{ tears and coffee }

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Do you know why they call our government No Straight Roads? I see people on the internet joke about how some of the district charters confirm that their sexuality is definitely not straight. Even though that is definitely true, maybe there's multiple reasons.

We change. Our opinions change. We don't always stay on the same road for long.

Tatiana switched from rock to EDM. Bunk Bed Junction changed their opinion on NSR. We change our tastes in music, our choices, the path we want to take. We mature. We are always on a wonky, trouble filled path. The road ahead of us is not straight. No Straight Roads.
"Last night, the indie rock band, Bunk Bed Junction hijacked the famous boyband, 1010. We also got a shocking secret revealed to us as (Y/N)(L/N), a contestant in the recent Lights Up auditions reveals that they used to be allies with Bunk Bed Junction but now works with NSR as an artist in the making. Today, our news reporters managed to interview (Y/N) about their experience working with both rock and EDM".

"Do you guys literally have to be here this early!?" (Y/N) yelled at the reporter. "Why did you decide to go EDM?" the reporters asked them. (Y/N) turned away from the camera, cursed something under their breath, and turned back towards the camera. "Well, I always wanted a career in music and NSR accepted me so why the heck not?" (Y/N) told him.

"Did you plan on revealing you alliance with Bunk Bed Junction or NSR earlier?" the interviewer asked (Y/N). "hA- No" (Y/N) replied to him. "Probably would've caused me trouble". "Now that you've fully sided with NSR, what is your opinion now on Bunk Bed Junction?" he asked (Y/N). They moaned. "Okay, please let this be the last question" (Y/N) mumbled.

"Look. Mayday and Zuke, I know you're watching". They looked straight at the camera. "Don't you dare punch the TV now". "You may think you're doing the right thing, but you still have done some bad stuff". They sighed. "You're going to end up causing more problems that you solved, okay?". "You're making everything more dangerous than it was before you began your little hijacks!" (Y/N) yelled at the camera. "YOU GUYS ARE JUST CAUSING A BUNCH OF CHAO-"
Mayday punched the already kind of shattered TV. "Seriously May?" Zuke said to her. "Right now?". "You know exactly why I did that!" Mayday yelled at him. "That back-stabbing, little, fricking rascal!". Mayday grabbed one of the boxes off the floor and kicked it against a wall.

"You really need to calm down" Zuke said to her. "You don't get it Zuke!" Mayday shouted. "They were a friend! They would've made a great teammate but NO!! They decide to go EDM behind all of our backs!". Ellie watched nervously on the couch.

"May!" Zuke told her and grabbed her shoulder. "How about we just, go get some smoothies and clear our minds". Mayday grumbled. "Okay, fine". She looked over at the blue abandoned bedroom where (Y/N) used to sleep. Their microphone and luggage was still in the room.

She remembers when (Y/N) first came here as a guest and they managed to bond a bit. The times all three of them managed to hang out as friends were great. Before... All this.

"Just wait" Mayday said to him. "I need to go do something".
"Just, shoo!" I yelled at the reporters. "I'm trying to take a freaking nap!". When the reporters finally left me alone, I shut the door and flopped down onto my bed. My mind was just racing. Did Zuke and Mayday hear me, or did Mayday already punch the TV before they could hear my message?

I don't know why I even acted as an antagonist towards them now. I still cared about them. But they were the ones who freaked out. And I just felt like releasing all my anger out on someone.

There was another knock on the door. "Go away!" I yelled. "I'm sick of you dang reporters!". "(Y/N), it's me" I heard a voice say on the other side. "I just wanted to check up on you". It was Eve. I got up from the bed and opened the door.

She looked very different when she wasn't in her work attire. She had her long hair in a ponytail and she was wearing casual jeans and heels. "Tatiana told me you weren't feeling very well" she told me. "I bought you some coffee". She was holding two coffee cups.

"Ah.. thanks Eve" I said. "Come in, if you want to". We walked into my hotel room and I sat on the bed. Eve decided to sit on the chair next to the bed. I stared down at my coffee cup. It was the same type of coffee I had on my first day in Vinyl City. I knew it tasted good, but I didn't feel like drinking coffee today.

"Are you alright?" Eve asked me. I stared at the liquid in my coffee cup. I could feel tears in my eyes. Usually, coffee would've calmed me down. But now it was just a reminder of the first time I met May and Zuke at the café. And a reminder of how Tatiana saw me hanging out with them. The tears were now falling into the coffee.

"It's alright dear" Eve said to me. "Just let the anger out". I placed my coffee cup on my bedside table. I didn't feel like drinking now. I grabbed my pillow off my bed and screamed into it. It felt good to scream at something.

I lifted my head again. Eve was sipping her coffee, looking at me. "Do you feel alright now?" she asked me. "I-I think so" I told her. She sighed. "I felt the same way as you when I was in college" she told me. "A friend of mine ran away from me, and I was left alone to my own beliefs and confusion". "That person must be a jerk" I said to her. "But I managed to persevere, even when he wasn't there to be with me" she said to me. I looked back at my pillow. There were a few dark spots where my tears dried up.

She looked up at the clock in my wall. "I should probably go now" she said to me. "I need to help plan my concert". They were still holding concerts even after the multiple hijacks and the incident last night.

"Ah well" I said. "See ya later Evie". She walked out of my room. I was left alone in my hotel room yet again. I looked back at the pillow in my lap. It reminded me of when I was still living with BBJ and Ellie in the sewers. The last time we really bonded with eachother when we were making fun of that stupid movie.
There was another knock on my door. There was a mixture of relief and anger in my heart. Maybe it was someone else who wanted to check up on me. Maybe it was those dang reporters again. "Who the absolute hell is it?" I asked, with a calm expression on my face. There was no answer.

I got up and opened the door again. I was half expecting another person to be there, but nobody was there. "Uhh, guys?" I said. Nobody was in the halls. "Guys???" I yelled into the hallways. I did hear faint footsteps from down the halls though. I was about to walk out when my foot hit something.

I looked down. It was my luggage. My microphone was also there. I know only one person who could've left it there. I brought my luggage and microphone into my hotel room. I sat down on the bed. Did they still care about me? Maybe?? Maybe they only did this to remove those memories of me?? I don't know.

I need to be more confident. I need to let that go. I need to move on. If I'm going to be part of a great council, I need to let go of my messy past and walk on. I looked at the time. If my estimation was correct, Eve would be holding her concert somewhere around 10 pm. The concerts usually started around there. I grabbed my microphone. I needed to talk with them.

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