{ bright cyan }

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"Well, that was awkward" Mayday said to Zuke. "Can't believe your ex-bandmate is that strong". She continued sipping her soda and scrolling through her phone. "Well, it all turned out good in the end" Zuke sighed. They had just finished hijacking Eve's concert and were walking back to their home in the sewers, currently walking in Cast Tech.

Mayday suddenly stopped in her tracks. "May, you alright?" Zuke said to her. "Umm, May?". "I-I think I heard something" she told him. She continued listening. It was singing. She knew that voice. And she didn't like it. "Come on Zuke" May told him. "I think we got another distraction besides your brother". She started running to the Festival Plaza. "Oh god" Zuke sighed and followed her.
Mayday and Zuke stopped at the Grand Qwasa. There was someone there to meet them. (Y/N). They were singing in front of a crowd, not facing May and Zuke. They looked different from the last night BBJ met them. Their normal casual clothes turned into something a bit more flashy. A long white laboratory coat with a cyan NSR logo on the back with cyan leggings and black jeans, one leg rolled up. They also wore cyan headphones, white sneakers and black gloves.

They were.. singing. With a proud smile on their face. They obviously enjoyed singing to the crowd. The audience they had managed to collect cheered for them. "May, I really think we should go home.." Zuke said to her. He knew what Mayday was planning on doing. "AYY(Y/N)!!" Mayday shouted. "HOW'S THE FAME GOING FOR YOU THERE, BUD!?!".

(Y/N) paused their singing for a moment and turned around. They were wearing a black turtleneck sweater with their NSR badge pinned onto their coat. "Oh, hey May!" they said cheerfully with a smile. "Sorry guys, I'll come back with another performance soon!". They waved to the crowd and walked over to Mayday and Zuke. "Hey guys" they said. "How are the hijacks going?". "Oh good so far" Mayday told them with a scowl on her face. "We've only got Tatiana to take down and then Vinyl City will be free from their rule!". "You're talking bout all this music revolution drama like it's a Pokémon game" (Y/N) told her. Mayday didn't know what a Pokémon was, but that wasn't important now. (Y/N) sighed. "By the way May, we really need to-"

"I saw you doing your little gig there" Mayday interrupted them, the scowl still present. "How's life now that you're part of an evil organization?". "Well, it's not really that evil, not gonna lie". (Y/N) tapped on her microphone a few times. "I get to show my talents to the world though". "Pfft, show off" Mayday laughed. (Y/N) furrowed their eyebrows.

"I perform one gig and you think I'm the show off?" (Y/N) questioned her. "You destroy this city's government and you think I'M the show off?". "Hey! We're doing this for the better good of Vinyl City!" Mayday yelled. "That's just what your brain is telling you, blondie!" (Y/N) shouted back. "There were audiences at some those concerts! You could've killed them if security didn't force them out!" Zuke looked over Mayday's shoulder. "May, why can't we just-". "YOU WANNA FIGHT!?!" Mayday yelled. "Oh, you wanna scrap?" (Y/N) laughed. "Yeah, we can fight" Mayday scowled. "Your microphone versus our cool rock music". (Y/N) looked nervous. They didn't plan to fight. But if it was a fight May wanted, a fight she would get. "Deal then, punks" (Y/N) chuckled. They held out their hand, expecting some form of handshake. But Mayday slapped it away instead.
We stood in an alleyway. There was enough space for us to do our little karaoke fight or something. I had watched some of the NSR artist's concerts and how they had battled using their music. I had also practiced lots with my voice. Surely I could find out how to battle using it.

"I'll try to take it easy on you" Mayday told me. "Wait.. nevermind! As if I would go easy on a back-stabber!". "May, we really should be heading home.." Zuke said to her. "Oh one practice fight can't go wrong!" Mayday told him and grinned. She held her guitar, ready to fight.

"Oh well" I chuckled. "I guess this is where we start fighting". I tapped my foot a few times on the ground and it made a small, glowing cyan crack in the cement. I looked at the crack in shock. I didn't know I could do that. Even Mayday and Zuke looked at me with a surprised look on their faces. "Haha- Ignore that" I chuckled nervously. I had my microphone to my lips. "We start fighting now". Mayday and Zuke readied their instruments.

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