{ burst into flames }

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"How are you doing, sweetie?" my Dad asked me. "Ah cool" I told him. I was looking through a few of my fan letters while sipping my coffee cup. My dad's voice chatted with me in the background. I smiled at the letters. I was only a known NSR member for a few days and they already like me. "Some.. drama happened between me and the buds, but now it's alright" I told him. I had a few bandages on my body from the scratches because from the battle.

"And also, I've been training for the music industry!" I told him. "I don't really think you need training" Dad said to me. "I think your voice is fine just the way it is". "Well, this is professional music after all" I explained to him. "Gotta raise my standards to the professionals".

I placed the rest of my fan letters onto my bedside table and turned on the TV. "Last night, Bunk Bed Junction took another district and defeated Eve" the newswoman said as normal. "Witnesses have also reported that they saw Bunk Bed Junction have a fight with new NSR recruit, (Y/N)". There was some footage of me in my slightly torn clothes walking back to my hotel. I chuckled. I had managed to stitch together some of the tears.

There was also some footage of one of their reporters trying to talk with me, but I had just walked back into the elevator. "Well, I just gotta say that I miss you, (Y/N)" my dad said to me. "I hope maybe I can visit you sometime soon in New York". I paused for a bit. Oh shoot...

"W-Well maybe after my official training is done Dad!" I said to the phone. "Wait till you see me when I-I'm a professional!". If my dad found out about me staying in Vinyl City, I might as well be screwed. I was going to have to explain a lot.

"Well, okay (Y/N)" my dad said. "We can set a plan after your training is done!". "Okay Dad!" I chuckled. The phone call finished and I sighed. I was able to deal with most of my problems, but what about my dad and my sudden appearance in Vinyl City?

Maybe I should think about this later. I opened my luggage bag and grabbed out my microphone. I tapped on it a few times and sung a quiet song on it.
"Thanks for listening!" I said to the audience. They cheered for me and I walked away from the Grand Qwasa. Some of them asked for autographs, but I was too busy to sign their jackets and stuff. I looked up at the NSR Tower. It was close to midnight now, they must be here soo-.

There was a red flash through the glass windows of the NSR Tower. Yeah, they were there. I started running through the districts, trying to get there as fast as possible. My vision changes from bright lights, to bright pastels, to autumn colours and then back to bright neon lights. I managed to finally reach NSR Tower and ran in. I pressed a button on the elevator controls and quickly ran inside.

As I ascended higher and higher into the tower, I could hear boss fight noises coming from upstairs. BBJ were there to finally take away Vinyl City from NSR's grasp. I could hear the clashing sounds of EDM and rock. I didn't want to wait.

The elevator finally reached the top floor and I burst through the open doors. I ran down the red velvet halls and pushed open the doors into Tatiana's office.
BBJ and Tatiana were fighting as expected. Tatiana had some large glowing key in her chest??? Was she f*cking stabbed in the chest or something?

I swear, everytime I take a step close to any of the NSR members, I start to go crazy. Like, where is the logic in this world???

The 7 murals were broken, and instead showing some reflection of a concert stage. I recognised it. Mayday had shown me a video of one of Kul Fuyra's first performances. The past was catching up to Tatiana now.

I don't think anyone noticed me yet. They were too busy in their little rock vs EDM battle. Maybe I was an idiot for coming here. No. I need to know about the aftermath of this battle. Who was going to win? What will happen after the other's defeat?

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