{ t r a i t o r }

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"So, where are you guys planning to go next?" I asked her. "Oh, Kliff says we have to go hijack 1010's concert" Mayday told me. "We're gonna kick their handso- I mean their robotic butts next". I chuckled. "Well, we gotta go now" May said. "See ya later bud!". She hung up and I sighed.
I was backstage yet again. I had to clip my ID card onto my jacket to be let in. The staff members were making sure the "limo" was riding smoothly and making sure the lights were okay. I was waiting for Bunk Bed Junction to find their way through security.

There were security cameras all over the place. Maybe because of 1010's crazy popularity. We wouldn't want any of the fans sneaking in. Also, the members of 1010 were really fragile as robots. Then I saw what I was knowing I would see. Bunk Bed Junction hamming on their instruments and destroying the security robots. The staff members were panicking.

Ah, oh no. Bunk Bed Junction is going to come hijack this concert. How unexpected.

One of them went off to tell Neon J. I was sitting there with a blank face, but I was also worried about both sides. I've practically been useless for both of them. What should I do? Something stupid?? Probably not.
I did something stupid. Why did I do this???

I had managed to sneak onto their "limo". I was just at the back, just out of sight. I could find out more easily what was happening on stage and find out a plan about who to work for.

I heard footsteps approaching. "Your flying circus ends now 1010!!" I heard Mayday yell. I looked over to try and see what was happening. Mayday and Zuke somehow managed to get on the "limo". The 1010 robots continued bopping to the music, looking away from Mayday and Zuke. "Oi!! We're crashing your party!!" Mayday shouted again. "Hello!! 1010!!". I saw Rin turn his head towards them. "Look boys~". Oh no, they're going to flirt with her.

"Our one true love is finally here. Let's be the ideal boyfriend and give her our utmost attention". "What?" I heard Mayday say. "Attention!" Rin yelled and they all saluted. Even Mayday saluted. Zuke was just looking at both 1010 and Mayday like "What the f*ck is going on here??".

"Wait.. why are we saluting again???" Mayday asked herself. "We're saluting for gracing us with your exotic beauty!" Zimelu told her.
"Your lustrous hair, your beautiful gaze, even you lips! Which form that radiant smile". Each of the 1010 robots was basically bombing her with compliments the same way they did with me. "Our breathes are stifled" Rin told her. Each of the 1010 members then sang out an auto-tuned "stifled~" with some pose.

"Ha! As if you could sway Mayday with your cheap compliments!" Zuke told them. "You tell them May!". He turned towards Mayday, who's face was now blushing hard with a daydreamy smile. "Umm, May?". He shook her shoulder. "What?" Mayday asked Zuke. "You're just jelly that all these pretty boys are fawning over me!". "May-" Zuke said before getting cut off her. "Did you hear what they said about my lips though??" May chuckled.

Zuke just looked at her and then looked back at 1010 with a horrified expression. "What have you done to her, 1010!?" he yelled at them. "Ha, haters gonna hate" Rin replied back. "When we show up, we get the sexy mission done". Gotta admit, that was pretty corny but go on.

"You better put on your tacticlal goggles because" Rin said. "We're gonna bring the HEEEEAAATTT~~~". The battle had started and I was still crouched up hiding, trying to decide what to do next. I watched as Zuke and May hammed on their instruments, May holding back a little. They still managed to destroy Rin. Like, actually destroy his entire robot body. They literally made him explode. How???

Neon J then came on his umm... flying factory??? "Intruders!" he yelled. "Where!?" Mayday yelled. "Oh wait...". I was even pointing at myself for a while. "You mess with my troops, you mess with me!" Neon J yelled. "1010 never surrenders! Deploy, Operation Party All NIIIGHHHTTT~~~". The factory managed to make a new Rin out of nowhere.

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