{ home sewer home }

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"You guys live in a sewer??" I asked them as Mayday kicked the lid off a sewer hole. "Sorry if we didn't tell you earlier" Zuke told me and started to go down the ladder. "Don't worry!" Mayday chuckled with her hand on my shoulder and a smile on her bright face. "You'll get used to it".
Their living room was a pretty looking purple and there were boxes laid across the room. "For stress purposes" Mayday told me. On one of the boxes was a small... crocodile???
"This is our child, Ellie" Zuke told me and lifted her off the box. "She's our pet sewer gator". "And the cutest one too!" Mayday chuckled.
"Y-You guys have an alligator as a pet???" I questioned them. "You guys are like Florida men!"

There was a silence among us. "What's a Florida man??" Mayday asked me and plopped down onto the couch. "O-Oh.. nevermind" I said. If New York didn't exist to them in Vinyl City, Florida probably didn't either.

"You can stay in this room for the time being!". Mayday opened a door to show me a bright blue bedroom with boxes all over the room and a music poster on the floor.
I picked up the poster and examined it. "Oh that's Kul Fuyra!" Mayday told me and pointed to the person in the centre. They looked like they were made of fire. "One of the greatest and most talented rock legends alive!" she explained to me.

"Maybe alive" Zuke said and popped open a snack bag. "Correction" Mayday said and held her finger up to his mouth to shush him. "Kul Fuyra is DEFINITELY still ALIVE in all her ROCK GLORY!".

Mayday grabbed the snack bag and ate a chip. "Want some?" Mayday asked me and tossed the bag to me. The snacks looked like the exact same thing the mermaid girl in the ads was promoting.
"She looks pretty" I told them, pointing to the mermaid on the bag. "Sayu?" Zuke asked. "She's one of the district charters of Vinyl City and part of NSR". "NSR is the council of really talented people that are in charge of Vinyl City and power our electricity!" Mayday told me.
I was confused. Very confused. "So this mermaid thing that's obviously not real is part of the government???" I asked them, confusion in my face. There was a short silence among us. "Yes" they both said in unison.

"Anyways, have a fun tour of your room!" Mayday told me and left me to my room. I kicked at the boxes in the room and sat down on the bed. Being underground in the sewers seemed to have its perks as the bed and floor was free of dust and cobwebs.
I decided to rearrange the room a little to my liking and plopped down on the bed. First day being in a city I was totally unprepared for. And yet I wanted to stay here. Maybe because I felt like this was the place for me. A place where I can finally show my voice.
Calm music in my mind. The sweet melodies calming me down and-

My music was then interrupted by the sound of mad drumming and guitar riffs. I got up from my bed and walked out the room to see what they were doing.
Zuke and Mayday were, yet again, going ham on their instruments. "Eyy guys" I said and plopped on the couch. Ellie noticed me and decided to move onto my lap and sleep there.
"Oh hey (Y/N)!" Mayday laughed enthusiastically. "Sorry if we disturbed you, just practicing". "May insists we practice hard for the auditions" Zuke told me. "Wants to put out a good name for rock".

"Auditions?" I asked them. I remembered the poster in my hotel room. "You mean the Lights Up auditions??". "Exactly!" Mayday said. "I see you did your fair amount of research!".
I only remembered those things existed because of the poster in my hotel room. "What are the Lights Up auditions?" I asked them. "Basically, we can audition to be a district charter and be part of NSR" Zuke told me. "Imagine Zuke!" Mayday said to him. "A district of our own dedicated to rock! We finally won't be the only ones geeking out about Kul Fuyra anymore!"

I chuckled and stroked Ellie. Mayday definitely wanted to wow the judges in this audition. A chance to get your music out to the world seemed... nice.
I then decided. Maybe I should stay here. Maybe I should make myself a career in this strange new world. A chance to be noticed and loved.
I felt a small vibration on my chest that woke me up. It was the middle of the night and everyone else was asleep. I picked up the phone on my chest and looked at the contact name.


Dad.. I had forgotten to call him today. I answered.

"Hey sweetie!". His voiced sounded cheery and excited. "How's New York?". Oh yeah. New York. Completely forgot that I disappeared off the face of the Earth. "Good" I told him. "I'm currently staying at umm.. my friend's house".
"My little (Y/N) already made some great friends!" my dad gasped. "What are their names? It would be great to meet them!". "Yeah" I sighed. "They're pretty great friends". "Anyways sweetie, just a little reminder that I love you!". I could hear him chuckle from the end of the line.

Our call ended and I returned to listening to music till I fell asleep. I couldn't tell him yet about my little trip to Vinyl City. I sighed and tried to stay calm.
It's alright...

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