"I'm bi Regulus." She rolled her eyes at him smiling until something dawned on her, "But even if I was lesbian, what's it to you?" She said, narrowing her eyes at him.

Regulus' eyes widened, as if he was a deer caught in the headlights. "Nothing, I was just curious." He said, acting as cooly as he could.

"I'm surprised you didn't already know that." She said casually.

He furrowed his eyebrows at this, "Why are you surprised? I don't exactly keep up with Hogwarts gossip."

"Well I was dating your cousin last year,"

Regulus' eyebrows shot up. "My cousin?" He said, his voice raised a little. This earned him lots of dirty looks and chorus of shut ups from their classmates. He ignored them but spoke quieter, "You were dating Cissy?"

Cassie rolled her eyes again, "No, not Cissy. She's the straightest girl I've ever met. I was dating Bellatrix." A look flashed across her face when she said Bellatrix's name, almost like a wounded animal, this didn't go unnoticed by Regulus.

"Bella's gay?" Asked Regulus, surprised that he didn't know this.

"Yes, Bellatrix is gay." Casandra confirmed.

"What? How did I not know about you two?"

"That's what I was wondering, honestly I thought that that might've been how you knew who I was when I introduced myself to you, but I guess when I think about it it makes sense. She always was embarrassed of me." Cassie said quietly, she tried to keep a smile on her face but it faltered for a second.

Regulus scoffed at this, "Who would be embarrassed of you?" His assuring smile faltered when he realised what he'd said, the compliment had flown out before he could stop it.

Cassie however, didn't smile, "I guess you don't know Bellatrix like I did." She said solemnly.

"What happened with you two?" Regulus asked curiously.

metanoia ~ regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now