{ confetti attack }

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I jumped out of the helicopter. Our first stop, DreamFever district. There were two large... generator thingies??? That looked like Mayday and Zuke??? Excuse me what? "If they were going to do this, at least make us look better!" Mayday shouted and ran out to fight one of the security bots. There was graffiti on the walls and on Eve's masterpieces. "Your fans really are crazy" I told them and kicked one of the security bots.

"We have to do this quick though!" Zuke yelled to me and threw one of the bots into a nearby garbage can. In the distance, a large fireball was growing. Our fireball. OUR NSR satellite that was going to blow us up. "Okay, I deal with the robots. You guys give back the district!" I shouted at them and faced off the robots myself. I hit one of them with my microphone and kicked a second into a third robot. I also managed to summon those music notes from my BBJ battle and aimed them at the bots.

Mayday and Zuke managed to bust the generator thingies and gave the district back to Eve. "One district on, only four more to go!" Mayday told me. We both jumped back into the helicopter and flew off. As we flew, Mayday's phone kept on ringing.

It was Kliff sending text messages to her. Mayday scoffed and turned her phone on silent mode. "Don't need to listen to him anymore" she said. I nodded in the backseat. Only four more districts to return and power. Looks like we're gonna go on an all nighter.
When we finished, we flew over to the Grand Qwasa. The sun was coming up on the horizon, and the satellite was getting more closer than ever. We jumped out of the helicopter and onto the ground. In front of us, was a large frickin crowd of security bots. Excuse me what the hell?? Behind the robots was Kliff. Of course it had to be that moron again.

"I really don't want to do this, fellas!" he shouted. "But you forced my hand!". "Oh no.." I muttered under my breathe. Mayday and Zuke knocked out two of the robots. "Damnit, we don't have time to deal with Kliff!" Zuke shouted. "I know, right!?" Mayday yelled as she slammed her guitar into one of the robots. "He does realise that he might die with us, right?" I said as I kicked a robot and hit it with my microphone.

Among the ruckus, I could hear a familiar cold voice. "You look like you could use a hand". We turned towards the voice, including Kliff. Tatiana stepped out of one of the theatres, with her old rock guitar in hand. She striked a note on it, setting her hair into flames and a power wave towards the robots. The bots (and Kliff) flew out of our way, making a clear path to the Qwasa for us.

"Go! Go! Go!!" Mayday shouted as she grabbed our hands. We ran towards the Grand Qwasa and got onto it. The Qwasa kind of rose up into the sky. I should get used to the strange architecture here. I could see the other district charters, ready to help save the NSR tower and the whole of Vinyl City. It felt kind of intimidating to be high up in the air, about to save the world with a bunch of music stars. But I was one of them now, and we were going to help them save the city.

"There's only one way to end this!" Zuke shouted. "All together now everyone!" Mayday yelled. They raised their pinkies in the air. They smiled at me. I raised my hand in a fist and lifted my pinky up. "For Vinyl City!!" I exclaimed.


I saw the NSR tower move. It was moving so easily, like a console stick.

"Shakalaka BAM!!!"

The tower then started moving like crazy. I wonder what Tatiana was thinking when making the blueprints for this. Yes, install this feature in my super tall tower in case a crazy fan hacks into the system and our satellite comes crashing into it. Buildings in Vinyl City started to shake and move towards the tower. The buildings then formed into a huge fist. I was really impressed by this. I looked up into the sky. The satellite was getting dangerously closer to the tower.

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