{ buddies and coffees }

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I walked out of the hotel, I realised that I definitely wasn't in my own world. The city looked so bright and colourful. The people there were colourful too with different fashion senses and appearances. It looked like a fever dream. A place only possible in my imagination.
I walked through the city to try and get to know the place better. I sometimes stopped to stare at the ads in the city. The ads would change to some mermaid promoting chips to an oddly robotic boyband and that reminded me of the tellietubbies to some woman who just stared blankly at you.

I decided to stop off and stay in a nearby cafe. I could grab a cup of coffee while I find out why I'm here.
"What will be your order?" the cashier asked me. "I'll have a latte" I replied. "No sugar". As I sat down at my table, I heard a band playing. Cool EDM music. Probably would've expected some slow jazz, but it'll do.

I opened my phone and started looking at any and all pages that could provide me any information about this new city I was in. There was a lot of information about this "Vinyl City".
A city that powers up their electricity with music? A place where music is valued and everyone is unique in their own special way? A place where I can feel valued...

"I'm not dreaming, right?". I tried pinching myself on the arm. Nope. Not dreaming. I mean, dreams are mostly only strange or terrifying. Nothing seemed scary about this place. And the only thing that seemed odd was the unique people. No offense though.

The waiter placed my cup on my table and I gave him the money. "Hello everybody!". As I was about to take a sip of my latte, a voice made me look over at the small stage.
"I'm Mayday" the girl said proudly while pointing at herself. "And my pal here is Zuke!". He waved at the people sitting down at their tables. "We're Bunk Bed Junction and we're here to bring back rock to this glorious city!".

Oh yes I remember. EDM music was the most valued music genre in this city. That seemed to be the only type of music that the government here focused on though. It seemed good to listen to a new genre in this strange city.
As their wild rock music filled the air, I looked through the internet and sipped my latte. The beat of the music and the high intensity made it clear they definitely practiced this song.

The wild guitar riffs and the fast drumming sounded so carefree and wild. If their music was a person... it would be the person I've always wanted to be.
"Thank you for listening!" Mayday cheered to the crowd. "Thanks" Zuke said and waved. "Make sure to be here the next time we come around!" she told the whole cafe and jumped off the little platform.

As the two walked out of the cafe, I found myself getting up and coming after them.
"Hey guys!" I yelled at them in the street. The two looked back at me. "My name's (Y/N)! I loved your music!" I told them. "Oh thanks" Zuke replied. "Thanks buddy!" Mayday chuckled. "Just us two indie rockers trying to spice things up a bit!".

These two people seemed so kind and lively. It couldn't hurt to ask them..
"Anyways umm.. can I ask you guyd a favour?" I chuckled. "Sure!" Mayday said with stars twinkling in her eyes. "Anything for a fan like you!". Zuke kind of looked doubtful. "May, we only met them for a few seconds-". "Shush Zuke" she told him. "Anyways, what do you need pal?"

"Well I just kinda need a place to stay" I told them. "I just came here today so maybe-". "Of course!" Mayday told me. "We have lots of space in our humble abode to share! Right Zuke?".

"R-right" he replied.
"Great!". She smiled. "Come along now bud!". She grabbed my hand and I walked alongside them.

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