{ ellie - copter }

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Kliff walked into the office, laughing. "My, oh my" he chuckled. "What a way to lighten up an otherwise dull night, huh?". I always knew he was kind of suspicious. I mean, he looks way too natural to be in this world. "Tatiana. Tatiana. Tatiana" he chuckled. "Kliff.. great" Tatiana mumbled. "Wait, you guys know eachother!?" I yelled. He walked up to her. "I told you before. You were perfect! Your rock was unstoppable!" he told her. "But you decided to go EDM".

"Well, take a good look around you. Because there's no place for EDM in this city anymore" he said. "Rock rules, baby". I was confused. I thought he was helping Bunk Bed Junction to bring back rock, not replace EDM.  Tatiana turned towards him. "Don't flatter yourself too much. We saw the readings" she told him. "The power output those two knuckleheads produced is the same as ours". "Energy output?" Kliff said. "Energy output!? Who cares about that??". "Hey!" Mayday shouted. "I care!". "It's the reason we started this music revalution!" Zuke told him. "Nobody likes the blackouts!" I yelled at Kliff. "Even as a member of NSR, I can say that!".

"No," Kliff told us. "What truly matters is that we get to show how truly wrong Tatiana here is!". "Eat dirt, you piece of plank!" Tatiana scowled. I didn't really see her as being wrong. She just had different opinions.

Kliff sighed. "Do you know how bad you treated me, Fyra?" he asked her. "I used to be your biggest number 1 fan! I supported you through thick and thin! Everyone turned their backs on you when the Goolings disbanded, but I stood with you". One word to describe this man? Simp.

"That's how much rock matters to me. How much you matter to me!" he told her. "And after all that hardship, you simply gave up and went the easy way out. You abandoned rock". I'm pretty sure controlling a music powered government isn't easier than being a band leader but yeah, go on.

"It was an insult to everything I belived in!" he said. "You yanked my heart, crushed it, and threw it away like a piece of garbage! Did my loyalty mean nothing to you, not even a bit?". I'll have to be honest. This guy seems crazy. This guy is just some hardcore rock fan and he thinks Tatiana owes him the world after they just disband. It's not like he was actually part of the Goolings. Besides, there are other rock bands out there to idolize.

"Listen here, Kliff" Tatiana said. "I don't give a damn about you, understand? I owe you nothing". Kliff's face turned into a scowl, realising the hard truth. He turned away from us and pressed a few buttons on his tablet. The screen on the wall suddenly started flashing bright red. Warning signs appeared on the screen.

"Warning" the speakers beeped. "NSR satellite de-orbiting sequence initiated". "DE ORBITING??!" I yelled. The satellite's de-orbiting?? I don't think I like that.. "What did you do?" Tatiana asked him. "Well, I was going to leave this for a more meaningful day" he told her. "But why delay the inevitable?".

"Kliff. What did you do?" Mayday asked him. He just chuckled. I ran over to the windows. Above the city skyline, I could see something burning up and coming towards us. The satellite was heading our way. "See that?" Kliff told us. "I set NSR's own tower to plunge right into this tower".

"WAIT WHAT!?!" Mayday shouted. "You better call this off right now!" Tatiana told him. "Or so help me-". "The coordinates are locked in" Kliff said. "I couldn't do anything even if I wanted to".

The speakers continued beeping out the warning. "You should see the look on your face now," Kliff chuckled. "Utter hopelessness". Does this idiot think that NOW is a good time to joke?? The satellite is about to hit the city and people might DIE because of that!

"Now you know how I felt when you ditched me" Kliff said. First of all, she didn't ditch you. She just left the band. SECOND of all, THAT DOESN'T COMPARE TO THE POTENTIAL DEATHS OF THOUSANDS. I looked at him. "You filthy little b*tch!" I shouted at him. He looked at me. "Oh, and you (Y/N)" he said. "I thought you could have potential. But, you chose wrong, and you have to suffer those consequences now".

"Come on kids, let's evacuate this filthy building" he told Mayday and Zuke. "NSR is done for good". I looked back at them with a concerned face. They looked guilty and afraid.

"This is wrong" Mayday told him. Kliff turned back towards them. "But this is what we set off to do! To end NSR's rule once and for all!". "Yeah, but we never agreed to obliterate it's freaking tower!" Mayday shouted. "Come on now, are you forgetting your fans?" Kliff asked them. "They all want you to destroy NSR!". "Remember, if we destroy NSR tower from this landscape, you can gain control over Vinyl City!".

Mayday looked at him. "Total... control?". "We're just repeating history" she sighed. "What did you say?" Kliff told her. It was said with a stern tone. Definitely reminds me of my teachers back in college. "We became the very thing we stood up against" Mayday told him. "We're doing exactly what NSR was doing! We're... We're the new NSR..". Her eyes suddenly widened and realization dawned on her face.

"Wait, we're the new NSR!?" Mayday shouted. "Holy crap, why didn't I realize that sooner!?!". I chuckled a little. This was a pretty funny moment. Which was then ruined by the fact I remembered there was a satellite coming towards us and the *sshole that reminds me of my college professors started speaking again.

"You're overthinking this, man!" Kliff told her. "Eradicating NSR is the right thing to do!". "Maybe you could've done it in a way where I DON'T DIE!!" I shouted. "Shut up Kliff!" Mayday yelled. "I'm not listening to you anymore!". "We need to stop this satellite right now! Zuke?". "Yes?" he replied. May turned towards me. "(Y/N)?" she asked me. I was.. surprised she would let me into her plan even after what happened. Sure, we forgived eachother but I still went behind their backs. I guess now's a good chance to make up for that.

"Right here" I said. I looked at Tatiana. She nodded at me and smiled a little. I ran up to May and Zuke. "Okay guys," she said. "This is probably going to be super-duper dangerous, so I understand if you-".

"Save your breath" Zuke said to her. "I'm in". "I'm in for some danger!" I told her. Mayday smiled. "Alright! All we need is a plan of action". She turned towards Tatiana. Kliff looked at us with a face of shock.

"The only way to stop the satellite is for my NSR artists to reclaim their districts" Tatiana told them. "Then, we'll have enough power to repel it". Mayday nodded. We walked towards the middle of the room. "I need time to ensure the safety of my personell and evacuate them from this building" Tatiana told us. "Can you three handle the districts first?".

"Yessir boss lady!" I saluted. "You can count on us!" Mayday told her. The platform below us then started to raise us up. "You won't succeed!" we heard Kliff shout. "Your fans will make sure of it!".

Tatiana rolled her eyes and the platform suddenly brought us down again. She walked off the platform and then punched him in the face. "Oh my gosh," I mumbled. "That looked f*cking brutal". "She is Kul Fuyra after all" Mayday chuckled. As us four were raised up to the top top floor, we heard Kliff below us complaining about his broken nose.


We arrived outside the tower soon. I heard helicopter choppers above us. I was expecting it to be another news reporter team. But I heard a familiar squawk. Ellie.

"Ellie!" Mayday shouted. The little sewer-gator was driving the helicopter? What??? We got into the helicopter. Mayday lifted Ellie off her seat and gave her a big hug. Ellie got back into her pilot seat and lifted the helicopter up into the air. I never went onto a helicopter, so it felt weird. It felt weirder when a small alligator was patrolling it.

"Once you're done, head over to the Grand Qwasa!" Tatiana told us. "And rock your instruments, okay?". "I think I see where you're going with this!" Zuke said. "Good luck then!" Tatiana yelled back at us.

The helicopter flew up into the skies and into the direction of the districts. "I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT A PEP TALK FROM KUL FUYRA!!!!!" Mayday shouted in the air.


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