{ out of this world }

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The inside of the planetarium was beautifully bright. DJ Subatomic Supernova was on a phone call with someone. The people seemed to be enjoying the music even if the DJ was busy spitting good insults at some random dude. "Great. What else could possibly go wrong today?" I could hear him sigh from the front of the room.

Suddenly, the doors beside me were kicked open. It was... Mayday and Zuke!? I couldn't believe it. They were here. But they hated NSR??? Why would they be here at his concert?? Unless...

I decided to hide deeper among the crowd but closer towards the front. If Bunk Bed Junction saw me here, they would question me why I was here. Or NSR would remove me from their group because of my alliance with them. I wanted to find out why May and Zuke were here.

"What are you NSR people doing!?" Mayday shouted at him. "We're not getting enough electricity and all you guys do is party!". "Who are these two?" Subatomic Supernova questioned. "Did they purchase the pass to converse with me?". "You don't remember us!?" Mayday yelled. She looked like she was about to throw hands. Mayday was the type to never give up. Despite what one egotistical space man said.

"Bunk Bed Junction! That's who we are!" Mayday announced proudly. "And we're here to stop NSR from controlling everything! The people of Vinyl City deserve to know what rock is about!". So that's why they're here. May and Zuke wanted to take them down. I wonder if that would mean me too if they found out about my alliance. Mayday and DJSS continued arguing. "Don't you know who I am??" he said to her. "I AM DJ SUBATOMIC SUPERNOVA! My music will reach the furthest corners of the galaxy. What have you two done today? Simpletons!".

Well I mean. They managed to anger the government just by playing some music but okay okay whatever.

I could hear security guards coming and trying to distance us away from the stage to keep us safe. "NSR's dominance over Vinyl City ends today!" Mayday yelled. "NSR? Probably. My music? Highly unlikely" DJSS replied.

The roofs of the planetarium opened up to reveal the night sky. Things were getting serious. The security guards were now escorting us out the planetarium.

"For my music will ripple to the rims of the universe and back!"
The people outside of the planetarium were scared. I was more confused. Why does DJSS have a black hole for a head? How do you fight with music here?? HOW DOES A BLACK HOLE EAT POPSICLES!?! News stations even arrived at the scene to get the news. People were confused. Some demanded to go back in to see the drama ensue. I decided to go back to the sewers and hide until May and Zuke were finished their little job.
"Great May. You owe me a new TV now". It was the next day now. After the hijacking of DJ's concert. "Those NSR buffoons!" Mayday yelled. "Hey guys" I waved at them when I exited my bedroom. "Hey (Y/N)". Zuke waved at me while Mayday ranted on about NSR.

I was now stuck in the middle of a music revolution. I felt like a traitor. But to who? I was friends with Bunk Bed Junction way before I decided to become part of NSR. But I became part of NSR before BBJ became rivals with them. I don't know. I'll think later.

I decided to visit DJ Subatomic Supernova today. I mean, it was kinda mean to just visit him behind May and Zuke's back. Especially now. But I just wanted to check up on them. And it's not like I'm officially part of NSR.
They had managed to bring back DJ Subatomic Supernova down from space. He was chilling in the planetarium when I found him. There were plenty of news reporters asking him questions.

"What do you and NSR plan to do after the hijack?". "Will you still be playing music even after your loss of the Cast Tech district?". "How was your trip in space?".

He quickly shooed them all away and closed the door behind them. "M-Mr Supernova?" I said to him. "I'm the new recruit of NSR". "Oh.. you". He turned to me. "You're the one who was at the Lights Up auditions". "You remembered me?" I said in surprise. "Well of course" he told me. "I wouldn't forget someone we chose to be part of our council. I suppose you came to ask me about my well being?".

"Well... yes" I told him. "I did happen to have a rough trip but I'm sure everything will be alright." he said to me. "Those plutonians can't keep up their little act forever". "Ahh yes" I chuckled nervously. "Those rocker... plutonians". He pulled out a cooler box and opened it up. "Want an ice pop? The company sent these in today. They'd practically be broke without my magnificence purchasing these".

I reached into the box and pulled out a popsicle. It tasted like those strawberry popsicles I would purchase when I was younger. "Hmm.. pretty good". "Anyways, I think you must be going now" he told me. "Us NSR elites need to discuss about this music revelation and you're still very new to the music industry".

"Okay sir" I sighed and walked out.
I had taken quite a walk through Vinyl City before I decided to return back to the sewers. "Oh heeeyyy!!" Mayday greeted me. "Welcome back (Y/N)!". "Hey" Zuke said to me and high-fived me. "Why were you gone for so long?". "Just wanted to take a walk around Vinyl City" I told them. "Clear my mind, you know?"

A man with red hair and glasses walked out one of the rooms. "You must be (Y/N)!" he told me. "Mayday and Zuke told me lots about you". I was kinda surprised he was here. Why is he here? Why does he look WAY more natural than anyone here in Vinyl City?

"Oh. (Y/N), this is Kliff" Zuke told me. "He's helping us plan our hijacks on the NSR concerts". "Hi Kliff" I said to him. "We're currently planning to hijack Sayu's concert tonight!" Mayday told me. "We're just waiting until she starts". I chuckled nervously. "Yeah.. hijack their concerts". "You know, you could come with us if you want to" Zuke told me. "Having three people on our team would make it easier". 'Uhh no thanks" I chuckled. "I'm not really a professional at all this music fighting stuff and well..".

"Aww that's alright!" Mayday told me. "It's us Tatiana is mad with. Plus, Ellie needs someone to take care of her". Ellie smiled up at us. "May, we gotta go" Zuke said. "Sayu's concert is starting". "Oh oh yeah!" May gasped. She and Zuke headed towards the ladder. "Mayday, out!"

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