{ barraca mansion }

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Three districts lost and one nervous wreck betraying their friends in secret.
It was early in the morning. Around 8 o clock. As I got up from my bed, I saw a note on my bedside table with a small parcel beside it.


I unravelled the parcel. It was a small black pin with the Bunk Bed Junction logo on it. I smiled. I put it into the pockets of my jeans. It was a nice gift, but I couldn't wear it now.
It was basically now a habit of mine to check up on the next NSR artist to get hijacked by BBJ. I only wanted to check up on them. And also make sure NSR trust me. This time, I was checking up on the famous robot boyband, 1010 and their manager. Metro Division was filled with neon lights. The f*cling trees were even made out of glow sticks. There were a bunch of fans at the gate of Barraca Mansion. They were all waving glowsticks and wearing merch and all screaming 1010's names. If 1010 were the BTS of this world, imagine how rabid the fans are.

I walked up to one of the security robots who were pushing away the crazy fans. "Entry denied" the bot told me as I got closer. "I'm part of NSR" I told it and passed it my NSR card. I hope nobody heard me. Yeah, my casual talking was probably drowned out by these rabid fans. The robot took the card and scanned it. "Permission to enter granted" it beeped out. It passed me back my card. I could just hear the fans screaming louder. Geez these guys are such simps. The security bot brought me to the entrance of Barraca Mansion while the other robots made sure the fans wouldn't get in.
"Enjoy your stay" the robot said to me, before going back to assist the other robots in keeping away the fans. Before I could knock on the door, the door swung open.

The leader of the boyband, Rin was standing at the door. "Why hello there~" he smirked at me. "Umm.. hi" I said. "Hey Rin! Who came to visit?" I could hear a voice down the hall. It was the blue 1010 robot, Purl-Hew. He came up to us. "Remember (Y/N) Purl?" Rin said to him. "They're the one who enchanted us with their pretty voice~". Gosh were these guys always so flirtatious???

"Well, bring them in Rin" Purl-Hew told his brother. "I'm sure the others will be happy to have a visitor over". He took off his sunglassss and winked at me, then walked back down the hall. Rin took my hand and walked me into the mansion as the door shut closed behind us. The walls were shiny white with portraits and pictures of 1010's various concerts and some of their albums.

We walked into the living room where the other members of 1010 were. "Boys~~" Rin sang with his auto-tuned voice. "We've got a visitor in the house". The other robots turned towards me. To be honest, it felt liked living one of those BTS or One Direction wattpad fics.

They all greeted me and introduced themselves to me. I sat down on the couch. "You know" the red robot, Zimelu told me. "You're way more prettier up close". "Oh" I muttered under my breath. "Okay then...". "Oh shut up Zim" Haym, the yellow robot chuckled. "You're making their pretty little face as red as your hair!". Oh yeah I guess I was blushing hard. I mean, these guys were bombing me with compliments. "So tell us (Y/N)" Purl-Hew told me. "Why did you decide to visit our sexy home?". "I guess I just wanted to check up on you guys" I told them. "I mean there have been hijacks of the recent concerts and I just wanted to visit to make sure y'all were oka-". "Aww you care about us!" the green robot, Eloni chuckled and hugged me. I was pretty much stuttering my words at this point and blushing as hard as f*ck.

Behind us, I could hear another voice. "Oh, you're here". I turned around to see their manager, Neon J. "Attention!" Rin yelled and he and and his brothers suddenly stood up and saluted. I didn't know what to do so I just saluted with them. "The other NSR artists have told me about you" Neon J told me. "Why don't you and I have a little chat in my office". "Umm.. Ok". I got up from the couch and followed him. "You five can go do your dance practice" he told the 1010 robots, and me and Neon J walked down to his office.
"So (Y/N), how are you enjoying your visit at our mansion?"
"I only arrived a few minutes ago, but it's pretty good so far"

We were in Neon J's office and we were chatting while he was sorting through some papers and I was sipping tea. There were figurines of previous 1010 models on the shelves. "Your sons were kind of flirting with me back there" I chuckled. "Never had so many compliments thrown at me all at once". "Ah yes. It's in their code to do that" Neon J told me. "Makes for a bigger fanbase, you know?". I nodded and drank down my tea. Honestly, I don't even know why he even has tea here. I mean, he has a sonar radar for a head for God's sake. Do they drink motor oil or something??

"Well I only came here to check up on you guys, not get flirted with!" I laughed. Neon J even let out an auto-tuned chuckle. "Oh well! You're going to have to get used to that in NSR!".

"Speaking of NSR" I said. "What are you guys planning to do about the hijacks? We only have two districts left in our power and-". "Oh don't worry about that" Neon J reassured me. "Tatiana says everything is going to be alright and that we can just continue our concerts as normal". I doubted his statement, but decided to trust him for now.

My tea was already finished at this point. I got up from my chair to head out of his office. "I guess I should leave you to your boyband manager duties" I said and walked out the room.
Mayday stared at the empty blue bedroom. "Damn, I wish (Y/N) wasn't so busy all the time" Mayday sighed. "They could've helped us with our hijacks and stuff". "Well, we got to respect their choice" Zuke said. "I know" May muttered. "But sometimes their choices..". She stared at the bag that Ellie was chewing. (Y/N) had bought some snacks for them last night and watched a movie with them, but some of the snacks were sponsored by NSR.

"Sometimes I just think their choices are total bulldozer". She grabbed the plastic snacks bag Ellie was chewing and ripped it into two. "I just wish that maybe they could spare more time to help us with our music revolution and hang out with us more". "Well, from where (Y/N) comes from, music revolutions aren't that common" Zuke explained to her. "So maybe they just aren't that prepared for this stuff?". Mayday sighed. "I guess you're right Zuke".

"Anyways, Kliff says we gotta go plan our next hijack" Zuke told her. "We should be heading now". Zuke went off to the strategy room. "Tell Kliff I'll be there in a minute!" Mayday yelled to him.

Mayday took one of the boxes and kicked it hard across the room. She had brought these boxes in case she was feeling stressed or angry and Zuke definitely didn't want her kicking the TV again. Ellie watched as Mayday continued stomping on the box, flattening it. Finally, Mayday sighed and went to the strategy room.

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