smoke, seasalt and cologne

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As December arrived the feeling of Christmas closing in was affecting all students of Hogwarts. Students everywhere were hurrying to organise Christmas presents for their loved ones and cramming in all their homework so they didn't need to do much over the holidays.

The Christmas spirit was stronger in Cassandra Lupin than anyone else, December was her second favourite month of the whole year after July and she was determined to make this Christmas one to remember for her and all who were close to her.

She was relaxing on some cosy beanbags in the Hufflepuff common room with Mateo and Alice when something dawned on her.

"That's it!" She exclaimed, Mateo and Alice's heads snapped towards her, confused looks on their faces. "A bonfire! We should have a bonfire tonight!"

Alice and Mateo broke out into big grins, "That's perfect," grinned Mateo as Alice nodded enthusiastically in agreement.

"Split up and invite everyone fun we run into?" Suggested Alice.

"Sounds good," saiid Mateo, standing up from the beanbag he has been curled up on and stretching his arms.

"Tell them 7:30 tonight in the little clearing not to far from the edge of the forest?" Cassie suggested.

Mateo and Alice agreed and they all split of in different ways, Mateo stayed back to invite Hufflepuffs in the common room in dorms and Alice hurried off going in the opposite way from Cassie.

They ran around the castle for an hour odd so inviting every friend they ran into and before long they were getting their warmest clothes on and getting ready to leave. Cassie get ready with Lucy in their dorm and despite the fact that they'd offered their roommate Savanna chose not to come along.

Cassie picked out a pair of big baggy jeans, fluffy socks, a cute little t shirt and a big puffer jacket to wear over it. She grabbed the maroon beanie that she had borrowed from Mateo a couple months ago, pulled it over her blonde curls and she was ready to go.

Cassie and Lucy made their way out of the castle together, running into friends who were also going on their way. When they made it to the clearing in the forest they saw that Mateo had arranged big fallen trees into a circle for people to sit on. And had arranged a pile of logs and coal in the middle which hadn't been lit yet.

Mateo strolled over to his friends, "Care to do the honours Cassie? It was your idea after all."

Cassie grinned and shot fire out of the top of her wand to light the bonfire. It erupted into flames warming all the students.

Suddenly all heads turned to a wand that had just spit loads of colourful fireworks into the air. Cassie's face broke into a grin when her eyes reached James Potter, the cause of the fireworks, and his three best friends. She hurried over to them.

"Evening gentlemen," she beamed up at them.

"It feels like so long since we've seen you properly little one, where have you been?" Asked Sirius.

"Avoiding you," she joked and the shook her head, "Nah I've just been kicking about, leaving you guys to enjoy your last year with your friends." She explained.

Remus rolled his eyes at her.

"You're an idiot." Objected James, "We've missed you!"

"Yeah, you're family Cassie," said Peter with a shy smile.

Cassie felt a surge of affection in her heart for the four boys infront of her. "Luckily we'll have almost the whole holidays together. Me and Remus are still coming to yours on Christmas afternoon right?" Cassie asked James.

"Yep." James confirmed, "Coming for Christmas dinner and staying with us for the rest of the holidays."

"Perfect," Cassie grinned at the prospect of spending the holidays with her second family and her brother.

The entire night of the bonfire was filled with excitement. Cassie, surrounded by almost everyone she cared about had one of the best nights she had had in many months. They managed to block out the pain and scary was of the approaching war and instead were surrounded by love, friendship and excellent fireworks.


The next afternoon Cassie walked into potions with a slightly dampened mood, she had just had a very challenging lesson in Astrology and it always bothered her when she couldn't quite wrap her head around something she was focused on. Her mood was easily lifted when she walked into Slughorn's classroom a little late and an amazing smell crept up her nostrils.

It smelt like sea salt, a familiar cologne and cigarette smoke.

"Smells funny in here today Professor, been smoking recently?" Cassie asked Slughorn cheekily.

"Well Miss Lupin, that certainly gives me an insight into your out of class activities." Said Slughorn with a smug smirk on his chubby face. Cassie's eyebrows furrowed as she saw Slughorn's expression and heard soft chuckles from around the classroom. "What you're smelling is a wonderful little potion called Amortentia," Explained Slughorn as Cassie's eyebrows shot up, "It is designed to smell like what attracts a person most."

Cassie tried her best not to blush, "I feel caught," she said with a small charming grin on her face.

Slughorn rolled his eyes at her and gestured for her to take her seat. She slumped down in the chair next to Regulus and let her hair fall infront of her face, trying to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Smooth, Cas. Real smooth," Regulus teased her, a small smirk on his pale face. "Never knew you were such a heavy smoker."

Cassie sat up straight and regained her usual, devil may care aura. "You did know I was such a heavy smoker. And I'll have you know that smoke wasn't the only thing I smelt so it's not even that bad." She justified, trying her best not to seem like an addict.

"Care to tell me what?" Asked Regulus, trying to sound casual.

Cassie rolled her eyes and tucked her curly hair behind her heavily pierced ears, "I'll tell you what I smell if you tell me."

Regulus shook his head and the smile left his face, "No chance." He said shortly before turning his head to the front of the classroom where Slughorn had stayed his lecture on the amortentia potion. It was too difficult for the students to make themselves so they would only be learning about it for their theory exam.

The smell of smoke was gone from the classroom as Slughorn had shut the lid on the amortentia potion at the front but the smell of cologne and sea salt lingered all though it was much more subtle. Cassie sniffed the air around her, looking like an idiot to anyone who saw. She continued sniffing until a terrible thought struck her.

No. It can't be. She thought to herself as her eyes landed on Regulus. There's no way. She thought. But she was sure that he was the cause of the pleasant smell filling her nostrils.

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