{ parental figures }

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"Who was that?" I asked Eve. "Uhh, him?" she replied to me. "He's just some sleazy, greasy jerk Tatiana is using as a distraction".
BBJ just hijacked Sayu's concert last night. We lost two districts so Tatiana apparently had to call someone to be a distraction. I recognised him from some of Zuke's photos when he was younger. His brother maybe?
"Hey" I told her. "You must be Yinu, right?". We were at her house and she just opened the door. Her mother asked me to babysit her along with Sayu's voice actor, Tila. "I'm the new recruit at NSR, (Y/N)" I told her. "Hi" Yinu replied to me. She seemed shy. Maybe because this was our first time meeting face to face and not have one of us shrouded in the shadows. Tila was also there with us. "The other guys are busy re-programming Sayu" she told me. "I'm just her voice so I'm not really that important in her code".

Yinu's house was decorated with flower motifs. The wallpaper was decorated with cream coloured roses and the living room carpet literally was a red rose. I guess her mom really likes roses. "Do you wanna do something fun while we're here?" Tila asked her. "Maybe draw or play some games?". "After I finish practicing" Yinu told us. She started playing on her piano. Geez, this kid must be really serious if they prefer piano lessons to drawing.

While she was practicing for her concert tonight, Tila told me all about the many projects she and her friends did on Sayu. "She was actually inspired off a character from a game I like called Doki Doki Mermaid Club!" she told me. "I think we have a game similar to that back where I came from" I chuckled. I wonder what role Sayu's inspiration had in that game. The innocent childhood friend? The angry bean? The quiet and shy girl? The friendly girl who backstabs her friends?

Yeah I don't think she'd be the last one tbh.

Yinu said she was nearly finished practicing. There was a picture of someone on her piano. I think it's her dad. "I like your piano Yinu" I told her. "Who's the guy in the photo?". She blinked at me and looked back at the photo. "That's.. my dad" she told me. "He taught me how to play..". I looked back at Tila. She had a nervous look in her face. Something along the lines of

"Her dad is obviously dead why did you ask that you're gonna make the child relive the trauma you idiot"

"He died a few years ago" Yinu told me. "That's why I continued playing". Oh. I could see small tears form in her eyes. "It's alright Yinu" I said to her. "I'm pretty sure he's still proud of you even now". Yinu turned towards me, her eyes filled with tears. "I just wish I could still talk to him". I kneeled next to her. "I-I sometimes feel the same way as you do" I said to her. "My mum and dad divorced when I was 14 and she moved so I don't really talk or see her that often".

"But that's okay! I was still sad, but I focused on the positives. You still have a great mom and a great career ahead of you". I patted her head. "You managed to accomplish a lot in your few years of living. So even if you can't talk to him, he is still proud of you".

Yinu smiled. "He is... still proud of me..". Tila walked over to us and smiled. "Why don't we go and get some ice cream after your practice?" she asked her. Yinu turned to us with a small smile on her face. "O-Okay!".
I was sitting on a chair backstage during Yinu's concert. I was just waiting for BBJ to come and hijack the concert again like last time. Yinu continued playing her piano like usual. She was also playing with her eyes closed, which was impressive for a 9 year old.

While I was backstage, I decided to ring my dad. I hadn't called him in a while. "Hey Dad!" I said. "It's me (Y/N)!". "Oh hello!" he said cheerfully. "How are you?". "I'm currently at a friend's concert!" I told him. I'm pretty sure he could hear her piano music in the background. "Yinu's mum asked me to babysit her earlier today and I thought that I should also go to her concert tonight".

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